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America is laying the revanchist groundwork to claim that core areas of China don't really belong to China and in fact can belong to any country or no one - much like Putin has done before he initiated the attack on Ukraine.

In fact the proper response for this is to move the war to Europe, Israel and the Americas, the territory viewed by Washington as their own core areas. By empowering armed actors, revanchist allies of China and even just random criminal fighters in these regions, China can interdict NATO before NATO can assemble an Asian invasion force.

The other response is that should US manage to attempt invasion anyways, China must restrict fighting for US to Taiwan province only. Unlike Ukraine, which has no choice on where Russia can strike due to sheer power difference, China can reach out to anywhere in Asia with extreme violence to deter the invaders' behavior.

Were an American invasion force to, as the article threatens quote: "and every Chinese worker should understand that working in a Chinese defense factory could be his or her death warrant.", China must respond with such disproportionate violence that whoever provided the base for the terrorist attack is forever deterred from carrying out another. What I am speaking of is the replication of the most infamous civilian massacres in history, perpetrated this time through aerial means, which is well within Chinese industrial ability to deliver, anywhere up to 1000-3000km away from the mainland.

It is morally justified in the face of defense against invasion.

Through such threats alone, never mind actually needing to carry them out, China can restrict the invaders into a predictable path towards Taiwan only and prevent disruptions to economic functions on the mainland.
China must understand that any war with the U.S. is attempted genocide on the part of the Anglo Americans and must fight like demons with the intent to deprive the anglos of Australia and the North American continent. The key must be to relegate them to their ancestral Island of Britain. It’s similar to how despite suffering massive losses at Cannae and lake Trasimene, the Roman’s never surrendered and continued fighting with the belief that they were fighting for their very existence.
Yeah, I'd like to see those Wanwanese rebels attempt to land on the beaches of Xiamen and march to Beijing from there. It'll absolutely be the biggest ever military operational joke the world has ever seen.
i hazard a guess the Ukrainian forces that formed the Kursk invasion force are really polish mercenaries and Americans and NATO in harkonnen livery.
However, were an unambiguous attempt to kill tens of thousands of civilians by flooding a dam be livestreamed in a similar way the rocket attacks on Israel have been livestreamed and watched by OSINT across the world in addition to local civilians, this attitude of invulnerability would immediately change. As such, China would have not just the legal but now also the popular justification to instantly end the war by nuking for example major rebel strongholds in Hualien and Taichung.
you’re falling into the trap that the anglos want of poisoning Chinese territory and Chinese genes, it is clear that such an attack on mainland China is really the design of the anglos so it makes little sense to smash the cats paw when the real instigators can live freely safely on their North American continent.


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I’m sure the amount of money lost from people panic unsubscribing Disney Plus and the amount of negative publicity cost way less than settling the matter out of court with the family…

This goes to show that the prestigious Disney lawyers are clever, but not smart. However they are still superior to US foreign policy makers, who sadly are neither.


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The meme is literally false if you know a thing or two about European history, such as the Inquisition. It was not much better in Europe throughout its history until modern times, yet we still had the wanton killings during the two world wars and the Holocaust.
Europe's version is way more dripped out
you’re falling into the trap that the anglos want of poisoning Chinese territory and Chinese genes, it is clear that such an attack on mainland China is really the design of the anglos so it makes little sense to smash the cats paw when the real instigators can live freely safely on their North American continent.
A tactical warhead on major militant strongholds will not poison any territory. Look at the city of Hiroshima today for example.

In reality, the use of depleted uranium munitions by the PLA will cause many times more environmental damage within Chinese territory than any nuclear live testing, hence why it is important to avoid it to the absolute highest degrees as possible.

Having escalation dominance means that China can to some extent modulate behavior among a hypothetical attacker. The right to deploy nuclear weapons inside the country has a role, for example if terrorists state intent or attempt to carry out civilian massacres inside and/or outside Taiwan. Because the armed wing of KMT has essentially no response or counter to it.

Or for example should a wider full scale invasion be started by the US and China risk losing a lot of ground to US inside Taiwan, with no realistic short term plans to recapture it, the option of nuclear use should also be considered, to immediately capitulate them out of the war and allow PLA full focus to repel the US forces.

China is not Ukraine, we have a truly immense range of return options to choose from that they don't, we don't have to just sit and take an invasion head on.


Registered Member
I’m sure the amount of money lost from people panic unsubscribing Disney Plus and the amount of negative publicity cost way less than settling the matter out of court with the family…

No point unsubscribing. Disney is saying you can’t sue them because you made an account. Not if you have an active subscription. The person in the article made an free trial account in 2019 which was later paused after the trial ended.


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Funny stuff:
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The third Voice of Global South Summit hosted by India on Saturday in the virtual format.
In the last few years, India has been positioning itself as a leading voice, flagging concerns, challenges and aspirations of the Global South or the developing nations, especially the African continent.

As the G20 president last year, India focused on issues like inclusive growth, digital innovation, climate resilience, and equitable global health access with an aim to benefit the Global South
Other issues that came up at the foreign ministerial sessions were the rules based order, mutual respect, sovereignity.


Registered Member
Europe's version is way more dripped out
The difference is those are just bones of dead people. Those crypts are deliberately made like that to make people reflect about their own death. In the case of the Aztecs they did actual human sacrifices. They had a similar religion to that of ancient Babylon. The Aztecs raided nearby tribes to get slaves. Some of the slaves would get sacrificed.


Senior Member
China must understand that any war with the U.S. is attempted genocide on the part of the Anglo Americans and must fight like demons with the intent to deprive the anglos of Australia and the North American continent. The key must be to relegate them to their ancestral Island of Britain. It’s similar to how despite suffering massive losses at Cannae and lake Trasimene, the Roman’s never surrendered and continued fighting with the belief that they were fighting for their very existence.

i hazard a guess the Ukrainian forces that formed the Kursk invasion force are really polish mercenaries and Americans and NATO in harkonnen livery.

you’re falling into the trap that the anglos want of poisoning Chinese territory and Chinese genes, it is clear that such an attack on mainland China is really the design of the anglos so it makes little sense to smash the cats paw when the real instigators can live freely safely on their North American continent.
It is why the outbreak of WWIII can only lead to the destruction of the Anglo-American oriented world, as the perpetration of the Palestinian genocide by Anglo-American aligned Israeli forces is basically a forerunner to what they wish to do to any opposition to their power and privileges across the globe.

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Europe's version is way more dripped out
View attachment 134368

A tactical warhead on major militant strongholds will not poison any territory. Look at the city of Hiroshima today for example.

In reality, the use of depleted uranium munitions by the PLA will cause many times more environmental damage within Chinese territory than any nuclear live testing, hence why it is important to avoid it to the absolute highest degrees as possible.

Having escalation dominance means that China can to some extent modulate behavior among a hypothetical attacker. The right to deploy nuclear weapons inside the country has a role, for example if terrorists state intent or attempt to carry out civilian massacres inside and/or outside Taiwan. Because the armed wing of KMT has essentially no response or counter to it.

Or for example should a wider full scale invasion be started by the US and China risk losing a lot of ground to US inside Taiwan, with no realistic short term plans to recapture it, the option of nuclear use should also be considered, to immediately capitulate them out of the war and allow PLA full focus to repel the US forces.

China is not Ukraine, we have a truly immense range of return options to choose from that they don't, we don't have to just sit and take an invasion head on.
TF is that? It looks like an ancient vampire's lair. George Soros's house?
It's the Sedlec Ossuary in Czechia:
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