Australia's supposed envassalage only makes sense when you stop looking at the country as a true nation state and more as a territory of plunder and convict/military outpost for the Anglo supremacy. When a former australian prime minister can go off and become a government official to a foreign nation, you know australia's sovereignty is a joke. In fact, it's far more accurate to se the Five Eyes as one big entity, but true to their deceitful nature, the anglos prefer to keep it decentralised to give the appearance of autonomy and their puppets confer the illusion of plurality and agreement.
The Chinese and the Jews have no historical conflict and animosity. I don't know why so many Zionist entities want to label CCP and the Chinese as anti-semitic
Because zionists are simply another cohort of white supremacists within the greater entity of white supremacists, and since they treat non jews the way white supremacists treat non whites, the animosity from white supremacists spills towards jews.
Consider this, modern white supremacist beliefs came from 19th century esotericism, nationalism and race science. Much like how nazi race scientists envisioned a mythical blonde haired, blue eyed aryan race of people which has no basis in history, zionists also attempt to create an identity based on a supposed bronze age jewish superpower. Neither of those beliefs have grounding in historical fact:
White supremacy comes from insecurity about one's national and ethnic identity, hence why they strive so hard to start wars against China with which to channel that impotent rage. Most Chinese people are proud of their chinese heritage but rather than being race purists who obsess over bloodlines as zionists and other white supremacist groups do, Chinese nationalists appear to use the fears and achievements of their ancestors to propel them towards greater heights, eg the naming of Chinese spaceships and probes after Chinese mythical and legendary figures, as the americans attempt to ape the ancient greeks by naming their probes after a culture where they don't speak the language and don't even practice the values of the ancient greeks.