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His brain has been rotten from all this think-tank bs.

China "stole" the IP by legal and over the board means where they contractually mandated certain conditions for foreign enterprises to enter the domestic market. And foreign enterprises weren't stupid, they tried to stall development as much as they could and only give the bare minimum. And even then, the government needed to dedicate enormous resources for the 'IP' to be actually transferred. Either pure (often outdated) IP or skill transfer.

Reality is much more complex than what these single digit IQ think-tankers think with their singleton brains.
Personally, I don't consider that IP is something that is universal or that can be stolen.

It is a totally arbitrary definition that is supported by dominant countries to remain dominant, but they didn't apply it when they were weak.
The US didn't stop industrializing with vapor engines because England had the intellectual property

And you can stretch it even more. Does someone pay intellectual property to the Arabs for using algebra developed by them?

Someone decided that the design of a chip is IP but the discernment of mathematical rules not.

Any country and company have the right to develop whatever they want (and are able to do) without caring if that thing was previously invented by another company


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Wow. This a big warning to asians like us In Aus. Even Brisbane which is known to be laid back city with a big community of Asians including Taiwanese actually especially in suburb of Sunnybank.
This only going to happens more and more to you. The level of hate in Europe toward Russians and the in the anglosaxon countries towards Chinese is in toxic (almost nazi) levels. And the media continue pushing it more and more and more with a narrative or them against us

You just need to read reddit, comments in newspapers, etc

My wife is belarussian and look superslavic, and definitely people glance at her very badly when we walk in the street, and I have spoken with chinese people living in London and they say the same happens to them


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Western meddling during the June 4th incident.
The West will never leave China alone, any more than they can leave Russia alone and Russia is white and christian. Western imperialists have a rapey attitude towards China and are obsessed with trying to destabilise and control China as they once did in the Century of Humiliation.
I think importance of White and Christian association with Russia should be permanently retired.
what if there were no Jews and Muslims in Russian empire start with Oil discoveries in 1870s. how things would have developed all the way to world wars?
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On the basis of all this, overall the Rothschild brothers played an undeniably positive role in the accelerated development of the Russian (now Azerbaijani) oil business.

About the author: Mir-Yusif Mir-Babayev is a doctor of chemistry, a professor at the Azerbaijan Technical University and author of books on Azerbaijan’s oil history.

Ask this question again today. what if there were no Muslims in Russia to deal with sanctions and Ukraine conflict.
This Saudi Minister arrival with Russia deputy PM is like hand holding some one from hotel. This Soft Power you cannot purchase with money.
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The reason is right in the pictures This muslim girl is now rich but she still showed what it was like in 1990s when people selling cheap stuff. you cannot miss the Green.



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I think importance of White and Christian association with Russia should be permanently retired.
That Russia is a country with light skin and eyes (although they usually have brown hair) is a fact since 70 or 80% of the country is eastern slavic.
And obviously they are also majority orthodox christian, Some pick pocket examples does not change such reality. There are Muslims regions in Russia, but the demographic majority is self explanatory and the traditions of the state are also obvious.
Basically any historic figure of Russia that you can think of is orthodox so I think is pretty obvious they are orthodox. I am sure you can find some armenian christian in a random important position in Iran, but is absurd to deny that Iran is a country of muslim tradition, and that they are iranians ethnically.

The issue is that for the West being "white" does not mean have light skin. And being Christian does not mean to be Christian.

West does not consider Slavic (and Mediterraneans) to be really white. And neither it considers the orthodox being cristian

White is a synonym to be of Germanic origin, and be Christian for the West means be Protestant.

The mediterranean and slavic (like polish) catholics are simply inferior people, simply needed as a market and helpers. Slavic orthodox are in their view inferior and they hate them as much as they hat muslims and chinese

PD: Personally I hate this ethno nationalism of saying that people native from a country are of other country or religion.
Like, oh a random german russian invented that -> germans are great enginers
Iranian leader has a azerbaiani grandmother -> oh he is azerbaiani
A random jew create a company -> o jews are great businessman
A family with a ancestor 300 years ago are kigns in spain -> oh the king of spain is french
Russian zar had a german ancestor -> oh russians cant not rule themselves, they need german

Really, people belong to the country they are born. Not to the place of born of a random ancestor, or to a religion.

Other way of though just justify nazism and zionism.
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Funny, those China hater in Vietnam is saying: Ch*nk Chiang or Ch*nk Mao is same, just ch*nk. But then we have bananas try very hard to point out why Chinese Mao is very different than Chinese Chiang. But at the end, someone will put out evidence that prove is no, they just same. Same face, same culture same language, same mind.
I remember some Viet saying this:

Since becoming independent, we have had to deal with Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, ROC and now PRC.

Despite coming from different parties and being literally different races, somehow all those guys seem to act the same way to us. So as far as we are concerned, they might as well all be the same.


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The vast majority who tell us to remember the June 4th protest are supporters of the ongoing genocide in Gaza - that's all you need to know.

No, India is not China, unfortunately for Indians.
Pretty much

Western politicians and MSM.

Also Western politicians and MSM



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Zionist scum exposed

Netanyahu: turn the camera off so that we can elaborate on this ... "this" being the destruction of Oslo Accords. Netanyahu's great loophole.
Have to disagree with @Chevalier on Ashkenazi IQ; it can be quite high, just that it's used entirely on swindling and loopholes.

Speaking of loopholes and high IQ, here's an interesting one. Jews are not allowed to do practically anything outside of their private domain on Sabbath (Saturday), except worship; a religious injunction levied on them by their lord for being rebellious. The private domain (i.e. their home) is marked by a physical boundary, a fence, a wall, or a wire, known as the eruv.
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This is where the great IQ steps in. Talmud and Rabbinic law found a loophole that has the Jew wrap a eruv wire around himself so that he can walk anywhere on Sabbath and do almost any kind of work while technically still inside that private domain. Whole towns and cities have been wrapped in eruv to allow the Jew freedom whilst simultaneously keeping the Sabbath.
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Looks like the Jewish IQ outsmarted their god. So, how does the god of Israel respond?

[Exodus 32:9]

[Ezekiel 20:13]

You gotta take a moment and contemplate how wicked a nation has to be that the diety in their own religious books insults and threatens them with destruction.
They seem to be in a habit to repeat the same situation that got them into situation where punishes them harshly. I do wonder what’s going to happen to them this time, but compared what the Babylonians and the Romans did to them, what’s coming for them will be many times worse because the whole word can see how sickening these people are and simply how utterly irredeemable and cowardly their actions are shown to be. God may forgive them, but they must live with the consequences and the consequences is guaranteed to last for many generations. I would not want to be born a Jew in the future, for their fate is going to be worse than The Nazis that preceded them and this is brought onto them by themselves and their extreme levels of entitlement that should’ve been beaten out of them long ago.