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Registered Member
Soft power is childish game. We don't play it anymore since very long ago.
@foofy bro, people here in the Philippine love the Chinese TV show THE SINGER, were professional musician artist from China and abroad compete. Hua Chen YU had become famous here and abroad because of that show which is unique and superior than what the American THE VOICES show can offer. And I'm happy because of that show they want to learn Chinese and become enamor of everything Chinese like TV dramas and more, they now comparing C-POP with K-POP. CCP need to relax and support the entertain business in China, they should follow Japan and SK example instead of Hollywood.


Registered Member
National interests and nationalism above all. Currently many countries support and want to cooperate with China because they want to receive money, technology or assistance from China. If China does not satisfy their needs, these countries will be the pioneering dog to help the US bite China.

Soft power is the greatest scam of the century. If you don't have values, soft power just makes you a clown on stage.

The tragedy of the Song Dynasty is the best example. Their culture cannot protect them from outside barbarians.
There is nothing bad with helping the other countries. Why do.you think other countries are afraid to get too close with China? Its because US has such an iron grip on their country that it is impossible.

So it is on China's interest to build the military and economic.industries.of other countries with Chinese technology so that it ties them to China and that at the same time reduce US influence

However as we have seen with the Myanmar situation, China in return should demand guarantees and collateral in the form of transferring foreign assets/cash from US to China based banks.

Thats the same playbook US used on Europe and it works perfectly, US invaded Europe tech and industry space and it is dominating ever since.

As for your final point yes, as I said hard power comes first which means economy strong and strengthen the military significantly. Also create regional forums and invite other countries to collectively create policies so that the other countries stay together so that they can influence important regional decisions

The mistake US did with EU was they did tie them together with NATO but they forgot about economics and so now EU does its own thing there independently from the US.


Registered Member
What slice of the economy? The 3rd world country with an unstable political system with coups or other shenanigans happening every 5-10 years. Let them have it and then fund rebels some millions of dollars to destroy it. What do you think the US does now, it waits for China to moronically invest dozens of billions into a shithole country and then the CIA comes, does its thing and poof the investments are in danger of disappearing.

IMO the best solution is to require that the countries receiving such significant investment should move their foreign holdings to Chinese owned banks. Why do you think that nobody fucks around with the US?
Its because everyone have their own wealth invested into the US, so the moment troubles start the US can just collect the collateral money already stored in US banks
There is an argument to be made to force countries into closer relationship with China, but current government policy is to let countries handle their own internal politics.

From the experience of the Cold War, USA was able to isolate countries expressly friendly with USSR. Although outside of Europe, USSR did not really try to control internal politics of USSR-friendly countries, USA and their allies were able to isolate these countries anyway by pointing out the existence of a counter bloc (Warsaw Pact). Even the "democracy" of India was sanctioned in this way (far beyond the repercussions of picking on Portugal).

China is trying to engage with countries on independent terms, this way they can seek ties with both USA and China without express harm. You can see the fruits of this throughout SEA, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and now Philippines.

Now, there will be losses sometimes, but you cannot win every single investment.

It's incredibly interesting how the American narrative was able to seize the narrative behind the coup. I think this is an influence operation that puts what they did in HK to shame.

VOA trying to highlight Arakan Army resistance against Tatmadaw in 2019 as part of the Suu Kyi abandonment campaign.
Look at their rifle, it's Type-81 (you can tell from the sight post over the gas tube rather than over the barrel end). This is probably supplied by Bangladesh as BD-08, but certainly with knowledge from China. Yet America is trying to take credit for it.
If you look up other rebel armies (Wa State army, Kokang [ethnic Chinese] army), many of them are equipped with rarely exported weapons such as Type-97 and Type-03, which means there is complete certainty in the source. If China really supported the Burmese military, they would simply disarm these rebels and not tie them up. So we can see that the American counter narrative is so effective that it has basically usurped reality.


Lieutenant General
China does not control the narrative. And has never been very good with soft power. That’s the core issue for a lot of these things. People has this perception about China and it’s now made worse by US-China tension. China has a hard time countering this perception.

Chinese approach to winning hearts and minds is rather similar to how it dealt with Covid and all other major events - they work through action, not words.

China doesn’t really care about how the western MSM spin the narrative in the west. And it is only in the western world that western propaganda has as much sway as some here seem to think.

Chinese hard power means western nations need to self check their own spin on China least they whip the unwashed masses up too much and be forced into fighting a needless war they have no hope of winning.

In many respects, China is playing the long game and letting western MSM dig their own graves. It knows it cannot easily fight western MSM directly because Chinese state media actually have standards and never knowingly blatantly lie like western MSM habitually do. As such trying to go toe to toe with western MSM in their arena would be like fighting with one hand tied behind your back.

By focusing its energies and efforts on realising actual concrete goals, it is letting the world see with their own eyes and through their own personal experiences how full of BS western MSM is. The more convincing western MSM lie and slander China, the more they destroy their own credibility in the eyes of the silent majority.


Registered Member
Lets see what sort of guarantees or collateral Xi secured when he signed the China-Myanmar Corridor. If he didn't secured anything and he just walked in throwing dozens of billions of dollars to a political shithole country which had an anti-China military which is prone to coups then lol, good work to CIA i would say

Maybe next time he wants to splash dozens of billions to another 3rd world country when his own country already has approx half a billion in poverty he should stipulate the country to move some of their foreign holdings from the US to Chinese owned banks
The whole China Myanmar corridor started long time ago before Xi became the leader in 2013. One of the signal project "Myitsone Hydropower" was signed in 2006. The China Myanmar gas pipe line began construction in 2010.

You may then blame Hu Jintao for the "mistake". But that would be a total ignorance of how politics works in China. China's policy is neither decided by one person nor during the time of 5 years presidential office.

From China's perspective, it is more appropriate to describe some big western countries as "xxxxholes" than Myanmar, especially the ones behind the arson. But I prefer not using this word at all.

Half a billion in poverty? You know that is about 35% of Chinese population. Is that what the western media told you?

As of collateral, it is simple, Myanmar's chance of remaining in one piece.
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Registered Member
Soft power is childish game. We don't play it anymore since very long ago.
The very recent term "Soft power" is the invention of Hillary Clinton. It is overly praised for what it actually is. Instead of the notion that soft power is based on hard power, it is actually "power" after loosing hard (real) power. It is just a back-end cover for its decline.


Registered Member
The whole China Myanmar corridor started long time ago before Xi became the leader in 2013. One of the signal project "Myitsone Hydropower" was signed in 2006. The China Myanmar gas pipe line began construction in 2010.

You may then blame Hu Jintao for the "mistake". But that would be a total ignorance of how politics works in China. China's policy is neither decided by one person nor during the time of 5 years presidential office.

From China's perspective, it is more appropriate to describe some big western countries as "xxxxholes" than Myanmar, especially the ones behind the arson. But I prefer not using this word at all.

Half a billion in poverty? You know that is about 35% of Chinese population. Is that what the western media told you?

As of collateral, it is simple, Myanmar's chance of remaining in one piece.
Thank you for clearing up some wrong information I had.

But why the whataboutism, nobody is talking about the western countries now, i am clearly refering to Myanmar which is in all intents and purposes a shithole. In addition, China also holds many similar sized investments in very political unstable African countries. Has China secured any collateral?

What will happen when CIA (yes it will happen) starts going after the unstable countries China has investments? I assume you saw how fast the Myanmar situation deteriorated and how fast the protesters organised themselves, i am sure they had good "leaders". And you saw how easily they directed anger toward China and then they burnt the factories.

I understand that Xi was.not in power when they signed this deal but now he is and he does not have any excuses if something similar happens now. As I said, withing the bloated BRI, he better select the core countries where China has interests and start requesting to shift a portion of their assets into China.

And lol on threatening chance of remaining in one chance of Myanmar. If any kind of civil war starts happening on Myanmar, CIA will be celebrating and throwing parties all day long. Can you imagine US and India funding different rebels in Myanmar....