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Assassination Attempt on Trump. I don’t think it was fatal. Not sure if he was hit but r/politics is melting down over the optics of this.

This shooting was probably staged by sociopath Trump himself to get more sympathy, publicity & votes, from dumb sheeple.

It reminds me of a scene from the TV show called Limitless. It was also only about bullet grazing the person there as well.

It is just that the politician in that movie is portrayed as way smarter than idiot Trump, so maybe someone from Trump's team recommended and organized this instead.

Why only grazing, haha? If they were serious, they would've blown his brains out instead. Who smart would risk this and not finish him off completely if the "deep state", or other political opponents were involved, as other conspiracy theories suggest? They're not that stupid.

Trump is a clown, at this point I think that once he wins he will surely attempt to introduce some kind of dictatorship s many analysts predict.

And with such a figure, you get the collapse of the US a little bit sooner than expected, but you also get an increased risk of global nuclear war.


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If the shooter was slightly more accurate then we would be talking about civil war. Very lucky that the shot only grazed the ear.

If the shooter was slightly more accurate it would be already over. But the shooter wasn't accurate and now it's only the beginning.

This is a better quality clip that also has Trump standing up, raising his fist and mouthing "fight" repeatedly to the crowd.

"The shooter is down" means that SS got the likely shooter.

It was also a semi-automatic. You can hear multiple fast shots once Trump is covered by bodyguards which is a desperation measure. It also means the shooter was a complete amateur because these kinds of shots are done by a bolt-action sniper rifle with a single shot only. But he was still trying to hit him two more times after the first one and each time he missed badly. Then he panicked and then he likely identified himself.

Also watch closely at the moment he is hit. Trump turns his head a short moment before the first shot, which may be why he was - what appears as - grazed. The shooter could have been aiming for back of the head but the bullet travels a fraction of a second to the target which is what a human needs to move head slightly. And that's all that's necessary for an untrained shooter to miss target.

I will advise everyone to wait for more information about everything in this incident and wait for the reactions on all sides, especially from Trump. Alternative angles would be tremendously helpful as well as statements from other people. Allegedly people in the crowd were hit which is what should happen with this many shots into a crowd. This and the alternative angles will answer if that could be staged.

Trump standing up with his fist raised fits what we know of shock behaviour. Trump doesn't act like a person who has been trained to react properly to assassins, and he acts extremely confused but that's also the consequence of him being under guard by SS as an ex-president. He probably expected an attempt but didn't know what to expect because these things never look like in the movies, especially for the people doing the deed and their target.

As for whether it was staged: in theory it could, in practice, it didn't have to.

This event was to be expected. I absolutely was waiting for an assassination attempt at Trump, and was dreading the day. It had to come because everything from history and our current understanding of social dynamics pointed to it happening at a time when Biden's campaign faltered. Authentic or staged. It had to come because that was the most likely tactic taken by Trump to make himself a martyr with criminal convictions and other problems. It had to come because America is a land of people who like to solve their mental problems by shooting at other people. It had to come and here it is.

And because he isn't dead he is going to run on this until November 4. This is his Reichstag moment just as January 6 was his Beer Hall Putsch, and his time out of power and criminal charges were his time in Landsberg.

He won't swing undecided voters because that's not how human psychology works. Whoever was willing to vote for him will vote for him. Whoever was willing to vote against him will vote against him. So what happens next? Well... we can no longer think in election terms. This is not an election anymore. This is a creeping coup.

This is what Trump is planning to do with this event (authentic or staged):
  • He is signalling to his base that now violence is permitted because "they did it first". He is signalling that he is going to go for presidency January 6 style. If he wins he wins. If he doesn't win it is rigged against him because why wouldn't they if they tried to kill him? Nobody would try to kill him if he was going to lose. This effectively invalidates any outcome other than Trump victory for Republicans.
  • He is forcing the undecided Republican-voters into a "us or them" mentality within their party and force them to close ranks or be ejected as traitors in times of extreme crisis. He is radicalising the Republican electorate from within which is crucial because anti-Trump republicans were his biggest weakness. Illegitimate and illegal acts can only be performed in politics if nobody breaks rank. Now everyone in the party also has an excuse to set aside the differences and come together in a time of great crisis and he has the opportunity to be magnanimous about it. It is the best opportunity for Republican Party to reorganise as a party of Trump in all but name.
  • He is provoking the extreme elements on the other side to escalate because now they should legitimately fear extreme reprisals if he wins. This will be used as a feedback mechanism to justify escalation from the right.
  • He is going to justify Project 2025 with this so regardless of how the election comes out in Congress (Democrats can in theory win both House and Senate) he is going to force it through the executive power and loyalists in the ranks.
  • He just received the best tool for diverting attention from absolutely everything. He can run on "they tried to kill me" in every single interview, debate etc and never say another thing and everyone will understand it intuitively as a true thing - which is important for a person well known to lie pathologically - because everyone will have seen it countless times by now.
If anyone thought we were already living in "interesting times"... you've seen nothing yet. We're on a crazy train now and this is not going to end well.

This election is over. But not because Trump won. It's over because he is no longer going to try to win it. This is in all likelihood America's genuine Hitler moment.

Good night and good luck.
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The Trump assassination attempt gives me the vibe of the 319 shooting incident during Taiwan's election in 2004.

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Time to steal their tech back!
But would the egotistical westerners accept such a suggestion? I thinking the answer is a resounding no. They don't even know China is ahead, and that's a good thing. Let them keep dreaming, do not wake them up.

The essence of "free speech" in the West.

It's only reciprocal, so cry ab it.

Two of the former Fascist and genocidal countries are in cahoots again. But both are going down the tubes economically and demographically - good luck.
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Registered Member
He is signalling to his base that now violence is permitted because "they did it first". He is signalling that he is going to go for presidency January 6 style.
He is signalling nothing. It's the violent left that does it. Funny how he just had an assassination attempt against him and you keep blaming him lol

He is forcing the undecided Republican-voters into a "us or them" mentality within their party and force them to close ranks or be ejected as traitors in times of crisis. He is radicalising the Republican electorate.
The only organisation that radicalizes the Republicans is the violent left and it's MSM enablers.

He is provoking the extreme elements on the other side to escalate because now they should legitimately fear extreme reprisals if he wins.
Person who escapes death by inches, wants revenge. I am shocked... For sure Trump is going to clean house big big time once he becomes president

He is going to justify Project 2025 with this so regardless of how the election comes out in Congress he is going to force it through the executive power and loyalists in the ranks.
In light of the assassination attempt, in Republicans' minds Project 2025 seems to be reasonable response to the violent left's constant attacks

He just received the best tool for diverting attention from absolutely everything. He can run on "they tried to kill me" and never say another thing and whoever was willing to vote for him will vote for him. It no longer is an election. This is how civil wars start.
The violent left should had thought about this before they called Trump a nazi, Hitler, threat to democracy/America etc. Retribution is coming