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China’s Advancing Efforts to Influence the U.S. Election Raise Alarms​

China has adopted some of the same misinformation tactics that Russia used ahead of the 2016 election, researchers and government officials say.
Covert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.
Some of the Chinese accounts impersonate fervent Trump fans, including one on X that purported to be “a father, husband and son” who was “MAGA all the way!!” The accounts mocked Mr. Biden’s age and shared fake images of him in a prison jumpsuit, or claimed that Mr. Biden was a Satanist pedophile while promoting Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

look ma i'm on tv :eek:

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Chinese Influence Campaign Pushes Disunity Before U.S. Election, Study Says​

A long-running network of accounts, known as Spamouflage, is using A.I.-generated images to amplify negative narratives involving the presidential race.

A Chinese influence campaign that has tried for years to boost Beijing’s interests is now using artificial intelligence and a network of social media accounts to amplify American discontent and division ahead of the U.S. presidential election, according to a new report.

The campaign, known as Spamouflage, hopes to breed disenchantment among voters by maligning the United States as rife with urban decay, homelessness, fentanyl abuse, gun violence and crumbling infrastructure, according to the report, which was published on Thursday by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a nonprofit research organization in London.


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The Chinese even made a game to support Comrade Trump, shitposting on twitter is the least we can do.


I’m not able to find cross-tabs of the 2018 China Time Use Survey but the “every young person in China just studies and does nothing else” is a nonsensical meme. You have a substantially unrepresentative cohort.
All your responses are nonsensical memes. Your choice of evidence makes less sense than a nonsensical meme. Everything is comparative. If someone spends 8 hours a day studying and the average is 2 hours, then this guy spends all his time studying. Only an imbecile would interpret that as the person doing literally nothing except study. If the average went up to 12 hours, then this person would be a guy who slacks off and barely studies.
see for example - “[Screen time] and leisure-based computer use were higher in boys than in girls (p < 0.05), and 14.7% of boys and 8.9% of girls reported prolonged [screen time] ≥2 h/day), respectively (Table
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). Weekend ST and time spent on a phone/tablet represented about 80% and 40% of ST, respectively.
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“Happiness” has completely different meanings across countries and even individuals so these surveys are of very limited value but non-satiation and happiness absolutely can co-exist
See for example, the study you cited considers 2 hours a day as prolonged screen time for Chinese kids and that that was present in only about 12% of the population. For American kids, "On average, children ages 8-12 in the United States spend 4-6 hours a day watching or using screens, and teens spend up to 9 hours."
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Being a person who has lived in America and China, I therefore correctly conclude that comparatively, Chinese kids spend all their time studying and if you had a brain worth more than an average patient's brain tumor, you wouldn't respond with, "Nooooo, Chinese kids also spend time watching TV, eating, sleeping, going to the bathroom, here, I can find you a scientific article that shows you that Chinese people need to eat and poop too! Here's the pubmed ID!"


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He is flexing (the us compare) to PLA having no combat experience. Don't know why the original tweet was deleted though.

View attachment 127519
I still don't get why the US thinks it's war experience of fighting and losing to goat farmers is worth anything. If anything it makes it worse coz you are too used to fighting much weaker guys so you form habits around it. In combat sports we call these guys can crushers. They have good records and yet lose when they finally fight a real tough opponent coz it turns out they only won against scrubs and never learnt to deal with real adversity.

When Japan was conquering Asia, how much real experience did they have? Those anglos thought their experience would count and yet they lost both HK and Singapore to them. Even in China, the late Qing and KMT had so much experience yet lost to guys with much less.


China is doing well? Just exclude it! BTW, Washington DC and Chicago are some of the world's safest cities?:rolleyes:
LOLOL This is so hilarious it's not even just excluding Chinese cities. I fucking LOL'd at the office when I saw DC and Chicago on the list. Those are cities know worldwide for gang violence. I personally lived in DC for and my communual house was broken into and robbed 3 times in 6 months, one incidence in which a male white housemate exiting the shower was almost raped by a naked intruder (whom he managed to fight off). I've heard gunshots twice. I've seen a man throw a brick at a woman on the street and not a single other person cared or thought it was worth noting. As for Chicago....


You guys can forget about China; they wouldn't give us our fair due for anything but they should at least acknowledge other countries. Kazaknstan is super safe; basically every major city in Japan/Korea is super safe. There are cities in the US itself that are way safer than DC and Chicago. There's just no way you could get down to those 2 LOLOL This is funnier than the COVID preparedness list they made, in every way.


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Check out the comments. Damn, I didn't know this many ppl knew about Japan's warcrimes in WWII. Turns out all it takes is for the dog to bark at its master and suddenly everyone remembers why Japan is the America's bitch.

You know you've hit some pretty new lows when even those people and agencies that are very much aligned with the imperialists and even outright fascists of today are piling sh1t on you and your historical takes.


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All your responses are nonsensical memes. Your choice of evidence makes less sense than a nonsensical meme. Everything is comparative. If someone spends 8 hours a day studying and the average is 2 hours, then this guy spends all his time studying. Only an imbecile would interpret that as the person doing literally nothing except study. If the average went up to 12 hours, then this person would be a guy who slacks off and barely studies.

See for example, the study you cited considers 2 hours a day as prolonged screen time for Chinese kids and that that was present in only about 12% of the population. For American kids, "On average, children ages 8-12 in the United States spend 4-6 hours a day watching or using screens, and teens spend up to 9 hours."
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Being a person who has lived in America and China, I therefore correctly conclude that comparatively, Chinese kids spend all their time studying and if you had a brain worth more than an average patient's brain tumor, you wouldn't respond with, "Nooooo, Chinese kids also spend time watching TV, eating, sleeping, going to the bathroom, here, I can find you a scientific article that shows you that Chinese people need to eat and poop too! Here's the pubmed ID!"
Main thing is that you seem to be fantasizing about a world that doesn’t exist where you claimed everyone in China was studying until they died and spent every day on the weekend on extracurricular development or whatever other nonsense it was. Finding cross-tabs on the 2018 China Time Use Survey by age or the 2024 China Time Use Survey by age when it’s released next year would be more helpful.

You mostly seem to be living vicariously through an imagined fantasy about China (with a quite ridiculous - credentialed human capital is the only thing that matters assumption) in order to satiate your dislike of the United States but hey, you do you


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look ma i'm on tv :eek:

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Chinese Influence Campaign Pushes Disunity Before U.S. Election, Study Says​

A long-running network of accounts, known as Spamouflage, is using A.I.-generated images to amplify negative narratives involving the presidential race.

View attachment 127522

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The Chinese even made a game to support Comrade Trump, shitposting on twitter is the least we can do.
Are you sure that those are SeeSeePee sponsored fake accounts instead of genuine MAGA Chinese who don’t want to see their kids’ balls lobbed off?


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Apparently Chinese President Xi held a call with US President Biden earlier today.

Biden and Xi Discuss Taiwan, AI and Fentanyl in a Push to Return to Regular Leader Talks

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But here's something that's going to be eye-catching:

The call also kicks off several weeks of high-level engagements between the two countries, with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen set to travel to China on Thursday and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to follow in the weeks ahead.

Ahem bois, get ready - You know what's about to happen, right?!
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Main thing is that you seem to be fantasizing about a world that doesn’t exist where you claimed everyone in China was studying until they died and spent every day on the weekend on extracurricular development or whatever other nonsense it was.
No, main thing is that you're not proficient enough in your own language to rise above a literal understanding of words, (which most foreigners get within a few months) and you lack the common sense to check that said deficiency.
Finding cross-tabs on the 2018 China Time Use Survey by age or the 2024 China Time Use Survey by age when it’s released next year would be more helpful.
Ohhhhh you posted some 2018 data which did not go as you wanted, then I posted 2020 showing exactly what I wanted and now you're disappearing into the shadows from that coversation with a, "Oh well, that's all old; we should wait for next year with 2024." LOL Sounds familiar. Next time, don't post 2018 if you don't wanna talk about it until 2025.
You mostly seem to be living vicariously through an imagined fantasy about China (with a quite ridiculous - credentialed human capital is the only thing that matters assumption) in order to satiate your dislike of the United States but hey, you do you
You mean I actually know my country and yours so I can make solid comparisons while you fail even at cherry-picking data to prop up an imaginary super US, which even then pales in comparison to the real China? Of course, you keep trying due to your insecurities about the waning status of America compared to a rising China. That's why you're on SinoDefense, right? You do you and I'll be here to wack-a-mole you every time.


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Hundreds of schools in the Philippines, including dozens in the capital Manila, suspended in-person classes on Tuesday due to dangerous levels of heat, education officials said.

The country's heat index measures what a temperature feels like, taking into account humidity.

The index was expected to reach the "danger" level of 42 degrees Celsius in Manila on Tuesday and 43C on Wednesday, with similar levels in a dozen other areas of the country, the state weather forecaster said.
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In the April-June period various parts of the country could record 10 to 20 heat-wave days compared to the normal four to eight days, Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, director-general of the India Meteorological Department (IMD), told a virtual news conference.
In April, the crucial month for winter-sown crops coming to maturity, above normal maximum temperatures are likely across most parts of the country, said Mohapatra of IMD.

Most of the wheat harvested during this period is in the central state of Madhya Pradesh, while in northern states the crop is in the grain formation stage and the harvesting comes later, he said.
A heat wave curtailed India's wheat production in 2022, forcing it to ban exports.
Power demand usually spikes during the summer season and to ensure undisrupted supplies, power generation stations' maintenance schedule has been either deferred or has already been completed, said a government official.
India's power ministry has asked the state-run National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) to secure additional gas supplies in case of a surge in demand, the official added.
The writing is on the wall for most countries bordering on the equator. It's not even summer yet but shit's fucked and the most important countries will be the ones that have far northern territory, in Asia this will mean Russia and China. This is a true collapse scenario, not the bullshit "GDP isn't growing as fast as usual" that most analyst like to predict for China. I'm talking a substantial percentage of the population dying off every summer, droughts, crop failure, famines, blackouts as everyone cranks up their aircon at the same time. It's just gonna get worse and worse every year.

Barely anyone is talking about this. We're talking about wet bulb summer heatwaves that will 100% kill any human that without some sort of artificial cooling, turn entire crop harvest into dust and turn regions into desert. And even before getting to that point, the increased heat will still have some extremely negative effects on society as a whole. I live in a country where an hour worth of hard labor in the sun will likely give you heatstroke that could kill you even with all the water you can drink, the entire country basically lives in the shade and aircon and only really comes out at night, and that's with temperatures of 35 degrees, 40+ degree must be like living in an oven. And the countries on the forefront are barely doing anything about it.

This is why I think democracy doesn't stand a chance. If I was in charge of India or the philippines, or some other SEA country bordering the equator, my primary focus would be on surviving this impending disaster that's sure to come within the next 10-20 years, but because elections in a few years in more important and the average idiot is a brain dead idiot, the focus is on pissing off the industrial superpower that can provide us with the equipment to survive and a place to maybe flee to once shit hits the fan. Because it gets votes from nationalists and western dick suckers.

China and Russia not only have a large amount of northen territory that wouldn't have 50 degree heatwaves every summer, but China also makes the air-conditioning, nuclear/solar/wind power infrastructure that would be needed to survive a massive prolonged heatwave and also controls a lot of asia's rivers. Sure suck up to America, but unless they can somehow change the climate, airlift hundreds of millions out of the country or produce 1.5 billion air conditioning units along with the power generation to run them all at max power at the same time, you're fucked no matter how much military support or money that they give you.

This is why I'm not too concerned with India or the issue with the SCS. South asia is ultra-mega fucked in the long term, same with SEA. People talk about demographics issues for China but nobody ever talks about how India and countries in SEA will soon have heatwaves that will leave entire country sized areas uninhabitable without some sort of cooling system in the summer and how plants simply can't survive in 50+ degree temperatures, they simply wilt away within a matter of hours, like with humans in the same temperature.

Sure it won't be great for China too, southern and western China will have it's fair share of extreme heatwaves, there will be floods, droughts, heatwaves even in the far north. And China's own allies in Africa and south America will also massively fucked. But from what I can tell, China herself will be nowhere as badly impacted as those bordering the equator. And at least China has good relations with her northen neighbors. And the foresight for reliable renweable power generation and the wealth to have air-con for people.

I will get great schadenfreude once Indians realise that being on the hottest most humid countries on earth, while on a warming planet isn't a good place for developing a superpower due to the laws of thermodymnaics and biology, which is wayyy harder to fix than cultural, demographic and economical issues. You can fix all those, you can't change your climate or weather. I think they will regret not having good relations with the country with the cooler climate up north.

Same for America and Europe that are trying to prop up India and philippines to counter China, all in return for pushing Russia into China's arms. Same massively shortsighted thinking here. Russia may be a shithole now, but they're also in an area of the world that won't have heatwaves that threaten to kill you within a few hours of exposure. Again, they talk about how China's and Russia's demographics and economic issues doom it, but never talk about how India or the philippines will look like by 2050 in a warming world.