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TSMC follows in the steps of Japanese.


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Elites there decided that a country of 65 million people can totally function like a financial city state akin to Hong Kong, Singapore, Luxembourg, Dubai etc.
Societal collapse, blame immigrants.
This is why it's essential that the CPC makes its party members go into the countryside before they can get promoted to the Capitol- it prevents ivory tower flights of fancy amongst "intellectuals" who think they're better at deciding what's best for a poor villager than the village chiefs themselves.


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Remember back in 2009 when China bailed out the US after the GFC and when the US and Obama decided now was as good a time to make an offer for China to be a perpetual anglo slave in a "G-2" only to have China politely decline - hell, Putin even asked China to dump US Treasury debt to fuck over the americans even more but 2009 China under Hu was a lot nicer- and when China declined to play any part in any US-Russia shenanagins or whatever, what was the US reaction?
2011 Pivot to Aisa and hard China Containment.

Suffer, Anglo; you brought this on yourself. Let me put it another way to the anglo zionist cabal: The Lord Your God has removed his favour to you and given it to the atheist Chinese who are evidently more capable and less likely to think they can fool deities with loopholes. Fun fact, if a chinese deity doesnt do its job, chinese adherants simply move to a different chinese deity. Only the seriously mentally ill would entertain a cult, let alone a foreign cult.


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TSMC follows in the steps of Japanese.
So google works for the presstitutes now or something? Down 8% and still green.

Meanwhile, Reuters:
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China is doing well on the exact metric they shrieked about in every past data release headline. But, it's still collapsing. Because.. the rest of the world is doing shit.


Lieutenant General

I heard a spin before from a US politician claiming when the US fires an air-to-air missile on an enemy fighter, the US is targeting the fighter. But when China does it, China is aiming to kill the pilot. That's the difference between the good guy US versus bad guy China. What are these drones for except for killing civilians? Maybe they'll say it's meant to destroy the car they were driving in or the shoes on their feet...

Israel was complaining that China was unofficially banning technological exports to Israel? Really? Isn't it suppose to be the other way around? China officially banned drones and drone parts to Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine is still getting them through third parties doing it for them. Why does Israel need a third party to get donations when the US gives them billions of dollars for free. It's not just about the money. These third parties are also getting them the parts they need to skirt bans. Is that why China just started banning the sale of drones meant to be used in war in general? Only a government would make a large order so it can be used in war. This way any large order would be cancelled without having to scrutinize it. Some will say the US can make the parts. Yeah the US could've gave Afghanistan US weapons to fight the Soviet Union. But they didn't. They bought them from the Chinese so it didn't look like the US wasn't directly aiding the Mujahideen. Then fast forward to the War on Terror... the US used the Chinese weapons they bought for Afghanistan to accuse China of participating in terrorism. Look at it this way, if there's blowback from Israel using these drones to kill civilians, Israel and the US can claim China was behind it.