Philippines does not even have the boats and planes to even put up a fight in the SCS, let alone die in "industrial numbers". And China has no interest in invading the Philippines.
Well if you have been following the Ukraine War, the Anglo plan has always been to supply weapons to some dumb idiots who were willing to do the dirty work for them. The Taiwan and PH plan should also be similar. If there is a hot war between the PH and China. I anticipate that the Anglos, along with Japan, SK, India, and the DPP separatists in Taiwan might line up to "donate" weapons and cash to the PH to fight China. They wish to bleed the PLAN in anyway possible with their weapons in Filipino hands. Very likely, they might send in mercenaries, advisers, volunteers, and even rebadge their servicemen into Filipino uniforms to do the more sophisticated fighting. They definitely desire an opportunity to see their munitions, missiles and drones being used to hurt PLAN vessels, aircraft and manpower outside of a direct war with China.
That should be the cynical Anglo plan. But how it'll fare out in reality will be very different from Ukraine. Its primarily naval warfare instead of land warfare, the Filipinos are not Ukrainians, ASEAN is not NATO, and China is not Russia. This time, any blowback to the Anglos will really hurt.