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If US enters war in middleast, does that mean elections can be delayed (like how Zelensky did in Ukraine)?

The IMF and World Bank is a branch of the UN. Even though it is an arm of western hegemony. Defunding or leaving it isn’t exactly ideal when practically 99% of the world is inside it by default of being a UN member.
There is apparently also a rule that the directors must be American or European. IMF Wikipedia page shows all directors are American and European, with one Israeli and one Indian.

Except I made that point in my original post. Stop finding arguments where they don't exist.
Keyword: confirmation.


Registered Member
There is apparently also a rule that the directors must be American or European. IMF Wikipedia page shows all directors are American and European, with one Israeli and one Indian.

That is because the western align bloc share of the votes is a big majority. The US alone has 16.5% of the votes (China 6.08%) and adding all the other major US vassals (not including all the smaller European ones) already put them at ~50% of the votes.


Registered Member
That's always the amusing part. What's this sudden love for Chinese Muslims?? Shouldn't they hate them more?

And also how sudden the Xinjiang narrative was blown in the air and now popped?? Could it relate to distracting from Israel's invasion and war crimes of Gaza in 2014??

Notice how the Xinjiang story started gaining alot of traction in the 2014.
When you see Israel accuse China of genociding Muslim, that is all the defense you need for China.


Junior Member
Registered Member
If US enters war in middleast, does that mean elections can be delayed (like how Zelensky did in Ukraine)?

No. The elections are needed to distract the masses; to give everyone false hope they can make a difference. The Zionists need to keep everyone preferring the ballot instead of bullets. Very few people know it doesn't matter who gets to warm the big chair in the oval office as the Zionists control the majority of policy makers.


Lieutenant General
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The media keeps asking why does Trump continually dwells on how Kamala Harris only recently identified as herself black when that's a lie in the first place? It's because he wants African-Americans not to vote for her. Just look at how he hangs on also how Jews are suppose to vote for him because he doesn't know why they would for a Democrat. Trump is probably in panic because sees not only does Kamala Harris have the black vote, she also has the Jewish vote since her husband is Jewish. It's as simple as that for him.

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Here's article I just saw. Trump to the least doesn't want Africans-Americans voting.
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