Miscellaneous News


Just Hatched
Registered Member
According to the experience of the army on the Tibetan Plateau, hot, freshly cooked meals can greatly improve morale.
The thing is, a culture's cuisine says a lot about its views and perspectives on life and what they enjoy. The climate and geography is not an excuse because Danish food is not bad and it's directly opposite Britain with a similar climate. Chinese food is communal, with flavours representative of each region and its cultural evolution, it tells a story. cuisine in taiwan for eg is heavily influenced by KMT remnants who failed from northern China, with souther cuisine. British food tells me they hate life and their propensity towards violence was historically an outlet for their latent homosexuality.

If i recall, the PLA has a special mess unit that cooks fresh field on the battlefield in communal pots/woks; as any solider can attest, an army marches on its stomach and hot food is always welcomed.


Registered Member
Curfew ongoing since last Friday. Army has been deployed. Government has been hiding behind them. So will see after they are withdrawn. Our students have 8 demands. Will see what Hasina govt does. Next move will be determined afterwards.
What's your stance on this unfolding crisis? What should have the government done to allay and avoided this tragedy from even happening in the first place?


Junior Member
Registered Member
What's your stance on this unfolding crisis? What should have the government done to allay and avoided this tragedy from even happening in the first place?
My stance? I think my stance is of almost all general people here.
There are quotas for freedom fighters, their sons daughters in government job. But what peculiar is, even their grandson, granddaughters have quotas. And this is not one time. It can be used during admission in school, college, university & government jobs!!

Not a single freedom fighter i have heard has said, he/she has sacrificed everything for our country so his/her grandson/grand daughters can have quota privilege.

What happens here is, giving name of freedom fighters, the government party people get fake freedom fighter certificate & put their family members in government jobs.

This entire saga could've been stopped if this peculiar system had been abolished in first place. This struggle has been ongoing since 2018.

So now what has made it violent?

Sheikh Hasina in parliament last 12 july "If freedom fighter's grandsons don't get quota, will Rajakar's (the people who were against freedom of our country) grandsons get quote?"
So according to her, she/her family owns entire liberation war narrative & anyone who speaks against her policy is rajakar.

The next day, her party's general secretary
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Chatra League(Student wing of government's party, mostly pet goons) is enough to answer the protest

These bastards were put on road to attack students with rods, sticks

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Around 150 students dead.
It won't be forgotten.
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Registered Member
Growing anti-jewish sentiments are forcing many fence-sitters to align with Zionism as a way to protect themselves. People tend to coalesce once under attack. Ignoring Netanyahu's personal problems, he and his friends are doing what they're doing on purpose to this end. They're hoping for mass migration towards Israel to solidify their land claims. However, their plan is having an opposite effect. People always leave an area under chaos like war.
See, they are convenient hostages of Zionism, but instead of identify it as source of their problem, they double down on it. It just shows deep down they are Zionists, and would value their own kind over others, even if their own kind are their oppressors. Then they are part of the problem, all 'discrimination' are justified.

Imagine if the brother of a mass-murderer is doing everything he can to protect said murderer, then he is an accomplice even if he used to be an upstanding citizen. The 'innocent jews' are this brother person, they earned their discrimination, even if he did not do any murdering themselves.

If polls were to be trusted, 85% of Jews falls in either Zionist, or the enabler of it. At 85%, I can no longer say it is discrimination, it is a fact. It cannot be called discrimination and labeling everyone under as problematic, when they are shown to consistently show 85% solidarity on any issue.

If vast majority of Jews work together to undermine the world, then it is justified for the majority of the world to undermine them back.


Junior Member
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The Summer Olympics is about to open in a few hours. I am wondering how many people here remember the anti-China disruption to the French section of the 2008 Summer Olympics torch rally. That was an early version of western-orchestrated anti-China propaganda on a global scale as the 2008 Summer Olympics torch rally was going around global. Now I am sitting here drinking coffee and watching this Paris Olympics unfolding, and tastes in my mouth for the moment is as sophisticated as Hermès bags ...
The funny thing is westoids and other liars want to pretend that they always supported China and it was Xi who turned China against them. They really think we are as dumb as they are especially when this was all documented and shown.


Registered Member
Jai Gulf Arabs!

You said that nobody wants to work in explosive factories for the long term. I have just told you that China have millions of people who have done that for decades. Then you laugh it off like the clown you're. You think fireworks are funny? Try making them yourself to see how easy it is to do. If it was so easy and safe to do, you wouldn't be buying them from China. Fireworks are still explosives, and they contains energetic chemicals that can kill and maim you if you mishandle them. Working in a fireworks factory is just as dangerous as working in a factory producing military grade explosives and propellants.

What you wrote about "artillery engineering" is a lazy, amateur-level description about how a generic artillery works. But you wanna sound smart, so you mention "2S35 Koalitsiya". I could have just copied and pasted your description and put it on an French WWI Canon de 75 modele 1897 and it still wouldn't sound out of place. Why don't you just describe to me step by step about how a toilet bowl flushes? That'll be more of your level.

I won't waste my time teaching you about PLA artillery. You can go and checkout the Army Artillery thread on this forum to get all the PLA artillery tech and engineering knowledge you need. Do your homework first before you write something, don't be lazy.
you deeply mistaken about alot of things. There was reason i gave you that Arab information before i explain the gun.
This is not generic gun. this practically zero chance any one in world can replicate it as they will not have the money and engineering resources to make it reliable for long duration. It like AK-47 automated firing system hitting moving target at ranges several times of previous generation gun. when you are fighting a high tech war its better some planes are faster than generic IL-76.



Registered Member
you deeply mistaken about alot of things. There was reason i gave you that Arab information before i explain the gun.
This is not generic gun. this practically zero chance any one in world can replicate it as they will not have the money and engineering resources to make it reliable for long duration. It like AK-47 automated firing system hitting moving target at ranges several times of previous generation gun. when you are fighting a high tech war its better some planes are faster than generic IL-76.

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I don't see any difference between 2S35 and PLZ-05. Except the PLZ-05 is 10 years older and 100s were produced vs only 12 for 2S35.

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