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There's lots of rumors, the one I heard is a Seawolf-class has been bottled up in Bohai.

Given the size of Seawolf and depth of Bohai I think we can dismiss that out of hand to be on the same level as Ghost of Kiev or 052D lurking off the coast of California.

In before all the jokes about "Blue October" and how the Seawolf XO would like to have two Chinese wives cooking rabbits for him.
Surely they're not retarded enough to sail a sub into such well defended waters.

It'd just get surrounded by navy/coast guard and the sea floor and end up looking like that container ship that got stuck in the suez canal


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USA"f" is so mighty.. no balloons over USA! 4 in a week. wow. Show of force.

This is criminal act. You cannot down civilian research vehicles like this with impunity with ZERO danger to anyone what so ever. This is what weather balloons do! I bet there is weather ballons over all over the world that belongs to NOAA right now.


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Former acting Defense Secretary Christopher C. Miller has a message for Washington: cut the defense budget "dramatically" and stop making China a bogeyman.

Miller argues the Pentagon budget, now at $816 billion, could be slashed by as much as half.

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In an interview with CBS News, former acting defense secretary Christopher C. Miller argued the defense budget could be slashed by as much as half and Washington should stop making China a bogeyman. He suggests the military-industrial complex has spiraled to unsustainable levels and encouraged military and political leaders to exaggerate global conflicts.

As a former top officer of the US military, Miller fully understands the connection between the military-industrial complex, the White House and the Pentagon. He is also clearly aware that the unbridled expansion of the US military will trigger tremendous damage to the country as well as its people, Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military expert, told the Global Times.
I thought the secretory of defense should be familiar with how United States work by this point, the United States needs enemy and boogeyman, without them them the US would have no external target for moralistic flexing and to blame for their woes, without it the US will inevitably make an enemy out of its other half and destroy itself in the process.


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Iranian President Raisi just published a letter on People's Daily just before his visit to China.
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Guess which world leader also published a letter on Chinese official media (Xinhua) just before visiting China last year ;)
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Coincidence? I think we'll soon find out when the West Asia Theatre of WWIII starts.
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The West keep saying in Ukraine that they won’t send this or do that but eventually do it anyway. As far as I am concerned, they keep foreshadowing their plans to everyone.

Maybe their escalating economic tech blockade on China is really just a move to lessen the financial pain now before 2025 hits. Who knows. A war against China could easily help secure Biden re-election in late 2024.

Their 2025 foreshadowing is proceeding right on schedule.

I suggest to all the pacifists to stop sucking on their copium sticks that the US isn’t going to risk Nuclear War with China.

US lawmakers prepare plan to 'infuriate' China (by sending a congressional delegation to Taiwan) – Nikkei​

The US House of Representatives Select Committee on China is discussing whether it should send a congressional delegation to Taiwan despite realizing that such a move would likely rile up Beijing, Nikkei reported on Sunday, citing an American lawmaker.

Congressman Rob Wittman (R-Virginia), who sits on the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the US and the Chinese Communist Party, told the Japanese outlet that some of the panel’s members are exploring the possibility of visiting the self-governed island in a show of support.

Wittman conceded that such a trip would “infuriate the Chinese.” Beijing considers the island an inalienable part of its territory.

“But I think it’s incredibly important for us to do that, because you have to send the signal that we’re strongly on the side of Taiwan,” he explained.

The committee on China, which was established just a month ago after the Republicans took over the House following the midterm elections, seeks to respond to what the US regards as mounting challenges from Beijing in various fields, including national security, trade, and the economy.
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