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Beijing mediated peace talks between Palestinian factions = BAD FOR AMERICA AND THE WORLD!! WOW!!

So any peace plans and deals initiatives by China = US LOSING which means any peace, actual peace plans are all going to be dead on arrival if it means making America look weak. What's good for the world, is bad for America.



Registered Member
Russia claims some 1200-1800 warheads on high alert at all times, while China (by questionable sources) estimates 500-1500 in launch on warning and an unknown amount of warheads separated from their missiles for peacetime storage. That is not an order of magnitude, it's at most a difference of a few hundred, compared to peacetime China which has warheads separated.

China sports several possible zircon equivalents, most notably DF100. They don't install tactical nukes because they can rely on precision and overwhelming numbers. Zircon came out later than the first gen of PLA marv or hgvs.

I give the Russians a somewhat lower mark because while their striking capability is assumedly similar, it costs a larger % of the Russian budget to do so.

The strike capability is not similar as there is no such thing as Tu-160M or other platforms like Su-34M any where in the world. No country reveals all the capabilities at the same time. They always keep surprizes. only Kazan can built Tu-160M.
I can write alot more about Ukraine but choose not too but Russia only country that has decreased its debt despite increasing expenditure on astronomical scale that attracted million of migrants. This Islamic economic forum where thousands of people attend every year reveals alot of things. like Yeltsin legacy built in Kazan. or thousands of flights instantly changed in feb 2022 from Persian Gulf to Russia when that Russian flights were grounded and China had Covid restrictions. This insights only comes from understanding Arabian Gulf Soft Power.
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Naina Yeltsina in a congratulatory telegram to Mintimer Shaimiev: When I come to Kazan, I always feel the special attention with which you surround me

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With the participation of 79 countries... the Russian-Islamic Economic Summit kicks off in Kazan​



Lieutenant General

What ever happened to the belief if you weren't white and Western, you belonged to a shithole country? Now they have such optimism... for some. Was it because Westerners grew a brain and intellectually looked at it this time? No, it was simply because China upended all their racist beliefs on that. To keep perpetuating that racist propaganda would make them look stupid and people who think they're genetically superior don't like that. Now "everyone" has potential because if the inferior Chinese can do it, anyone who worships the path of the West is going to do it better.

India is on the way to a "more dynamic path" for it's economy than China because it's following the US. Does that mean India is going to be raping and bombing other countries to make sure everything is in their favor in world to get there? Yes the US and the West likes to forget that's how they got to power in the world. Violating human rights was fundamentally important to how they got to where they're at. And today they're worried over something as simple as supply chains like never before because the world is not like what it use to be for them. That puts into question if their way would work if they couldn't rape and bomb other countries into submission and the answer is no.

The 2008 Western Financial Crisis exposed how the West was living beyond its means. Anyone can borrow, if they can, their way into living a first world lifestyle but that will eventually come back to haunt you like what Europe is facing today. Not having access to the strategic resources they need to run their economies makes it worse. They'll point to the US , Canada, and Australia to counter that argument and I'll point out all western countries that had to steal land from others to be who they are today. And still not enough to help out Europe. If the US was there for its allies, Europe wouldn't have threaten China with trade actions and just break-off with China completely. They can't because they need the money that the US isn't helping them on. The West is still trying to save face believing everyone in the world is suppose to serve them first like it use to be.


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Hearing netanyahu's speech, the way US politicians cuck themselves for Israel to the point of slavery will always remain a mystery.
It's not a mystery at all. If you don't obey the Zionists, you will not receive money or job opportunities. You will be blacklisted from entire industries if you say the wrong thing. Mossad probably also has massive quantities of compromat on Western political and business leaders. Even if you're a US president, chairman of the federal reserve bank, Elon Musk, or one of the other titans of industry, you can be easily blackmailed into submission. Once AI gets good enough, you can even mass produce compromat that cannot be distinguished from the real thing. You better believe that's exactly what they will be doing.

I am obviously a nobody so it wouldn't ever apply to me, but if a Zionist or one of their water carriers ever sat me down and had a talk with me about something I said or did, you better believe I'd be doing everything I can to make sure they walk away fully satisfied. Doing anything else is asking to be cancelled from society and industry, either literally or figuratively.
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He looks like he ran out of cocaine.
More likely ran out of 155 mm shells. Imagine China really helped Russia - the war would be over in a month. China opened this 155 mm shell factory to the public, so it's technically obsolete probably. It produces 100,000 shells a day, and it's just one factory.

Some related news - nice try, NATO:

Another "ghost city" story debunked:

How it started, and how it's going:

Good riddance - Kurt Campbell and Rahm Emanuel are going to the dustbin of history.


Senior Member
Registered Member
More likely ran out of 155 mm shells. Imagine China really helped Russia - the war would be over in a month. China opened this 155 mm shell factory to the public, so it's technically obsolete probably. It produces 100,000 shells a day, and it's just one factory.

Some related news - nice try, NATO:

Another "ghost city" story debunked:

How it started, and how it's going:

Good riddance - Kurt Campbell and Rahm Emanuel are going to the dustbin of history.
Lol at the Westoids in the munition factory twitter post losing their shit. They think that production rate is impossible but that just shows how pathetically limited their mind is.

There are 86,400 seconds in a day. Assuming everything is running 24/7, if each production line in the factory is popping out a new round every 10 seconds (meaning the interval between finishing each round, obviously not the total time to produce one), you need 12 production lines to hit that 100k rounds a day. If the facility is large enough, it's totally feasible.

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
Registered Member
Beijing mediated peace talks between Palestinian factions = BAD FOR AMERICA AND THE WORLD!! WOW!!

So any peace plans and deals initiatives by China = US LOSING which means any peace, actual peace plans are all going to be dead on arrival if it means making America look weak. What's good for the world, is bad for America.

This is exactly the reason why China has a such a good reputation in the Muslim world