Reformist Massoud has won in Iran's presidential election
Anybody can talk about what this means for West/China ties etc?
I think labelling people into catagories predefined by western media is a wrong start of analysing anything outside of west. Just like marriage, left and right means totally different things between the west and the rest of the world, refromist can mean different things. An example that everyone would know is that the "reformist" Gobarchev of USSR was a spiritual western proxy/agent, the reformist Deng Xiaoping is a staunch communist.
I noticed that it is not only commoners outside west who uses western words, concepts, methodolies and way of thinking to make sense of things, but also lots of mass medias inside non-west countries such as China, even to the point of some academians and communist medias. Such as articles from globaltimes may use such labelling. To be truelly independent thinking, to defeat the western dominance, to librate ourselves (non-westerners) we should defeat the "westerner" inside ourselves. As a wellknown Chinese saying "破山中贼易,破心中贼难“, it is easy to defeat the enemy infront, difficult to defeat the one inside our minds.
Back to the specific, Massoud is the president of Iran, whatever reform he has in mind is for Iran's insterest that is also guided and guarded by the supreme leader and his consuls. So long as Iran's strategic interest remains unchanged, nothing major (IMO worth of notion) is going to happen.