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How do you say "天下无人不通共" in Hindi?

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View attachment 132659

Ambani likes to do business with China too.

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Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance to launch Chinese fast-fashion label in India​

Shein like many other Chinese businesses were banned in India in 2020.
I hope these Chinese businesses understand full well what they're getting themselves into; Look at Xiaomi and how Adani backed Modi basically pulled a Goodfellas on Xiaomi and now Xiaomi's built factories are being sold to Adani for pennies on the dollar. I expect payment to be paid up front and in gold, and restitution made to persecuted Chinese businesses, starting with TikTok.
Australia has been promoted to the status of "the empire's toilet".
This is why i say that Australia is a fake country, it is simply a territory, a colonial outpost of the Anglo Five Eyes/British Empire, a territory to be used and abused. Do you think they'd do nuclear tests in Sherwood forest? Or store nuclear waste on Rhode Island? I still advocate for the complete expulsion of anglo americans from the north american continent however.


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Biden struggles to remember defense secretary's name, refers to him as 'Black man' instead​

President Joe Biden appeared to stumble during a recent interview when recalling the name of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, instead referring to him as “a Black man."

The comments came during an appearance on Black Entertainment Television (BET), during which Biden made his pitch to Black voters. Voters of color proved crucial to Biden's 2020 win, and his campaign is now fighting to retain them.

During the discussion, Biden told journalist Ed Gordon he had taken "heat" for appointing Black people, such as Austin, to high-ranking government positions.

“It’s all about treating people with dignity,” Biden said. “It’s about making sure that— look for example, look at the heat I’m getting because I named a, the, secretary of defense, a Black man.”

He went on to mention Ketanji Brown Jackson, a Black woman who he appointed to the Supreme Court in 2022.

Some on social media, including Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, interpreted Biden as having said "the Black man." Such a comment, the senator said, did little to advance Biden's message of respect.

"Nothing says 'dignity' quite like referring to the Secretary of Defense as 'the Black man,'" he wrote.

Ty Walker, an African American Democratic voter in Maryland, told The National Desk (TND) Biden’s comments appeared to be an attempt to indulge Black viewers.

“When any white person employs or gives position to any person of color but then uses that choice to prop themselves up, it takes away from the recognition of the selected person's accomplishments and the ability to do whatever job they're appointed," he said. "It doesn't make them seem like they truly care about equality or inclusivity. Otherwise they would have just selected the person and let their talents speak for themselves."

The slip-up comes as Biden is facing renewed calls to exit the presidential race over his repeated speaking gaffes. Nearly two-thirds of Democrats say Biden should let his party select a new nominee, undercutting the president’s argument that millions of Americans remain behind his reelection campaign.

Several high-ranking Democrats, including Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., have reportedly urged the president to drop out.fficer.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
How do you say "天下无人不通共" in Hindi?
Indian government very rarely grants visa to Chinese nationals wishing to study, travel, or work in India. Plus, India's cities are dirty, the temperature in India is much higher than that in China, electricity supply isn't stable, there is no basic infrastructure, plus the Indians' immense hostilities toward China and Chinese. I don't think people would even want to work there.


Lieutenant General

Interesting video displaying some manufacturing quality control in the e-bike industry in China. The stereotype is that China doesn't care about quality. No, it's really the US corporation that outsources who doesn't care about quality. I've heard it said you can get quality from China if you pay for it. That tells you how much US corporations are the ones that don't care about quality.

In China they can now tell which worker on the assembly line doesn't screw in a bolt correctly so he or she can be given more training if necessary because every part is tracked on each bike and they know who assembled it. I bet that kind of scrutiny would never be allowed by American unions hence why you have missing or untightened bolts on Boeing airliners.

It’s worse than that. Often Chinese manufacturers tailor make products to the exact design specifications set out by major western retailers.

‘Cheap’ low quality Chinese manufactured products are not that way because they are the best China can do. If that was the case the west would never have outsourced to China just like no one is seriously outsourcing to India despite the dirt cheap prices. Those products are made to such low standards because that was the standard western retailer set for those goods. If the products didn’t meet the required standards, the western retailers would have rejected the shipments and never sold them or recalled them and charged it all back to the manufacturer.

As such, the much maligned ‘China quality’ is not actually anything to do with Chinese capabilities and is far more accurately described as the ‘Walmart/Amazon Basics’ standard.

This is the same reason the initial waves of Japanese and South Korean manufacturing were also maligned as cheap and poor quality. It wasn’t until their own consumer base became big enough to demand better quality even at higher price that the quality of their manufacturing improved. The same is happening with China.

Ironically the only one constant is the complaining western consumers who keep bitching about low quality but still are too cheap to uplift their own standards so they will continue to get cheap shit shovelled down their throats. Only now those cheap shit products are mostly manufactured in SEA and even India.


Registered Member
South Korea has North Korea to repopulate them after the collapse though, so it’s not all over for Koreans. It’s ironic that they should almost thank the fact that China intervened in the Korean War and prevented unification.

Otherwise they’d be like Taiwan giving their land over to Indians.
Syngman Rhee brought it upon himself by refusing to surrender to Kim Il sung and massacring Korean civilians for criticizing him.
This is why the Politburo needs to have a plan for succession for Xi Jinping. China got lucky with him that we didn’t get another Hu Jintao or worse. It’s troubling that we’re already extending Xi’s presidency to a 3rd term

Civilization is the bane to strong men. In developed economies, men tend to lose their competitive edge, especially when in comes to political instincts like courage, resilience, and ambition. New successors tend to be selected based upon continuity, good behavior and pliability in protecting the interest of the inner circle instead of their ability to bring forth energy and strength.

Humans are similar to horses in which domesticated mares are desirable stock but the most desirable stallions are only found in the wild. It is hard to reproduce high quality men in a developed society as they tend to be made docile by rules, traditions, and expectations. This is why 2nd generation wealth tends to be more of a caretaker than a creator like the 1st and often by the 3rd generation, it is completely squandered. Ask yourself why traditional Japanese companies prefer to have daughters? This is so they can choose an heir who marries in and takes over the family business.

This is more important in East Asia because it tends to have a more conformist society than in the West and especially so for China because it has a centralized top-down political system where the competence of the top matters more than in a bottom more decentralized one. It is the "bad emperor" problem so to speak.
Chinese are the opposite of conformist. Chinese are the most unruly and difficult to manage people in the world. In the absence of strong government, Chinese are like scattered sand. That is why the throne has been in contention basically nonstop since the Qin dynasty. Sun Yatsen: 《建国方略·民权初步序》:“中国四万万之众等于一盘散沙,此岂天生而然耶。”

There's plenty of people waiting in the wings. If there's one thing that China does not lack, it is politicians. The Politburo needs to create an environment where harmful actions are politically impossible, rather than an environment where harmful actions are rewarded. An individual successor is meaningless if their actions cannot be constrained to be beneficial. Nobody is perfect.

Japanese are actually conformist and that's why their throne has not been in contest since Emperor Kinmei. Just because Chinese and Japanese are both East Asians that use Chinese characters does not mean we're the same. In Japan they will act like they have an absolute monarch whether they actually have one or not.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Several scenarios:
  1. It's an old clip.
  2. It's CGI or AI generated video.
  3. It's a body-double.
  4. Xi was indeed dead. But he somehow came back to life.
In my humble opinion, #4 is by-far the most likely case.

When it's time for Olympics, all the racists come crawling out of the woodwork like clockwork.

But at what cost?

Australia has been promoted to the status of "the empire's toilet".
The Chad Chinese athlete simply farming the competition for points vs the virgin US athlete pretending to be a woman to sealclub actual women from other countries


Registered Member
Syngman Rhee brought it upon himself by refusing to surrender to Kim Il sung and massacring Korean civilians for criticizing him.

Chinese are the opposite of conformist. Chinese are the most unruly and difficult to manage people in the world. In the absence of strong government, Chinese are like scattered sand. That is why the throne has been in contention basically nonstop since the Qin dynasty. Sun Yatsen: 《建国方略·民权初步序》:“中国四万万之众等于一盘散沙,此岂天生而然耶。”

There's plenty of people waiting in the wings. If there's one thing that China does not lack, it is politicians. The Politburo needs to create an environment where harmful actions are politically impossible, rather than an environment where harmful actions are rewarded. An individual successor is meaningless if their actions cannot be constrained to be beneficial. Nobody is perfect.

Japanese are actually conformist and that's why their throne has not been in contest since Emperor Kinmei. Just because Chinese and Japanese are both East Asians that use Chinese characters does not mean we're the same. In Japan they will act like they have an absolute monarch whether they actually have one or not.
The same can be said of the Anglo people as a culture. Anglos profess to be unruly and freedom loving but only act within the narrow confines of their political elites, and complain and moan and express their political cowardice by refusing the overthrow the system for a better world. That’s why even if trump was assassinated last week, none of MAGA have the cojones to mount a peoples war to overthrow the government, not even jan 6th came armed with guns. The Anglo people have been bred to be juche style fodder for the many wars that the Anglo imperial machine needs them to be. Compare this to the French who actually have overthrown their government multiple times and reincarnated new republics that suit the french people, though I must say the encroaching americanisation of the west turns all peoples into slave like Anglo proles.


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Looks like Microsoft Azure has shit the bed.
It's Crowdstrike. They provide cybersecurity software. They pushed an update that was buggy. What doesn't help is that Windows 10 is also garbage for letting buggy application software crash the OS...

Still don't get why they use Windows for critical systems


Junior Member
Registered Member
It's Crowdstrike. They provide cybersecurity software. They pushed an update that was buggy. What doesn't help is that Windows 10 is also garbage for letting buggy application software crash the OS...

Still don't get why they use Windows for critical systems
After looking into this it seems Crowdstrike pushed out a completely fucked up kernel driver update. It wouldn’t have mattered if it was Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD or whatever. All monolithic kernel designs will crash if a kernel fault happens.