Xi is gonna run out of social credit points to give out! Collapse of China confirmed.
What Taiwan Can Learn from Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive Against Russia
Biden Approved Secret Nuclear Strategy Refocusing on Chinese Threat
In a classified document approved in March, the president ordered U.S. forces to prepare for possible coordinated nuclear confrontations with Russia, China and North Korea.
You can today obtain a 2700$ Chinese robodog that can take all sorts of abuse and even work in warzones.If people think the cultural war is bad, just wait until meatless movement and AI women rights movements starts to get pushed by gen alpha virtue signalers.
China is far from a developing nation and is rather at the forefront of technology. Which is what will earn them adoration from western crowds, as the west becomes forced to turn to China for exotic products not avaliable at home.China being a developing nation and having a moderated social media will move on social changes deliberately and slowly. Right wing incels in the West will become closeted wumaos just like they became fans of Russia.
It's funny to see some of U-turns on China from Gamers the past few years. There used to be a time where they hated China because of the collateral censorship in games. The irony. Lol.
Not so secret... Another example of how the US can only repeat the old and try to make it out to be new again. You mean they haven't been planning and preparing for similar scenarios before...?
use "twitter" in the url instead of "x"
I always felt White liberals are more anti China then Conservatives right wing whites The liberals got this white savior human rights complex look at CNN BBC NY times and Reddit all anti china media site run by Liberals while right wing Conservative hate more towards blacks trans islam Mexicans,
You can see the pattern forming here. Indians do the same but with less skill. And it opens a door to perpetuate expansionism, as all you gotta do is invent a belief that a distant ancestor once lived here and there. Using this method, the Jews have found ancestral homes in places as far as Iran, Kazakhstan, and Afghanistan. Some recently even started perpetuating the idea that the Pashtun ethnic group of Afghanistan and Pakistan are Israelites.
Unlike his immigrant father from Tehran, Iran, Nicolas Bijan Pakzad was born at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, the same hospital that tried to save his father, and the same medical center his beautiful daughter came into the world.
Mao was always based, His gun barrel quote is what made me interested in Chinese civil war history.I believe in Chairman Mao!
Another day, another slogan.
Mao said, referring to the Americans, the conservatives are bad, but Liberals are the worst.
Nothing ever changes!
Obviously you shouldn't stay at a minimum wage job for 20 years, But if you have a decent career and live frugally you can pull it off, Some white Americans already do this but they usually retire to Latin America or South east Asia, So definitely possible with the right planning and good financial discipline.There are richer countries than US, mostly medium/small sized ones.
I guess a lot of them are unable to move because of debt. Rent, transport, necessities all exceed earnings from lower paying jobs. Unless you "made it" to a high paying job and are willing to grind hard, you're actively accruing net losses while in America, which makes it even harder for you to get out.
Aren't those typically more the middle manager IT/factory floor worker/nurses types though? They're a fair bit above minimum wage. True minimum wage are like waiters at low end restaurant, delivery workers, informal teaching staff, store clerks, fast food cooks etc which I believe most of these African community that can't save enough to get out belong to.Mao was always based, His gun barrel quote is what made me interested in Chinese civil war history.
Obviously you shouldn't stay at a minimum wage job for 20 years, But if you have a decent career and live frugally you can pull it off, Some white Americans already do this but they usually retire to Latin America or South east Asia, So definitely possible with the right planning and good financial discipline.