China has a serious problem with religion.
The lack of state support for domestic/traditional chinese religion is creating opportunities for foreign religions (especially evangelist christianity) to infiltrate the minds of some people who need spirituality.
Either go with a hard ban or go the opposite way and give support for traditional chinese religion. The current policy of soft bans is ineffective; only traditional chinese religion gets weakened while foreign religions go underground and get stronger.
No, I don't think so.
China in history has always had very loose relationship with religion which is why "foreign religions" have always spread readily (Buddhism, Islam).
These people are hardliners, like FLG and extremist Islam. Exporting them is fine. Look at what FLG is doing to America. They say "Chinese disinformation", but sorry, Epoch Times is the US' problem.
I read an article once about a Uighur girl saying they had to escape to Canada because the Chinese government was giving them a hard time for going to a religious school in Pakistan and how unreasonable that is and showing the lack of freedom of religion in China. Of course, the below was NATO's opinion in 2001 - 2021.
So let them eat their cake, inmates run the asylum, etc. Regular religious people are not building 400 acre compounds