Miscellaneous News


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I remember hearing once sometime around 2008 PLA spotted an unidentified object on radar flying at low speed across Beijing airspace. It was too slow for fighters to get a good look at so they dispatched a helicopter gunship instead and when the pilot got close they reported it was this sort of balloon:

Those shinny balloon skin is made from a material called ALMPET which is PET plastic with vacuum deposited aluminum coating, and they do show up strongly on radar apparently. Perhaps the recent two events in Alaska and Canada is similar?


Junior Member
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Another interesting piece for weekend reading:

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I guess it was not that there was no cool head on war during 2022. I think more and more people seeing a stalemate that is antithesis to the western narratives in 2022. And some of those grownups merely are catching up with what we have been say about the war in this forum. Now it is incumbent to the DC elites in power to choose.


Registered Member
Indian media is going crazy over a supposed 6 million tonnes of lithium (ore?) discovered in Kashmir

How significant is this? I have no idea how much it actually means, or whether it'll be commercially viable, how many years to set up mines etc
That's hard to say.

The Indian articles reported something like

"Geological Survey of India for the first time established Lithium inferred resources (G3) of 5.9 million tonnes in the Salal-Haimana area of the Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir," the Ministry of Mines said on Thursday.

Then I read USGS classification of inferred resource here
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First one drill a hole and detected the existence of the mineral. One should also study the geology of the area. Then one assumes that the sample from the whole is continuously spreading out to the whole area with a assumed thickness.

To the other end, is the measured resource, that is detected by many drilling and samples spreading out to the known area.

Also, resource is not reserve in USGS definition, reserve is the one you can extract with today's technology economically. Reserve can be 90% of known resource, or nothing at all.

If India is lucky, they would be just after Chile of reserve, or if unlucky they have nothing. It seems Indians are very optimistic as usual, so much so that the wikipedia page
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has been quickly updated to reserve instead of official word inferred resources

See the following table, Chile is very lucky that almost all the known resources are extricable, Argentina is unlucky only 10%. Many countries have large resources but reserves unknown like the heavyweight Bolivia.


Registered Member
Another interesting piece for weekend reading:

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I guess it was not that there was no cool head on war during 2022. I think more and more people seeing a stalemate that is antithesis to the western narratives in 2022. And some of those grownups merely are catching up with what we have been say about the war in this forum. Now it is incumbent to the DC elites in power to choose.

German journalist went and saw Russian planes in sky. i guess German really believed in Ukrainian created myth that Russia not using air force. Baerbock is becoming less enthusiastic about weopons. She made speach also in Berlin where word Peace she used more often and said Ukraine need war to end. She didnot said Germany need war to end but Ukraine. it still fork tongue approach.

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Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock urges caution in the debate about arms deliveries to Ukraine. It is important to "always weigh carefully," said Baerbock on Saturday. However, a delivery of fighter jets is not discussed.​
