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J.D. Vance's own words used against him
"I am a never Trumper"
"God what an idiot"
"I find him reprehensible "
"America's Hitler"
"I didn't vote for Trump"

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This is not AI generated, all real from his own audio and video recordings.
Seems like Pence 2.0. But it was always going to be like that, the establishment always wants control over Trump.


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Imran Khan party is going to be outlawed. Overseas Pakistanis supporters of Khans party will have their passports and ID revoked.

Pakistan to ban Imran Khan’s party – official​

Pakistan’s government plans to outlaw former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s party Tehreek-e-Insaf, Information Minister Attaullah Tarar announced on Monday. The cabinet is also seeking to bring new charges of treason against the politician, just days after a court overturned previous convictions.

Khan, 71, who is currently imprisoned on corruption charges, was ousted in April 2022. Since then, he has faced over 100 indictments, which his party has denounced as politically motivated.

On Monday, the interior minister said that the government had obtained “credible evidence” suggesting that Tehreek-e-Insaf had received money from foreign sources, in violation of national law. The cabinet also accused the party of inciting nationwide riots following Khan’s arrest last year.

Massive violent protests broke out in Pakistan in May 2023 following Khan’s detention, triggering a political crisis that only subsided when the Pakistani Supreme Court ordered his release. He was later arrested again and imprisoned on corruption charges.

“The federal government will move a case to ban the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf,” Tarar said, arguing that the latest allegations are enough to allow the ban. However, media is reporting that the decision would still have to be approved by the Supreme Court.

According to Tarar, the cabinet will also file new treason charges against Khan and former President Arif Alvi for allegedly wrongfully dissolving the National Assembly in April 2022, during Khan’s final days in power. The prime minister, who took office in 2018, was ousted in a no-confidence vote.

Khan’s spokesman Zulfiqar Bukhari said the government’s actions were politically motivated. “This is a sign of panic as they have realized the courts can’t be threatened and put under pressure,” he said.

Two days earlier, a Pakistani court overturned seven-year sentences given to Khan and his wife, Bushra, for allegedly violating Islamic law by marrying too soon after her divorce. In early June, the Islamabad High Court also overturned a sentence on Khan for allegedly having leaked state secrets.

The multiple convictions were used to bar Khan and his party from running in February elections, but the Supreme Court has since ruled that Tehreek-e-Insaf was wrongfully denied at least an extra 20 seats in parliament, in a blow to the ruling coalition.

Pakistan’s Human Rights Commission has warned that a ban on the party would “achieve nothing more than deeper polarization and a strong likelihood of political chaos and violence.”

Khan has accused the Pakistani military and the United States of plotting his ousting, claiming Washington conspired to overthrow his government after he visited Russia. On Monday, Minister Tarar, in turn, accused the former prime minister of seeking to damage relations between Islamabad and Washington.
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Can Xi keep a lid on China’s mounting social strains?​

The authorities are increasingly concerned about rises in unemployment, mental illness and crime linked to the economic slowdown
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Worry about your own society, don't worry about China's.

Good question:

Oh yeah, of course!


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China looms over NATO’s birthday party​

RNC removed Taiwan from its platform.

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This Chinese analysis is pretty good, predicts China and US will make a deal under Trump, probably involving reunification with Taiwan but allowing US to capture most of the value of TSMC. A very good deal if you ask me, it's time for your final mission Comrade Jianguo.
I wouldn't say either side is intended to reach a deal. China doesn't care if TSMC is brought in together with Taiwan, remember PLA chief of staff Liang Guanglie once said? 宁可台湾不长草,也要解放台湾岛 (China rather to have the island scorched than letting it go). The US certainly want TSMC's competence and technology to be brought to somewhere controllable regardless what happens to Taiwan island. US can do it and is already doing it without any deal.

I somehow agree the article's notion that Trump want to use TSMC as a bargain chip of some sort (a chip with zero value, but we are talking about US here), but I disagree with the author saying China is interested of any deal. Just look at the Trump's last term, US threw tariff, China threw back retaliation, US and China agreed to lower tariff but neither stopped doing what the other wanted to stop.

The China-US relationship has reached to the point of "you do what you want to do, I do mine", any "deal" is just a meaningless word to acknowledge what is happening in the battle field, nobody cares of negotiation.

Lol Trump won't trade Taiwan to China in a deal. What can China even offer in return?
Regardless what Trump thinks and does, China isn't interested in a deal, nor is China going to offer anything in return because China does NOT care of TSMC or any "valuable" assets on the island be it factories/labs or (pro independence) brains.
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China looms over NATO’s birthday party​

RNC removed Taiwan from its platform.

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This Chinese analysis is pretty good, predicts China and US will make a deal under Trump, probably involving reunification with Taiwan but allowing US to capture most of the value of TSMC. A very good deal if you ask me, it's time for your final mission Comrade Jianguo.
Sounds like a shit deal. Complete transfer of power may take more than 4 years. Who's to say the next guy is gonna uphold their end of the agreement?


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Just read about Trump's VP picks and had to look him up. I have to admit, I was surprised with how overt everything is.

Here's some information on J.D. Vance:

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2006-2009 - Ba, political science, Ohio State University & work for Bob Schuler, Ohio Senate (R)
2013 - Yale (JD, law)
2013-15? - Sidley Austin LLP
2016-2017 - principal at Mithril Capital (Peter Thiel)
2017 - investment partner, Revolution LLC
2017 - CNN contributor
2019 - founder, Narya Capital LLC (with financial backing from Peter Thiel, Eric Schmidt/Google, Marc Andreessen)

With Thiel and former Trump adviser Darren Blanton, Vance has invested in Rumble, a Canadian online video platform popular with the political right

The important question is how and why Vance got involved with Thiel who is a well known neo-feudal far-right radical as well as an active homosexual who nevertheless attempted to hide his sexuality and was famously outed by Gawker.

Thiel and other far-right radicals like Robert Mercer are the foundation of Vance's Senate run in 2022.

In early 2018, Vance considered running for U.S. Senate against Sherrod Brown,[46] but decided not to.[47] In March 2021, Peter Thiel gave $10 million to Protect Ohio Values, a super PAC created in February to support a potential Vance candidacy;[48][49][50] Robert Mercer also gave an undisclosed amount.[48] In April, Vance expressed interest in running for the Senate seat being vacated by Republican Rob Portman.[51] In May, he launched an exploratory committee.[52]n July 2021, Vance officially entered the race;[53] it was his first campaign for public office.[54]

The biggest red flag would be his childhood history.

And some information on Vance's wife Usha Chilukuri

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1986 - born, Delhi, India
2007? - Yale (Ba. history, Phi Beta Kappa)
2010 - Cambridge (Ma, philosophy, Bill Gates scholarship)
2013 - Yale (JD, law)
2014 - marries J.D. Vance - interfaith ceremony
2014-15- law clerk, federal circuit judge Brett Kavanaugh (SCOTUS nomination 2018)
2015-17 - associate, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP
2017-18 - law clerk, chief justice John Roberts
2019 - DC bar

The important question is her family and personal background. She comes supposedly out of nowhere and ends up getting scholarship from Gates and ends up in offices of extremely influential judges. Her work at Munger, Tolles & Ollson was caused by her clerkship with Kavanaugh as the firm recruits former clerks as insiders as part of their business strategy.

The biggest red flag is the interfaith ceremony as one of the common cultural patterns is women accepting the religion of their husband unless it is a political marriage where the family of the wife or others acting through her wants to retain control. This is how and why so many wives in ruling houses retained their religion.

Usha previously told Fox News that her parents are Hindu and she was raised in a religious home. Having seen the "power" of religion in her own life, she encouraged J.D. to re-discover his own Christian faith.

This seems as both an attempt to white-wash her Hindu background to Republican electorate as well as likely, her developing a more acceptable cover as it is easier to hide behind a Catholic husband if you are a Hindu plant.

In both of their personal histories note the short duration of employment at crucial positions. This is not a professional career. This is professional grooming.

J.D. Vance is not Kamala Harris - a convenient pick for virtue signalling and vacating a safe California seat in US Senate, and a political nobody that has demonstrated her inability to stand on her own during the primaries in 2020. He is a plant of the most dangerous group of people currently having influence in American politics.

Trump sold out America to right-wing Jews (see personal background of his daughter) and chose Pence for personal safety (nobody wanted Pence as POTUS in 2016), and now it seems he is selling it out to right-wing Indians. As for him turning America into a neo-feudal oligarchy, this is consistent with his first presidency. Also American Catholic radicals and Opus Dei etc likely play a role.

Here Amy Chua is likely not a coincidence. She is also a Catholic, born in the US to Chinese-Filipino immigrant parents and she did have a personal role in Vance's publishing history as well as encouraging him to pursue a relationship with his future wife. Vance's book was then promoted in mainstream media and picked up for adaptation which is also not a coincidence considering that this book is nothing special. This was most likely already part of the grooming process.

So to sum everything up - Vance and his wife ale likely narcissistic psychopaths and pathological liars. They are simply better at hiding that part of their image in public which in turn is highly correlated with machiavellianism (trait) and malice. They're not dumb about it as Trump is. They're doing it the way it should be done. And that's why they clicked with four pathological environments at once in a very short amount of time - corporate law, media, venture capitalism and politics.

Anyone who thinks Trump picking Vance is a sign things may not be as bad is making exactly the wrong judgment. The primary role of the Vice-President in American political system: to take over after POTUS. Pence was insurance that Trump wouldn't be JFK'd. Vance is insurance that Project 2025 will go through. VP without connection to the party means exactly what I said, Trump and his backers are moving in for a coup and they will use the legal manipulation route to achieve it using the courts and their influence in SCOTUS. Using SCOTUS to achieve those goals will have only one effect - the unity of the federal legal and constitutional system will be undermined or possibly shattered as Democratic states will resist, since Project 2025 is designed with full acknowledgment that Republicans and Trump in particular will not have broad popular support for their plans.

And without law there is only... care to provide us with the answer to that riddle @LawLeadsToPeace ?
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Why would anyone trust the Americans. Promises don’t mean shit to them.
That's actually a good point. The CPC loves their paper records and bureaucracy. Why do they insist upon these records if agreements and treaties with the US aren't worth the paper they're written on? Should be prepared to reneg and twist arms to get their way (with the US, that is) at the drop of a hat.


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Agree. People underestimate Trump.

First term, took him over a year to assemble his team. Come Jan 2025, he’s going to hit the ground running. People lining up to work for him now.

Yes, he’s doesn’t want war….But anything short of that is up for play with Trump including assassinations, maximalist sanctions, bio-weapons, more tariffs…..and it’s mainly going to be directed at China and Iran.

He is a malignant narcissist. They react with rage when they suffer what are called "narcissistic injuries", in other words when they suffer an ego injury.

Remember, people (including some within the Chinese government) thought he was just posturing originally and didn't think that he would actually start a trade war with China, but he did. He does things out of ignorance and stupidity because he does not know where the red lines are that should not be crossed.

The other thing to bear in mind are the people he surrounds himself with and his supporters. These are the racist evangelicals for whom a nuclear apocalypse is to be welcomed because it brings their end of the world and rapture into heaven. Even for those that are not religious cultists, there is the underlying racist assumption that the Chinese cannot keep up, won't slap back, or are militarily incompetent. Their estimations of risk therefore are inaccurate and they might well escalate matters thinking that they can get away with it.

This is very similar to my view of these people. My only consolation to people living in China or Iran would be that they likely get caught up in pursuing "justice" through gangsterism against perceived domestic political opponents that it hamstrings their ability to actually make any meaningful change.


I mean look at some of Vance's opinions or stated goals. He has specifically said he wants to purge that vast majority of some government agencies. Not sure how that is going to go over domestically, but potentially unemploying hundreds of thousands of people sounds like a surefire way to disaster. Or you know somehow deporting like 30 million people!
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