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1. Cost of housing in Canada is so mismatched with wages in some locales that a random suburb of Toronto is the 2nd most expensive place to live in North America
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Having lived in all 3 of these (Canadian) cities, I can't help but laugh how badly fucked Canada is. Hamilton is more expensive than Toronto... rofl. For those who don't know, Hamilton is the Detroit of Canada - a deindustrialized shithole with a serious drug problem with the most pollution in the country. This is a city that hasn't even developed a mass transit system other than regular city buses. Yet somehow it is the #4 most expensive city on the continent. You can't make this shit up, fr.

I'm not denying the cost. Just pointing out the blatant ponzi schemes setup by the government.

I am certain the only major thing really sustaining this country is the real estate bubble. Any measures to reduce property values so most citizens can actually afford to live would mean cutting off the life support of the government, reduction in the already disabled social services such as the crappy free healthcare where an appointment with a specialist has a 6-month waiting list or the senior's pension which is ... check this out ... maximum $1360/month (i.e. not even enough to cover the rent). Lmao. So when young working Canadians, the few who are able to save $, plan for retirement, knowing the pension will be insufficient, they do what? They invest in the m̶o̶s̶t̶ only lucrative industry in the country - real estate ... adding fuel to the fire.


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In the Soviet Union, after Brezhnev died in office, 2 elderly successors in a row were nominated for SecGen: Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko.

Their passing due to age and a crisis of confidence led to the unpredictable and inexperienced Gorbachev coming to power.

In Germany, the passing of the elderly Paul Von Hindenberg opened the way to mustache man.

I'm only talking about history here. Nothing of the sort could ever happen again.


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South Korea has North Korea to repopulate them after the collapse though, so it’s not all over for Koreans. It’s ironic that they should almost thank the fact that China intervened in the Korean War and prevented unification.

Otherwise they’d be like Taiwan giving their land over to Indians.
Clarification, China prevented unification under SK, but it was US prevented unification under NK.
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Interesting video displaying some manufacturing quality control in the e-bike industry in China. The stereotype is that China doesn't care about quality. No, it's really the US corporation that outsources who doesn't care about quality. I've heard it said you can get quality from China if you pay for it. That tells you how much US corporations are the ones that don't care about quality.

In China they can now tell which worker on the assembly line doesn't screw in a bolt correctly so he or she can be given more training if necessary because every part is tracked on each bike and they know who assembled it. I bet that kind of scrutiny would never be allowed by American unions hence why you have missing or untightened bolts on Boeing airliners.
A more than 2000 year old quality control method. Qin dynasty had laws that has names of worker, manager and official stamped on the product.


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Elon Musk has gone full MAGA. And to be fair it looks like there was an overcapacity of redhead comic characters.

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He better be, otherwise he can kiss double goodbye to his Fremont Factory and E-car hustle im Muttmerica.


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Apparently western media were banned from the Plenum so they started making up fake news to spread rumours. Man, these journalists are really making themselves targets for atrocities in wartime.
Several scenarios:
  1. It's an old clip.
  2. It's CGI or AI generated video.
  3. It's a body-double.
  4. Xi was indeed dead. But he somehow came back to life.
In my humble opinion, #4 is by-far the most likely case.

When it's time for Olympics, all the racists come crawling out of the woodwork like clockwork.

But at what cost?

Australia has been promoted to the status of "the empire's toilet".