Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
If it were Chinese running CrowdStrike they wouldn't be saying it was an accident. They would say it was China testing out malware undermining the US. That's what China should be planting about them. Are the Chinese going to do that? No, because a lot of Chinese think they're boy scouts singing kumbaya. They don't want Chinese to take the low road that no one recognizes them not taking. That's the only vulnerability China has for the future.

Just to give you an update on the continuing battle of wits I'm having with a stereotypical former Marine I've mention before in this forum. Every year my friend I've known since childhood, hence the reason why I'm around this Marine is because he's the father of my friend's sister's children, invites me to his Fourth of July party he has. This Marine usually shows up every year. Not this year because I was there. After he threatened to punch me in the face if he ever saw me again...? He acts like he's smart but he couldn't keep up with me hence why he had to resort to threatening violence to shut me up. Before that he tried to pull the loyalty card to shut me up. Does he believe he has the right to punish me because I don't show the kind of loyalty only a racist would expect from me? I called him out and he looked like a fool because I didn't do what he expected and he could do nothing to counter me. He didn't have an answer to that because I suspect when he does pull out that card to other Asians, they curl up into a ball or retreat into their turtle shell.

That's how the Chinese should treat Westerners calling them out on their bull but the Chinese don't, so therefore they keep on doing what they do. If you didn't recognize it, Westerners stop when they see they'll lose something more if they do it. Whether it's pride or ego or reputation or something material, they'll think twice if there's a threat they'll lose it because of their actions. There is so much out there that the West says in their own news that can be spun into propaganda against them. The Chinese don't need to lie. And that why's the best propaganda comes from the truth. But do Chinese exploit this? No, because there are some Chinese who think the Chinese are boy scouts when no one sees that for it to be recognized. The only way you can get Westerners to stop doing anything you don't like is when there's the threat that they will lose something if they do.
Sir does it give you huge satisfaction. ;) the more angrier they are and see their face explode....lol usually in a situation like these I give them a quirky smirky smile together with the Bird and GO home happily.


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Von der Leyen vows to stop China from invading Taiwan​

The US warned of Beijing’s readiness to invade by 2027, which would be during the five-year mandate the Commission president is seeking.
Ursula von der Leyen said Thursday she would seek to “deter China” from invading Taiwan as part of her bid for a second term as European Commission president.
“The Indo-Pacific has become a decisive region for the world’s future,” she outlined in her manifesto, entitled Europe’s Choice.
“We will work with Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Australia with whom we face common challenges … This includes our collective efforts to deploy the full range of our combined statecraft to deter China from unilaterally changing the status quo by military means, particularly over Taiwan,” she said, making her clearest statement to date.
Can the new eight national alliance take on China in 21st century? We're going to find out. China should start AR during RIMPAC 202X, would make it extra spicy.


Lieutenant General
Trump brought up Iron Dome for the US again. Iron Dome isn't going to save the US from ICBMs so what missile threat is he worried about? From Canada and Mexico? If the US was so vulnerable to missile attacks that Iron Dome was meant for, why hasn't anyone already launched an attack on the US. Let me guess... all potential attackers saw Trump as President in the future and was too scared to do it.

Yes waste the US taxpayer money on something that the US doesn't need. Trump didn't finish the wall between the US and Mexico he promised. And now he thinks he can encircle the US with Iron Dome...?


Senior Member
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Trump brought up Iron Dome for the US again. Iron Dome isn't going to save the US from ICBMs so what missile threat is he worried about? From Canada and Mexico? If the US was so vulnerable to missile attacks that Iron Dome was meant for, why hasn't anyone already launched an attack on the US. Let me guess... all potential attackers saw Trump as President in the future and was too scared to do it.

Yes waste the US taxpayer money on something that the US doesn't need. Trump didn't finish the wall between the US and Mexico he promised. And now he thinks he can encircle the US with Iron Dome...?
He's just saying whatever will hurt the Democrats and help himself the most.


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Von der Leyen vows to stop China from invading Taiwan​

The US warned of Beijing’s readiness to invade by 2027, which would be during the five-year mandate the Commission president is seeking.

Can the new eight national alliance take on China in 21st century? We're going to find out. China should start AR during RIMPAC 202X, would make it extra spicy.
How the hell does she intend to do that if she cannot handle Ukraine. This woman would do more good for the world falling down a long height of stairs into a vegetative state instead of yapping on and on about starting new wars. She literally is an example of a person you want to send into an open mine field without directions, she is that incompetent and evil that she legitimately will not be missed. Heck she says nothing about the situation in Gaza so why on earth does she think she represent anything but failure.


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Von der Leyen vows to stop China from invading Taiwan​

The US warned of Beijing’s readiness to invade by 2027, which would be during the five-year mandate the Commission president is seeking.

Can the new eight national alliance take on China in 21st century? We're going to find out. China should start AR during RIMPAC 202X, would make it extra spicy.
How, by saying she won't stop talking until they go away?

“We will work with Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Australia with whom we face common challenges … This includes our collective efforts to deploy the full range of our combined statecraft to deter China from unilaterally changing the status quo by military means, particularly over Taiwan,” she said, making her clearest statement to date.
full range of our combined statecraft


Registered Member
If it were Chinese running CrowdStrike they wouldn't be saying it was an accident. They would say it was China testing out malware undermining the US. That's what China should be planting about them. Are the Chinese going to do that? No, because a lot of Chinese think they're boy scouts singing kumbaya. They don't want Chinese to take the low road that no one recognizes them not taking. That's the only vulnerability China has for the future.

Just to give you an update on the continuing battle of wits I'm having with a stereotypical former Marine I've mention before in this forum. Every year my friend I've known since childhood, hence the reason why I'm around this Marine is because he's the father of my friend's sister's children, invites me to his Fourth of July party he has. This Marine usually shows up every year. Not this year because I was there. After he threatened to punch me in the face if he ever saw me again...? He acts like he's smart but he couldn't keep up with me hence why he had to resort to threatening violence to shut me up. Before that he tried to pull the loyalty card to shut me up. Does he believe he has the right to punish me because I don't show the kind of loyalty only a racist would expect from me? I called him out and he looked like a fool because I didn't do what he expected and he could do nothing to counter me. He didn't have an answer to that because I suspect when he does pull out that card to other Asians, they curl up into a ball or retreat into their turtle shell.

That's how the Chinese should treat Westerners calling them out on their bull but the Chinese don't, so therefore they keep on doing what they do. If you didn't recognize it, Westerners stop when they see they'll lose something more if they do it. Whether it's pride or ego or reputation or something material, they'll think twice if there's a threat they'll lose it because of their actions. There is so much out there that the West says in their own news that can be spun into propaganda against them. The Chinese don't need to lie. And that why's the best propaganda comes from the truth. But do Chinese exploit this? No, because there are some Chinese who think the Chinese are boy scouts when no one sees that for it to be recognized. The only way you can get Westerners to stop doing anything you don't like is when there's the threat that they will lose something if they do.
Even if they did the US would continue to produce more bullshit to obfuscate. I can see non-governmental sites pushing a failed cyberattack prep line (e.g. guancha) though.

Also, props on giving the marine an aneurysm. I would continue low-key trolling him with things like Chinese new year, happy national day, etc. etc. until he posts some tirade on your shared group chat and gets alienated even further.