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Registered Member
People who talk about intelligence op, should increase their understanding first with commonsense.
Euromaidan was literally geo politically motivated, for choosing closer ties with Russia which then resulted into pro Russian unrest .

People can't even differentiate in between cartel & army. Both fight.

Euromaidan protest didn't even attract a million protesters. Here, 3 million marched in Dhaka alone .

Yes, but with CIA 's secret psycho telepathic power, no one is safe.
What if President Xi's daughter is transmitting thought to her father, thought about that? :eek:
Back in the 60s and 70s, CIA tested a technique called Remote Viewing

Its basically on the principle the human mind is a quantum computer and the phenomenon of entanglement meant sometimes its possible to experience the future state of the mind.

Word is, the Deagel 2025 projections were based on Remote Viewing phenomenon that DIA conducted in which they saw into the future and by late 2025 approx 60 to 90 percent of the USA population dieoff'ed


Junior Member
Registered Member
Even if Yunus is a CIA plant, so what? India has way more to worry about it than China. As far as US using Bangladesh as leverage to steer India, I won't worry about it at all. Influence is all about carrots and sticks, US has been using carrots on India mostly up til now, I would love to see them start trying the stick.

Also, western education does not necessarily means CIA plant


Registered Member
Let me tell you a story. Back in 1989, China had a big riot many people knows: Tiananmen Square incidence. The protest started because after economic reform, worker's living condition suffered. Previously they were all employed under state corporation with reliable pay. These rioters clearly prefered a hardcore communist government like Mao's days. That didn't stop American operatives turning this into a "MARCH FOR DEMOCRACY".

Like, seriously what protesters demand do not matter. All it matters is chaos, and chaos makes subversion easy. In fact, the populist leader even deliver the demand, and still become a CIA puppet later. Quota is removed, then government becomes a worthless American satellite, bad trade!


Junior Member
Registered Member
Ukraine has like a fifth the population of Bangladesh. So what. 800,000 protesters in Ukraine would have been 4,000,000 in Bangladesh.
I said 3 million in Dhaka
This man has every sign of a western puppet on him, and you tunnel vision on how many people are protesting, as if it matters for determining its nature. Great, 3 million protested, because it is a more populated country, and 3 million people protest led to an American puppet.

Definitely different from 1 million protester leading to American puppet, I swear. o_O
Yea, so what you are saying every political party & every people here is Western puppet. Because BNP is western puppet, jamaat is western puppet, except Jason's who is Indian puppet?

Of course the number & nature of protesters define wether it's a colour revolution.
You are forgetting or ignoring one thing, if people want anti russian government then that will happen regardless of it's a colour revolution or black & white revolution.

Let me tell you a story.
We all know that story. We did 1952 & 1971.
The question you should be asking is,
Did America turn the protest to march for democracy or people wanted it? Until they were shown new system was possible?
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
People who mix up intelligence op with social media influence & can't differentiate in between foreign ops from revolution isn't worth debating & waste of time.For them everything is social media influenced foreign operations. They keep insulting martyrs.
Oh there was fertile ground for it to happen. A lot of people hated the government in Bangladesh and Hasina and her party. I know it, I met people on the opposite side of the political spectrum to her. Just like you their hatred for the existing government was pretty high.
But the thing you have to ask yourself is cui bono. Who profits. You will see.

I said 3 million in Dhaka
So even less in proportion to total population compared with Euromaidan in Kiev.
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Registered Member
He speaks with the self-righteous conviction of someone who believes in the justness of the movement he supports. Not with the historical and factual knowledge of someone who understands how Western great powers, historical and contemporary, hijack existing movements to achieve their own geopolitical objectives. It's a massive blind spot of his that he is 100% certain his movement and his government cannot be hijacked by Western powers, when in reality, there are almost definitely active operations to do just that as we speak. In all likelihood, they have already succeeded or are in the process of succeeding.
Here is the thing, the demand of removing quota is very well justified. That is not the issue. The issue is the hyper focus he has on the cause, ignoring subsequent consequence. American operative manipulate legit grassroot movement all the time. What starts as genuine cry from the heart of people is easily manipulated to a more sinister purpose.

Even if Yunus is a CIA plant, so what? India has way more to worry about it than China. As far as US using Bangladesh as leverage to steer India, I won't worry about it at all. Influence is all about carrots and sticks, US has been using carrots on India mostly up til now, I would love to see them start trying the stick.

Also, western education does not necessarily means CIA plant
Come on. Not everything bad for India a good thing for China. Unlike India, western operatives are highly skilled at manipulating puppets. A pro India Bangladesh will stall Chinese projects, but still go along for most stuff. A western puppet will send all gold to US, self-destruct the economy, initiate conflict with neighbors, then provoke another revolution. US then confisticate the gold in name of 'sanctioning undemocratic violence', but then proceed to install another puppet in the revolution. India wish they could make puppet dance that well.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Who profits. You will see.
Who? You think someone will be allowed to setup military base here after hasina fled?
I guess we will.
So even less in proportion to total population compared with Euromaidan in Kiev.
3 million in Dhaka alone, without counting rest of country
Come on. Not everything bad for India a good thing for China.
Why don't you think this applies to other countries as well?


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
The US already financed Bangladesh with money to support Rohingya refugees from Myanmar.
They will probably try to use Bangladesh as a springboard to overthrow the military junta in Myanmar.
When they have their government in Myanmar then they can try to further destabilize Southeast Asia or China.

Yunus also has ties to the World Economic Forum (WEF).
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Economically you will probably see things straight out of the US playbook. In Pakistan they wanted the electric utility company to force everyone to have meters and cut illegal connections to the grid. Claiming investments into increasing power generation were not necessary. You just had to cut illegal power consumption and there would be no more blackouts. Despite Pakistan having miserable electricity generated per citizen.

Remember. You will own nothing and you will be happy.


Registered Member
Yea, so what you are saying every political party & every people here is Western puppet. Because BNP is western puppet, jamaat is western puppet, except Jason's who is Indian puppet?
Indian puppet/proxy is indisputable, you yourself also agrees. I have pointed out strong signs of current leader as western puppet. It is not 100% confirmed, but it is very high possibility. I can't speak for other parties, and I never have. My position is only firm on the new leader and the previous leader. You should not dismiss the very strong signs of new western puppet like you do now, even if you do not fully agree with my assesment.
Of course the number & nature of protesters define wether it's a colour revolution.
Of course not. It would be absurd. A big color revolution in a big country vs a small color revolution in a small country, big deal.
You are forgetting or ignoring one thing, if people want anti russian government then that will happen regardless of it's a colour revolution or black & white revolution.
Interesting claim. This should be verified. Ask yourself "Has there been a revolution that manage to install a government whose foreign policy go against popular demand?" The answer is it happens all the damn time. Just take a good look in Ukraine, Middle East and South America. Counter example is all over the place. I can assure you during 2014 protest, most Ukrainians did not want a war with Russia, did not want to initiate ethnic violence against Russian speakers. And even if they were, majority do not want to be drafted to trenches. But end of the day violence rules, not popular opinion. Occasionally the welder of violence follows popular opinion, but to expect it to be the norm would be naive!
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