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Statement from President (of the United States Asylum) Joe Biden on S. 138, the “Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act”​

Today, I have signed into law S. 138, the “Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act” (the “Act”). I share the Congress’s bipartisan commitment to advancing the human rights of Tibetans and supporting efforts to preserve their distinct linguistic, cultural, and religious heritage. My Administration will continue to call on the People’s Republic of China to resume direct dialogue, without preconditions, with the Dalai Lama, or his representatives, to seek a settlement that resolves differences and leads to a negotiated agreement on Tibet. The Act does not change longstanding bipartisan United States policy to recognize the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan areas of China as part of the People’s Republic of China –- a policy decision that falls within my authority to recognize foreign states and the territorial bounds of such states.

July 12, 2024.

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Brian Berletic of The New Atlas analyzing Trump's "assassination attempt"

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Statement from President (of the United States Asylum) Joe Biden on S. 138, the “Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act”​

Today, I have signed into law S. 138, the “Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act” (the “Act”). I share the Congress’s bipartisan commitment to advancing the human rights of Tibetans and supporting efforts to preserve their distinct linguistic, cultural, and religious heritage. My Administration will continue to call on the People’s Republic of China to resume direct dialogue, without preconditions, with the Dalai Lama, or his representatives, to seek a settlement that resolves differences and leads to a negotiated agreement on Tibet. The Act does not change longstanding bipartisan United States policy to recognize the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan areas of China as part of the People’s Republic of China –- a policy decision that falls within my authority to recognize foreign states and the territorial bounds of such states.

July 12, 2024.

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Brian Berletic of The New Atlas analyzing Trump's "assassination attempt"

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Can these worthless little bastards just GTFO of Chinese business already. This salami slicing stupidity is eventually going to end with blood if they don’t stop jumping up and down on other peoples red lines like a giant infant that is long over due for a snack in the ass. Seriously, who the forking hell are they fooling, get the whole Gaza genocide thing fixed before getting onto that human rights high horse because really does anyone given a shit about a old man that moonlights as a pedo on TV compared to the U.S. funding an open genocide while vetoing anyone that tries to stop it. Seriously, what the hell
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Lieutenant General
Shooter identified as Chinese
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Identified or identifies as?

Also, I guess this proves that the famous quote got it backwards. It’s not what kind of American are you. It’s more like what kind of Chinese are you?

Because in America and the rest of the Anglo lands, you will forever be Chinese first and American/British/whatever second even if your family have been there for generations.


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Only in America: commercial media receives first footage of the shooter shooting and getting shot because they pay more than the feds.

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This guy is allegedly a registered Republican which - while unconfirmed - fits the profile of someone willing to perform lethal attacks with firearms. Registered Democrats are highly unlikely to perform any acts of violence because their culture is different. The "violent left" is:
  • order of magnitude less numerous and organised tan violent right
  • overwhelmingly rejected by the moderate, liberal and progressive groups active in politics - while Republicans have "fight for liberty" in a literal sense as part of their semi-official culture, the Democrats have embraced aggressive political marches, so largely "peaceful resistance".
  • mostly operates outside of the Democratic established structures and sees itself as "rock the boat" type of people - ANTIFA and the likes, don't identify as Democrats and often not even as "Progressive Democrats".
Most people who live in more democratic systems are confused by the American pathology so I will just remind that "registered Republican" doesn't mean "conservative" and either "registered Republican" or "conservative" doesn't mean "Trump supporter".

"Republican" is party registration which is more akin to "nationality" in the "two country, one system" political model of America. It enables people to vote in primaries. Pennsylvania has closed primaries which means that only registered party supporters can cast a vote in either primary. Last year bills in state legislature were proposed to open the primary as Pennsylvania is a swing state and it has a sizeable (close to 1 million) or likely but unregistered a.k.a "independent" voters. I don't know what the status of the bills is at the moment but the primary was in April so it was highly unlikely that it passed. As for the importance: there is a "Republican" and "Democratic" nation fighting for dominance over each other in a barely peaceful way - which is why American politics is what it is. Republicans are not "conservative" and they also have a very socially progressive wing consisting of libertarians. They simply don't advertise that angle because conservatives, especially religious fundamentalists, are much better and obedient suckers. In fact religious conservatives are consistently the single dumbest demographic which if anyone doubts can be proven by their support of Trump, the walking antithesis of a proper religious conservative.

"Conservative" in America doesn't mean anything that other countries mean by that. It means "rural" or "rural-like". It has nothing to do with worldview or policy preferences beyond the most obvious - not being extremely "progressive".

The shooter's most likely motivation is a delusion of grandeur (I can change history) driven by emotional instability and very likely personality on narcissistic spectrum. Ironic, but history of civilisation is just the history of stupid unnecessary drama caused by narcissists to other narcissists while everyone else has to suffer the consequences.

Because of that nobody should read much into what this man has done or what kind of t-shirt he wore or where he donated money. Narcissists are malicious and vengeful. Look how former allies or friends on the extreme right (or left) become sworn enemies after a falling out. Something that is completely illogical and unexpected for normal (moderate) individuals is exactly what needs to be expected from narcissistic (radical, extreme, far-leaning) individuals. These people live in a world of delusions that only superficially resembles the real one, but which is at a quick glance "normal" enough that they are not recognised for the dangerous and often malicious people that they are.

Sadly the same type of personality is drawn to media and other opinion-shaping institutions so everything I've seen so far in terms of commentary in the mainstream is avoiding the obvious problems just like they avoid stating the obvious about the undemocratic nature of American political system forcing people to commit violence.

To quote the most famous victim of political violence in American history:

JFK said:
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

This wouldn't have happened if America wasn't a Russia-like right-wing oligarchy pretending to be a democracy with freedom of opinion and political choice.

In Pennsylvania of all states, a crucial unstable swing state with closed primaries and political trenches that are largely stable after 2016 due to the economy of the state (large number of former or current blue collar whites) the inevitability of violence is felt almost under the skin. The country is largely forced into a one-party dynamic with less than 15% (iirc) of the Congress seats being elected in swing or open election. The rest is either "safe" or heavily leaning one way and that is felt among the people, because the radical nature of American politics, as well as its insane expressiveness (all the signs, stickers, loud opinions etc) will easily push unstable individuals to do what they think needs or "only can be done" to solve the problem.


Twitter and Musk are active participants in the Trumpian coup. They and the hordes of trolls, bots and ordinary aggressive delusional idiots will knowingly and deliberately will spread desinformation to facilitate their sick fantasies.

We're after the Reichstag fire. They want it to happen because they're mentally ill.

What is more interesting is what stances people like Bezos or Zuckerberg will take, since they have personal animosities with Musk and personal politics rules supreme in the world of the narcissists. While superficially Zuckerberg may lean in favour of Trump (as he did before) he may do otherwise just to disrupt Musk. The real politics in America is the politics of the oligarchs behind the scenes. Not what you see in the media or online. That's just the psy-op intended to turn you into a "zombie netizen" in the oligarch's war.

As for moderators:

I do recommend that you signal to some of the users (you probably know which ones I have in mind) to chill it or take a back seat, and be prepared for harsher measures because it will get worse if things escalate further. Delusional keyboard warriors are the same everywhere no matter which "side" they "fight for". Their "sides" are just temporary fleeting allegiances that exist in their minds just as their "tough guy" persona which they compulsively display online.

No matter what they say, claim or do they are all in it for themselves and they want to displace their aggression. They are angry, they don't understand why and they want the world to pay. The rest is just poor rationalisations and shitty excuses.

And by that I mean signal in person because general mod notices won't work with them. These people don't really "think". They feel and their feelings never care for the facts so they always end up behaving as if they were above the rules. Actually... they likely won't listen even if you point at them and say "you, yes you, stay right there buddy". Which is why the bans keep and fights keep happening.

SDF was an unpleasant place in recent times but I see it slipping further with events like this one. There is simply too much pent-up aggression and malice barely restrained in the discussion. Any excuse is good to let it out because that's what they want to do anyway.

Good luck.
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Registered Member
This guy is allegedly a registered Republican which - while unconfirmed - fits the profile of someone willing to perform lethal attacks with firearms. Registered Democrats are highly unlikely to perform any acts of violence because their culture is different.
Ah yes, a Republican that actively donated for Democratic purposes. A real red-neck republican lmao

What violent "left"? Same left that also carries out America's extreme nationalist policies?

We should just support the faction that causes the most internal bloodshed while paralyzing them as much as possible. Both Trump and Biden are international aggressors determined to launch a full scale invasion of China, but if they start shooting at eachother on the streets, that'll be much less enemies to deal with in the future.
No, we don't want civil war or anything like that. US is a nuclear state after all. Ideally, US will be "encouraged" to retire ala UK-style

Don't forget that the deep state seeing that Civil War is imminent may try to push a war with China so that it can unite it's fractured internal politics.

This is the best income that China can have from this. Trump is alive which means no Civil War, but it means that US internal politics is even more messy now which will delay or block it's actions of countering China. And when Trump gets elected, he will be fully occupied for months and years by doing a full on purge of Democrats out of everywhere, judicial, legislative, and civil service. (I don't believe that he doesn't support Project 2025)

Also don't discount the diplomatic negatives. How do you think the rest of the world thinks after all this? They are not stupid, they can see that the US is not reliable, a source of instability and basically a ticking bomb. China simply has to look as peaceful and rational as possible. As long as foreign leaders can trust that they can cut deals (and they will be honoured..) with the Chinese, then they will jumb off the US sinking ship
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No, we don't want civil war or anything like that. US is a nuclear state after all.

No, it is way safer for everyone for America to collapse internally before they manage to fully initiate the global hot war against China they planned. That is the real nuclear threat.

I'm betting that a huge part of China's recent political restraint is basically just observation and knowledge of this. Because, in this way, they still won, but nearly without any risk of nuclear exchange. Win-win scenario.

Yeah, you would likely have many failed states emerging from what is currently the US with their own mini-nuclear arsenals, but why China wouldn't be able to deal with them with carrot and stick? They would be truly weak and divided to be able to be of any kind of threat anymore.