Yes. Netflix's story is essentially: the evils of the See-see-pee drove a Chinese girl to call-in an alien invasion to doom Earth. Then it is the West, led by the UK and the US who saves the world from China's mess.
It is never politically correct to show the PRC in even a neutral light. It is always politically correct to take pot shots at the See-see-pee. That's what the Western film critics and most audiences have been programmed.
Netflix's plot is unrecognisable even when compared to the Chinese TV adaptation of the Three Body Problem. This Netflix TBP should not have been allowed to use the title. It's yet another Anglo rip-off of an Asian hit.
This Netflix debacle of a Chinese masterpiece is but the latest iteration of what Thorsten Pattberg calls the west's inability to credit anything to China lest the West becomes simonised, therefore everything that the West steals from China must be repackaged as the Wests own, like the NSA's Tailored Access Operations units stealing industrial IP and passing it off as Western inventions. Why is the West like this? Because deep down western leaders and scholars know they owe
everything to China, if not the ancient Egyptians.
democratic ideals and humanism - inspired and influenced by Confucianism.
Gunpowder and tea, self explanatory,
Acupuncture now being re-branded as western 'dry needling'
Qigong breath work now rebranded as 'wimhoff breathing'
Taoism and mindfulness now rebranded by the hedonism of 'just let it be main' movement of the 60s.
21st century industrial society ie controlling webspace and screen time for children - now the west is doing it too.
The West- led by the Anglos in particular jealously want the fruits of Chinese labour yet are so unwilling to learn from China. Governed by insecurity, this is what happens when an upstart island of pirates gets technology but fails to implement the necessary social and spiritual cultivation necessary for human advancement. Look at the conduct of their leaders in the fact of the threat of revolution: you have billionaires looking to create doomsday bunkers in new zealand and Hawaii, rather than fixing the problems back home. They are, as history has proven, unfit to lead and rule, let alone take humanity to the stars.
It's one thing to say thing, another thing to actually do something about it. Let's hope Russians have the necessary tools and ability and will to see this through.
the mouthpiece of american 'realism' is now starting to realise that Containing China is going to result in a sharp depreciation of american power, as LKY put it, China will develop a counter-containment strategy and demolish the united states.