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The US definitely overreached, China should recall its ambassador to the US in solidarity and also cancel the upcoming summit, the pretext being the genocide against Chinese Americans. Then Russia and China should each announce simultaneous closure of multiple consulates. If China and Russia act fast enough and in coordination, US will scramble to react. Its time to put US on defensive, especially as its now clear that they may face George Floyd II after the latest massacre of Chinese in Atlanta. Hopefully additional actions can be coordinated by North Korea, Iran, and Turkey. The point is to escalate simultaneously so that US can't pressure vassal states to sanction multiple superpowers simultaneously. Its time the world's anti-anglo alliance use its full economic, military, and political might.
This Putin thing is a big strategic mistake by Biden and co. The only thing that really worries me (I mean besides global thermonuclear war) is US pulling in Russia to counter China. Basically a replay of late Cold War except with Russia and China's roles reversed. Now Biden has just killed any chance of that and is actively pushing Russia closer to China.


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Do not get deterred. The main reason is to avoid being flooded by candidates from countries such as India. I know a recruiter in the states in the same situation. They get flooded by applicants from India many of which are not very qualified on paper but hollow otherwise. It becomes difficult to sort things out and the effort does not justify the reward anymore even if she wanted to go through the extra effort to match candidates.
I'm fully aware of bullshit application, given I had to review those application for the company I worked for a couple of years ago, we had a really simple test to filter applicants. Create a couple of unit tests for a abstract calculator that can only do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Lets just say I have seen some really creative solutions on something this simple.


The Capitalist
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Do not get deterred. The main reason is to avoid being flooded by candidates from countries such as India. I know a recruiter in the states in the same situation. They get flooded by applicants from India many of which are not very qualified on paper but hollow otherwise. It becomes difficult to sort things out and the effort does not justify the reward anymore even if she wanted to go through the extra effort to match candidates.
A lot of firms in the Tech Sector or otherwise dealing with Qualified Professionals -sub contract their HR functions to Agencies that can do the recruitment and selection/verification for them. If you want to move abroad to live and work, this is often the route to go.


Registered Member
Good lets see what Russia can further offer to China.
Maybe more open market penetration for Chinese companies in Russia?
Allow more participation of Russia for the Polar Silk Road?
Or further integration with the central Asia states?
@voyager1 under Xi China had made a choice and its Russia, they really complement each other. Chinese FM spokesman had already stated that the US can't be trusted. There is now an understanding of a common threat and as I mentioned from my previous post the Power of Siberia pipeline is a manifestation of that alliances.


Registered Member
@voyager1 under Xi China had made a choice and its Russia, they really complement each other. Chinese FM spokesman had already stated that the US can't be trusted. There is now an understanding of a common threat and as I mentioned from my previous post the Power of Siberia pipeline is a manifestation of that alliances.
China has made a choice but Russia still remains somewhat reluctant. See the Polar Silk road where they dragging negotiations, see Russian influence to the Central Asia states posing some resistance to growing cooperation with China.

These are all under surface but Russia is still not 100 per cent commited with China and is still trying to hedge with EU (disaster lol) and is trying now with individual EU countries.

You can see this when in the past months Putin said that Russia is fundamentally an European country which signals that Russia hasnt fully turn to Asia.

Now that Biden has taken this stance, Russia better go to the EU countries and have a strategic dialogue on how they see Russia and pressure them to finally take a decision to have an independent strategy towards Russia or they will simply follow the US.

Germany, under Merkel, tries to have rational relations with Russia but is getting sabotaged from the US, and the European Eastern Countries (Baltic states mostly).

France, under Makron also understands what is at stake here but it seems unable to take firm stance on France's relations with Russia, it becomes more bipolar as time passes, no consistency at all


Registered Member
China has made a choice but Russia still remains somewhat reluctant. See the Polar Silk road where they dragging negotiations, see Russian influence to the Central Asia states posing some resistance to growing cooperation with China.

These are all under surface but Russia is still not 100 per cent commited with China and is still trying to hedge with EU (disaster lol) and is trying now with individual EU countries.

You can see this when in the past months Putin said that Russia is fundamentally an European country which signals that Russia hasnt fully turn to Asia.

Now that Biden has taken this stance, Russia better go to the EU countries and have a strategic dialogue on how they see Russia and pressure them to finally take a decision to have an independent strategy towards Russia or they will simply follow the US.

Germany, under Merkel, tries to have rational relations with Russia but is getting sabotaged from the US, and the European Eastern Countries (Baltic states mostly).

France, under Makron also understands what is at stake here but it seems unable to take firm stance on France's relations with Russia, it becomes more bipolar as time passes, no consistency at all

Well, China is economically 10x larger than Russia, so China would naturally have the upper hand.

So from the Russian point of view, they would want to keep their options open.


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Xinjiang residents to sue BBC over fake news on region

By Global Times Published: Mar 18, 2021 11:12 AM

A number of individuals in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region plan to sue BBC for producing fake news, spreading rumors about Xinjiang and slandering China's policy in its Xinjiang region, a senior official from the region announced on Thursday.

Xu Guixiang, deputy director of the publicity department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Committee, revealed the information at a Xinjiang-related press conference held by the Chinese Foreign Ministry in Beijing.

Under the banner of so-called "freedom of the press" and without investigation and verification, the BBC followed the trend and quoted the so-called Xinjiang-related "research report" of pseudo-scholar Adrian Zenz, producing and broadcasting fake news, making irresponsible remarks on Xinjiang-related policies, and spreading rumors and slander, Xu said, noting that the British media outlet has become a platform for the dissemination of Zenz's lies about Xinjiang.

Local residents walk in a street at a scenic spot in the ancient city of Kashgar, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, May 16, 2020.Photo:Xinhua

Local residents walk in a street at a scenic spot in the ancient city of Kashgar, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, May 16, 2020.Photo:Xinhua

Zenz, a German national who calls himself Zheng Guoen in Chinese, is an infamous anti-China far-right figure who has produced multiple sensational "reports" on Xinjiang on Twitter, and fabricated false academic research on Xinjiang, in which he spread rumors such as large-scale monitoring of local ethnic minorities and forced labor of the Uygurs.

A number of enterprises and individuals in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have directed lawyers to sue
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, Xinjiang local news outlet ts.cn reported on March 9. Local people said that Zenz spread "forced labor" and other rumors related to Xinjiang, which damaged their reputation and caused them to suffer losses.

Some victims in Xinjiang also plan to sue the BBC. Along with Zenz, they will eventually stand in the dock and accept the verdict of law and justice, Xu said.

"The BBC constantly crossed the bottom line on Xinjiang-related reports and completely abandoned the professional ethics of news media. These anti-China forces are in collusion and have staged farcical and absurd scenes that are disgusting and make people laugh," Xu said.

Xu said that Xinjiang has made unprecedented achievements in its economic and social development and improvement of people's livelihoods, showing social stability with people living and working in peace and contentment. People of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have a growing sense of fulfilment, happiness and security, he said.

"Zenz's so-called 'research report' will be swept into the dustbin of history together with himself, and will be spurned by the 25 million people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang," Xu said.