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The Foreign Policy of Trump: More of the same. Peace through Strength.

So they’ve chosen the Soviet Union as their model of decline.

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apparently that Boeing starliner issue with socking was because they tried to substitute Russian and Chinese titanium with Indian products and the Indians cheated the anglos with aluminium. Truly, unsurprisin.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Vucic and what he’s said, about the possibility of the shoe dropping in 3 to 4 months. Damn, can they at least postpone the war until after I’ve had my eurotrip?


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China-Russia relationship is concerning, says NATO secretary-general - BBC News​

Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned China that it must stop financially supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The BBC’s Sumi Somaskanda interviewed Stoltenberg about international politics related to Russia’s war in Ukraine. In a wide-ranging interview, the Secretary General clarified that NATO’s position with regards to nuclear deterrence remains unchanged, following his comments to the Telegraph about the nuclear threat from an alliance of North Korea, Russia and China. Mr Stoltenberg also suggested a possible “economic cost” should be imposed on China should it continue to support Russia’s war in Ukraine. He also spoke about the impact of US politics on support for Ukraine.

Jens "Quisling" Stoltenberg: "China is trying to have it both ways...at some stage we should consider some kind of economic cost if China doesn't change their behavior..."


1) The BBC has been caught several times spreading propaganda and misinformation concerning geopolitical affairs.
2) Jens "Quisling" Stoltenberg is a de-facto US agent (unregistered foreign agent) in Europe. He does not reflect or represent the interests of the European people. He does the bidding of his masters in Washington DC.
3) Jens Stoltenberg's bosses in Washington DC installed an Anti-Russian regime in Kiev in 2014. His Washington DC bosses have propped up an Anti-Russian regime since then.
4) The Washington Pact (also know as NATO in the West) is a US tool to 1) control its satellite/vassal states in Europe and 2) Threaten the security of the Russian Federation in Europe 3) Used as a tool to support and preserve global hegemony of the neocon/neolib US.

Personal View:

Now this outrageous lying hypocrite (lunatic?) Stoltenberg is saying that China has the audacity to support Russia in face of US hybrid warfare in Ukraine. China is fully aware that they will be the next target if Russia were to fall to US aggression in Europe. The neocon/neolib US is trying to have it both ways by saying "1) its totally OK if we topple governments left and right" and "2) You better not respond to our flagrant breeches of international law (even if it is directly aimed against you) or else!!!" This insane and insidious behavior should no longer be tolerated by the international community (the real one). This destructive supremacist behavior has no place in the 21st century.


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I have no clue why Indians think they can pick on Chinese in a physical fight so easily. Chinese have the same level of grip strength as Iranians despite not caring about sports outside of the Olympics. Oh yeah and let's not forget those Olympic weightlifting medals too. China has a 2x UFC champ and multiple guys who were once ranked in the UFC while Indians only victory in the UFC is some female fighter who got gifted a decision. They got two k-1 champs right now as well. Not to mention Zhang Zhilei. Even in wrestling that India boasts about, most of their achievements are in the lower weight class while China who doesn't care about wrestling had a world medalist at heavyweight. Did you know India can't even send guys to do compete at the Olympics in Greco Roman wrestling because you can only grab the guy waist up meaning you need to have enough strength to literally toss a guy over his head? China meanwhile had Olympic medals in that. Indians think they are somehow bigger people yet somehow they are almost completely absent in higher weight classes somehow.

Btw there's a reason navy seals are between 5'7 and 5'10 most of the time and not getting 6'9 lebron James. So you don't even need to be heavyweight to be a soldier.

We can go on and on but I really have no clue how Indians can see all these facts and not process a single bit of it.
Its simple, most Chinese aren't usually largely built. Bruce Lee for example, is not a large dude, but everybody knows what he can do. Indian male troublemakers like to bully, and bullies like to pick on small targets, i.e.: smaller-sized men, or women. The Jai Hinds like to make fun of the "small-Chinese", but the ironic thing is that the majority of Indian men are also built around the same size. Its only the Punjabs that are tended to be bigger-built, and the Indian Army like to send their Punjabi Jawans as brawlers against PLA soldiers. It looks better for the cameras, but they also got their asses kicked.

The Chinese are also one of the most picked-on race by racists around the world. And Indians like to gang up on "vulnerable" targets to get some of the bully action. Today its the Chinese, yesterday it was the Muslims. That is why the Jai Hinds deserve no respect.

What are the penalties for fighting / brawling in Malaysia?
And what would happen in the case of a foreigner getting into a fight with the local bottom feeders as pictured in the video?
Depending on the severity. Normally its fines, warnings, and a booking if its nothing too serious, and both parties can settle their disputes, like in this case. If there are broken bones, serious injuries, or death, then there could be jail time and whipping by the rattan stick.

I think the same laws applies to foreigners. Naturally, any foreigner vs local fights is gonna get more attention and hatred. So the public might demand for harsher punishments. Unless the foreigner has some important contacts who might be able to bail them out. The law is easy to bend in Malaysia with money and connections.


Registered Member
Its simple, most Chinese aren't usually largely built. Bruce Lee for example, is not a large dude, but everybody knows what he can do. Indian male troublemakers like to bully, and bullies like to pick on small targets, i.e.: smaller-sized men, or women. The Jai Hinds like to make fun of the "small-Chinese", but the ironic thing is that the majority of Indian men are also built around the same size. Its only the Punjabs that are tended to be bigger-built, and the Indian Army like to send their Punjabi Jawans as brawlers against PLA soldiers. It looks better for the cameras, but they also got their asses kicked.

The Chinese are also one of the most picked-on race by racists around the world. And Indians like to gang up on "vulnerable" targets to get some of the bully action. Today its the Chinese, yesterday it was the Muslims. That is why the Jai Hinds deserve no respect.

Depending on the severity. Normally its fines, warnings, and a booking if its nothing too serious, and both parties can settle their disputes, like in this case. If there are broken bones, serious injuries, or death, then there could be jail time and whipping by the rattan stick.

I think the same laws applies to foreigners. Naturally, any foreigner vs local fights is gonna get more attention and hatred. So the public might demand for harsher punishments. Unless the foreigner has some important contacts who might be able to bail them out. The law is easy to bend in Malaysia with money and connections.
But Bro we viewed Indians as patsy here in the Philippine, even with their peacock facial feature doesn't generate any fear from us. In fact they're more afraid of us as they were frequently prey upon by the locals and the police. They were engage in nefarious activities like illegal lending like 5/6 and are easy target because they have distinct feature.


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What? The US elites offered China to become this?:

K-pop, K-corn-dog, K-Halloween, feminized Asian men, wokeness, etc.? Hell no! I rather have warships and nukes protecting our own culture and heritage than any of that Americanization crap!


Registered Member
The USSR wasn’t anything remotely as unhinged. They are going full fictional-level retard like Gilead.

The closest real world comparison would be North Korea for the bombastic self-aggrandisement and ISIS level reasonableness.
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thing is, I don’t think it matters who becomes president, blue or red; the U.S. elites are committing to destroying and enslaving China so all of these recommendations by O’Brien will eventually come to pass.