Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
White people are "tolerant" because they have a history of intolerance. It's about proving otherwise. WWII weakened the West. They were facing a world revolution against their colonialism lead by communism. Why do you think the West hated China even more than they do the Soviet Union? It's because China was the first country to revolt and kick out the West. When slaves in the US escaped from their white masters, the white masters thought they were the victim of a crime. When China turned communist, the Democrats and Republicans in the US were accusing each other of who lost China? I didn't know China was theirs to lose. They thought like that where China was their property. So that's why they hate China more than the Soviet Union. China done them wrong and it made them paranoid that it was going to happen to the rest of their colonies around the world. That's why they became "tolerant". This is when the West embraced the new foreign concept to them called "human rights". If they didn't, they were going to face an anti-West world. This way they can install a puppet dictator that was still beholden to them. Why do you think the "human rights loving" West were big on supporting dictators during the Cold War? And why would they have to go through this charade? Look at what's happening today. The importance of supply chains have been brought up more than ever before. That's why they raped the world in the first place. They needed the natural resources of the world to have power over the world because the didn't have them at home. It's always been about that up to even today. I'm being easy on them because I could just say they were monsters that loved raping and killing for their own pleasure.

Don't confuse the West's inability in maintaining control of their colonies as tolerance and embracing human rights. Look at their spin on how China is the leader in the green revolution on the environmental not because as they say it comes from the heart like with them. It's because they had to do it because they were guilty. It was out of necessity not because they believed in it. And if the West did that today, they would get nuked.

The British are big liars and love to spin everything to their favor. Look at how they want to be recognized because they claim they ended slavery in England on their own. Yeah they want you to forget the part that they had slaves. It's like a killer breaks into the home of a family. He's killing everyone including the children but then decides to not kill the father. Because he didn't, he expects to be treated like a hero because he stopped on his own.
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Isn't the riots in Bangladesh a CIA instigated "color revolution" because PM Sheikh Hasina got too close to China and Russia for comfort? Also, the US regime wants a guy who serves the interests of big finances. BTW, if I remember correctly, the India guy who "invented" micro financing got a Nobel prize in Economics. China will be fine as long as they ignore the "advice" from Western economists. Better yet, they should just do the opposite of what Western economists suggest.

Still searching for the "social credit sore system" after 20 years in China:

In contrast, Phelps used steroids legally because he claims he has "asthma".

So much for "free speech" in the US.

This is how Israel shoots itself in the foot.
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Registered Member
Isn't the riots in Bangladesh a CIA instigated "color revolution" because PM Sheikh Hasina got too close to China and Russia for comfort? Also, the US regime wants a guy who serves the interests of big finances. BTW, if I remember correctly, the India guy who "invented" micro financing got a Nobel prize in Economics. China will be fine as long as they ignore the "advice" from Western economists. Better yet, they should just do the opposite of what Western economists suggest.
What's the difference between "microcredit" and loan sharking with more eloquent language?




Registered Member
What a choke by the brown dude to not bring up past British imperialism of his homeland.
When that lady started citing a figure of 1 million being raped (a figure she probably pulled out of her behind) I would have responded, that's it? 99 million more to go then since you ma'am have done far more and we're simply following in your footsteps. We have a great mastah after all.


Registered Member
What's the difference between "microcredit" and loan sharking with more eloquent language?
Makes you poorer and destitute slowly but surely, rather than instantaneously. Hence, microcredit.
Unfortunately, such novel concept and humanitarian act is an anathema to your kind. And because you're a godless commie, CCP-WUMAO, you're too red to understand and appreciate such human rights concept.
Off you go to your concentration camps...

And proceeds to shoot his neighbours for being too loud. That's the American way... Democracy and Freedom!!


Junior Member
Registered Member

UK is now full of Anglo c*cks, waiting until 2024 to start a race riot only after the funding has arrived from the "Chinese". Not sure how many delusional Anglos still have those fantasies about the empire on which the sun never sets, or about "The Aryan stock is bound to triumph.
He who live by the sword dies by the sword

Also somewhat ironic that 1 out of 2 world wars was started by Asians and the other 1 by balkans which many anglos don't consider white.


Lieutenant General

If you ever wanted to watch a mass orgy where's there no debate and everyone is just agreeing with each other, then watch this. It's only for so that each one of theses politicians can say they did this or did that and they're for this and they're for that to show their constituencies so they keep voting for them into office. If everything is going the US's way in the world as they love pointing out, what's the problem? The problem is they don't have the money because that's what everything they want done costs. Tammy Duckworth rails against China rebuilding roads in countries putting them into debt traps but she thinks it's more important that Laos and Cambodia can get money so they can train life guards where there's lakes at tourist destinations. How are those tourists going to get there without roads? That's the kind of logic going on here. And remember the US Senate is where the intellectual part of Congress is suppose to be.


Registered Member

UK is now full of Anglo c*cks, waiting until 2024 to start a race riot only after the funding has arrived from the "Chinese". Not sure how many delusional Anglos still have those fantasies about the empire on which the sun never sets, or about "The Aryan stock is bound to triumph.


Ah yeah, is nice to see blowback in action. The US and NATO (mainly UK) interventions since the 2000 in the Middle East destabilized the region and created a massive refugee crisis of people looking to escape their war torn countries to Europe and now looks this is causing real tensions, add to that the bad state of the economy and you have a pool of gasoline waiting for matchstick. They shouldn't blame the migrants they should blame stooges politicians and think tankers with their useless agenda, of course this woman seems to not have enough knowledge or IQ (who knows) to understand that, but, it looks like the chickens are coming home to roost.