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Junior Member
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Given the massive issues with Intel's Raptor Lake 13th and 14th gen processors, does anyone have any tips on how to extend the processor's life? I haven't personally seen any issues yet but I am trying to see if there are any countermeasures I can take to reduce the likelihood of any popping up. Will turning off hyper-threading help? One thing's for sure, my next device will have an AMD processor.

Depends on what processor you're running. Generally, the more cores you have, the faster your chip is likely to degrade. The hypothesised problem is that the ring bus (sort of like the connecting lanes between the cores) is subject to much higher voltages than the architecture was designed for, therefore, more cores = ring bus takes more load = chip dies sooner.

If you're running an i5, you should be fine. Just don't overvolt, and consider undervolting if you have temperature issues. For i7s and i9s, your best bet is to disable the e-cores. And of course, avoid overvolting or overclocking.

Edit: Intel's announced "fix" is just going to be something that moderates potential degradation. It's not going to repair chips that have already degraded. So if you have an i7 or i9 and want to play it safe, disable your e-cores now to mitigate any damage that might already have happened, and to avoid further degradation until Intel pushes their solution.


Senior Member
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Hahaha, is that a threat to me specifically because it certainly reads like one with the whole house, kids and grand kids remark?

Sure all those people died but Iran has yet to snap. Iran has already shown the ability to handle things like adults but even they have a breaking point yet you seem to think Israel can keep on doing this salami slicing matter forever like the Ukrainians thought they could do to Russia. And what did that do in the end other then turn Ukraine into a failed state when Russia decides enough is enough. Face it, once Iran gives a true go ahead to all of its proxies and Allies in the region and heck even get the blessing of Russia, no asset belong to the US or Israel is safe. Regardless, it would be stupid to think that Iran is simply going to back down from this like you seem to think they will indefinitely

No not you.

Israel is already doing it. Has been doing it for years. Iran hasn’t snapped. I guess they can keep on letting their people be killed. Be the adult in the room.

I don’t know what’s going to happen between Russia/Ukraine war. But up to 500,000 Russians may have died vs. maybe a couple of hundred western advisers and soldiers. So there’s that.


Registered Member
Western propaganda did a good job painting Salafi and Wahhabi as some religious nutters bent on global domination. These words now get thrown around regularly without most ever even learning what they mean or what their aims are.

Wahhabism is a modern hardcore puritanical reform movement, a hardcore ultra orthodoxy, derived from Hanbali, mainly involved in fixing what they perceived as individual moral corruption. It is practiced by a minority group in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Neither of these states have global ambitions, nor does the philosophy itself ever had global or political aims, nor any Caliphate goals. Majority of the Islamic world (and non-state actors) are neither Hanbali nor Wahhabi which is why ISIS couldn't get a foothold in a totally wrecked Afghanistan.

Salafi is an ancient revolutionary-revivalist movement found in every part of the Islamic world that sought a single caliphate in the Islamic world only (not global), based on the early Rashidun. It picked up pace when the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished. Their philosophy is more troubling to the West and it's cronies because it calls for and instigates resistance against imperialism, including against Muslim puppets. If you actually read Salafi philosophy, you'd learn very quickly how anti-Wahhabi and anti-Saudi they are. Putting them together ("Salafi-Wahhabi") is like putting Kadyrov with homosexuals.

Muslim Brotherhood is Salafi, a staunch opponent of Wahhabi, and a historical enemy of Saudi Arabia. Maybe it will be shocking to you to learn that the Ayatollahs of Iran are inspired by the same people as of the Muslim Brotherhood.

You already know, as does everybody on this forum, that the West spreads false information for their benefit. And if you're Chinese (or any other nationality on the receiving end), you can spot misinformation and call it out. So what makes you think you can believe that the West paints a false picture of China but the paintings of others are accurate? I suggest you think twice before accepting anything emanating from the West, as they've been proliferating misinformation about the Islamic world for more than a thousand years.
Thank you for pointing out the Western propaganda job of misinforming us about the nature of the Wahabi and the Salafi. But you like to jump to conclusions. For your info, I do not readily believe in the Western interpretation of the Muslim world. They tell us that Islam is a religion of violence and sexual depravity. They tell us that Sunni and Shia Muslims are destined to kill each other for eternity. They tell us that the Muslims who killed Russians and other enemies of the West are Mujahedeens, but the Muslims who kill Westerners are terrorists. No I don't believe them. I do not believe that Islam is evil, but I do believe that there are plenty of Muslims who are evil.

I'm already well aware that the Muslim Brotherhood are staunch opponents of the Saudi Wahabis. Still, it doesn't matter to me because both of these sects are just as guilty for extremism and terrorism. ISIS is Wahabi, while Jabhat al-Nusrah is Salafi. Both of these terrorists groups carry out the West's agenda, and both are equally vicious head choppers. For people at the receiving end of Islamic terrorism, the distinction between Salafi and Wahabi is moot. That is why it doesn't really matter that I mention Salafi-Wahabi.

Not all Salafi or Wahabis are evil. Yet too many extremists, terrorists, and traitors have come from these groups. You resent people linking violence and extremism to Muslims. Still, many Muslims did consent and support the extremists. Its one thing to support extremism against the West and the Zionists. But to also support extremism against other Muslims, Russians, Chinese, and other innocent group is not acceptable. Chastising people for not understanding Islam, and not even attempting to address why they are so frustrated with the Muslim world will never fix this negative PR issue. This forum is not for the sensitive. There are hard truths being discussed here, even for the Chinese world. You need to do more to explain why the Muslim world can be trusted today when there is so much disunity, violence, treachery, and intolerance.
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Registered Member
I don’t know what’s going to happen between Russia/Ukraine war. But up to 500,000 Russians may have died vs. maybe a couple of hundred western advisers and soldiers. So there’s that.
Where are the Ukrainians? Don't you count them as lives? Very convenient of you.

Israel is already doing it. Has been doing it for years. Iran hasn’t snapped. I guess they can keep on letting their people be killed. Be the adult in the room.
Better tell that to Zelensky.
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Registered Member
You do what you gotta do in terms of response. But here’s a picture of your house, your kids, grand kids. Good luck.
Tell that to all the people who have sufferred under the western dominated years, start with Palestinians, see if you can convince anyone to stop responding.

History does not stop going forward by the day Israel murdered Ismail Haniyeh, nor did it stop on the day US murderred Qasem Soleimani. History never stops for anybody even if somebody wish it (the American end of history BS) or think they are special. Just ask Dzungars if you can find them, the more you plant hatred the serverer the repercussion becomes.


Junior Member
Registered Member
A shame? Those disgusting imperialist bastards deserve to be humiliated.
It is a shame because many Chinese people looked up to the West because the West accomplished more than China in the past four hundred years. Now many of us are forced to accept the fact that the average Chinese person in 2024 is morally and intellectually superior to the average Westerner in 2024. I think it's sad. In the space of eight years, many Chinese people went from admiring the West to being disgusted by it. Unfortunately, many of us were born in the West.