Mobile phone recommendations.


VIP Professional
I use an iPhone and would only recommend it, if you live near an Apple Store and buy it with the Apple Care extended warranty (for duration of your contract). The same goes for any relatively expensive Apple products.

If this is your first cell phone, and you predict low usage, I'd suggest a cheap prepaid phone with no contract, or a cheap monthly plan. Cell phone bills have a tendency to "creep up" like your cable/satellite TV and internet broadband bill.


I just need something that send and receive calls and text messages for now, but I am not sure if there is going to be any sort of "mission creep" in the near future.

You are not alone! I've been trying to convince my parents to get a cell phone for the past 10 years. And they are just starting to seriously think about it. As they are going to Australia at the end of this month to visit my sister (and do some sight-seeing while there) and they feel that they need to have a cell phone to contact people while they travel across the country, they are finally thinking about getting one.

As for the type of phones, based on what you mentioned earlier, it seems that you don't care too much about all the bells and whistles. Nowadays and gazillion generations of cell phones later, the technology has gotten to a stage that the most basic phone you can get will more than satisfy you for basic phone calls and text messages. So it seems to me, the actual phone is not a problem, but the plan and the phone company is crucial. I would get the cheapest plan to go with a free phone. Some of the major issues with cell phone companies: the actual service area and chance of drop-off.


Banned Idiot
I've never thought that it would come to this, but I am finally getting a mobile phone, as I need one for my new job, which ones would you people recommend? I don't need anything fancy, just something cost effective. Cheers.

But then if only want the phone to receive calls just get a pre paid one, and make as little calls as possible.

Im on a plan where I pay no monthly account fees at all because i have a landline account with them. Ive only ever made about 6 calls over 3yrs Ive had it, but Ive received plenty. So basically I virtually pay nothing monthly for a active phone.


VIP Professional
Huh?? All I care about in a cell phone is ease of use. Can I easily make a call? Are the friggin' buttons made for a 16 year old girl and not a grown man with big fingers? That kinda stuff. Makers of cell/mobile phones don't care about users over the age of 50..not at all.

Maybe you should try Jitterbug. They're specifically made for the older generation.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Maybe you should try Jitterbug. They're specifically made for the older generation.

Nope..I have an ATT phone my son gave me for Christmas. He pays the bill. ;) Some sort of family plan. The phone I have is my standards. But it serves my needs well. My only beef with the phone is that it does so much stuff I will never use..but that's OK..It's free!


The Punisher
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well, people buy nokia for its robustness and general quality (however my mom's nokia screen broke after a year...), and there are a few generic nokia phones that you can find.

Just remember if you travel around the world a lot and you want to be able to use your phone in both Asian and North America, then you'll need a phone that handles 3 different frequencies (it's a part of the phone spec you should see when buying one).


Senior Member
VIP Professional
I'd say that Vesicles hit the nail on the head. I could talk about our companies here but you aren't in the US. Most phones will do calls and SMS and take basic photoes. Flip phones are apparently going out of fashion. :)() Most are either solids like Nokia or more common, slip phones. If your company still has the Samsung SGH-A707, I recommend it for its solid construction. It's pretty basic but I like it.

Company matters A LOT. Gadgets aren't worth spit if you are always out of the network or your calls keep getting disced or dropped and all these change with your company.

Vesicles: Check your phones' chargers. My mom took 2 phones from the US to China for us to use and sure enough the chargers fried.

Steelbird: In Cambodia?! Dang!

And my Dad don't like the small buttons either.


Steelbird: In Cambodia?! Dang!

Hey! You never know that SteelBird is from Cambodia? He never keep that as a secret.

Here, more and more people are using dual SIM phones made in China. Of course those phones are improving in quality. They are rather cheap, at US$100 more or less, and equipped with everything found on a modern phone: large touch screen, MP3 & MP4, camera and TV. But those never come with 3G. People here use more than one network because calling across is difficult and expensive.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
I been knew. But I never thought Cambodia, a poor country hard hit by Khmer Rouge with a poorly trained and armed army, would be filled with cell phones... :D

But what you said, that's up to date!