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Indians rather stay in US to conquor its market, like they do in tech business. They will create an ethnic power bloc like the Jewish system. Unlike Chinese they blend in a bit better into white population.
Do you regularly interact with Indians? Jewish people tend to look much more similar to white people but a lot of them still look non-white. Jewish people and Turkish people are the only non-European ethnicities that I often struggle to distinguish from white Americans. The overwhelming majority of Indians look nothing like white people and I doubt that they will be allowed to gain real power in the West. Canada only has 2 million Indians and it is experiencing a historical surge in anti-Indian sentiment. I think you're overthinking this.


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A perspective from a Chinese person that tried to make U.S. manufacturing work in the U.S. and he summarized his experience:

Translate his posts from Chinese to English.

Interesting post.

The US goverment wants more manufacturing in US soil, give companies subsidies but like a case of wanting your cake and want it to eat it too they want them to buy more expensive US made tools and materials that will rise cost of manufacturing

The US lack a complete supply chain and less a one closer to the factory but i think is also a mobility issue like the lack of HSR to move goods fast between cities.

Regulations are not streamlined and there are too many, a company has to deal with too many bureaucrats because of that subcontracting work is usually too expensive because reduce the quantity of people qualified to do certain job to a few people.

Very difficult to get qualified workers right away increasing training cost, there is a lack of trading schools for factory jobs, young people prefer the service sector and the smartest go to finance or silicon valley.​


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