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India's economy numbers don't add up, according to a former Chief Economic Advisor.
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He is right. Even to us foreigners, India's economic numbers are mystifying.

Its worse than I have suspected. FDI in India had collapsed compared to its 2016 numbers. So it's not Covid nor China to blame, but Modi's leadership.

I think there will come a time where India's ranking among the world economies needs to be reviewed. India's economy is definitely overrated. How overrated, is anyone's guess.
Which is why they keep sending their excess workers out of their country and onto countries like Canada as part of their 'FREE TRADE DEALS" with western nations. Many Canadians and non-Canadian immigrants are complaining this fact already. According to a friend of mine in Toronto, he strike up a conversation with the manager/worker at a burger joint when this lady spoke of how she used to work in an office as an admin but hated it due to the passive aggressive/gossiping/racism she experienced with the people she worked with. Due to her accent being a foreign born worker, she felt demeaned by her colleagues not knowing that she's highly educated and also comes from a developed country. My friend thought, what latin country is actually developed? When the lady said she was from SINGAPORE!! and my friend was floored because all this time we thought she was LATINA/MEXICAN person LOL..

Anyway, she basically declared that Canada is going down, and going down fast because the economy is getting bad and what makes it worse that in 5 years it'll become like India. She told my friend that she's going to send her daughter in Singapore for schooling since the schooling in the country is weak and had become about gender issues.

I told my friend that if she's from Singapore why does she complain about the rising numbers of Indians coming into the country since Singapore itself has a large degree of people that are of Indian descent.


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That's probably the biggest and most annoying flaw about them. Just the ability to lack any form of self reflection.

If you have a flaw, as long as you bother to reflect on it, you can take action on it. But to them, it just doesn't exist. Maybe they don't think it exists but there's no reason for everyone else to put up with it.
They are a solipsistic and narcissistic culture. Like the Zionists, they believe all crimes are justified since “ill pay you back next life”. No kidding I have heard this sentiment often expressed by such people.

for Indian men, they are pampered and spoiled by their mums, as opposed r8 Chinese men who are constantly told to improve and work harder. The effect is a society that can’t take criticism and will loudly scream at you if you point out their flaws. I remember back during Galway, how Indians on twitter were outright lying in the face of bare facts and even making shit up to support their views. Reality for such people is a matter of opinion until a colonial power comes along and enslaves them, then they become mealy mouthed cowards, kissing up t9 those in power.

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This is like giving instructions to Neanderthals
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Registered Member
They are a solipsistic and narcissistic culture. Like the Zionists, they believe all crimes are justified since “ill pay you back next life”. No kidding I have heard this sentiment often expressed by such people.

for Indian men, they are pampered and spoiled by their mums, as opposed r8 Chinese men who are constantly told to improve and work harder. The effect is a society that can’t take criticism and will loudly scream at you if you point out their flaws. I remember back during Galway, how Indians on twitter were outright lying in the face of bare facts and even making shit up to support their views. Reality for such people is a matter of opinion until a colonial power comes along and enslaves them, then they become mealy mouthed cowards, kissing up t9 those in power.

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This is like giving instructions to Neanderthals
Case in point: Their STUPID POLICY OF ABRUPTLY BANNING TIKTOK on NATIONAL SECURITY GROUNDS. The Indians if they were really good could and should have made their own alternative Social media app like Tiktok. But nope, a TRUE SUPERPOWAH delusion, their social media landscape were totally devoured by the baby of all democracy: U.S. tech companies like Meta (Facebook), Google etc.
Yet, somehow the west continues to feed delusions after delusions to the already delusional people ably led by their equally delusional leaders that somehow India is in the ascendancy? Ascendancy of what? other than population I do not see where Indians are leading in any meaningful sense of the word. If leading out bound migration to many different parts of the world is leading, that's beyond sad and pathetic. What the west accused China of doing or even the latinos of doing (invasion of the horde) the Indians are actually practicing such strategy.

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And for all the tirade and fake gnashing of teeth against China and it's system: It's all stem from JEALOUSY and INSECURITY. The latest survey found that a considerable majority of Indians would love to have autocratic/military ruler to lord over them. What happened to the mother of all democracy? They have become nuts?

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Look at how the WEST and it's nincompoop losers a.k.a. Xizhang separatists that flood western social media deal with SIKKIM. A kingdom that was weak militarily easily ABSORBED, CAPTURED by India and no one BATTED AN EYE. Not even China for obvious geopolitical reasons. And yet the nerve of SOME Indians to lecture China about it's supposed aggression and expansionist power LOL....

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Registered Member
Which is why they keep sending their excess workers out of their country and onto countries like Canada as part of their 'FREE TRADE DEALS" with western nations. Many Canadians and non-Canadian immigrants are complaining this fact already. According to a friend of mine in Toronto, he strike up a conversation with the manager/worker at a burger joint when this lady spoke of how she used to work in an office as an admin but hated it due to the passive aggressive/gossiping/racism she experienced with the people she worked with. Due to her accent being a foreign born worker, she felt demeaned by her colleagues not knowing that she's highly educated and also comes from a developed country. My friend thought, what latin country is actually developed? When the lady said she was from SINGAPORE!! and my friend was floored because all this time we thought she was LATINA/MEXICAN person LOL..

Anyway, she basically declared that Canada is going down, and going down fast because the economy is getting bad and what makes it worse that in 5 years it'll become like India. She told my friend that she's going to send her daughter in Singapore for schooling since the schooling in the country is weak and had become about gender issues.

I told my friend that if she's from Singapore why does she complain about the rising numbers of Indians coming into the country since Singapore itself has a large degree of people that are of Indian descent.
Specialized secondary school programs moved to lottery admissions a while ago. At least that's the case for the TDSB.


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Case in point: Their STUPID POLICY OF ABRUPTLY BANNING TIKTOK on NATIONAL SECURITY GROUNDS. The Indians if they were really good could and should have made their own alternative Social media app like Tiktok. But nope, a TRUE SUPERPOWAH delusion, their social media landscape were totally devoured by the baby of all democracy: U.S. tech companies like Meta (Facebook), Google etc.
Yet, somehow the west continues to feed delusions after delusions to the already delusional people ably led by their equally delusional leaders that somehow India is in the ascendancy? Ascendancy of what? other than population I do not see where Indians are leading in any meaningful sense of the word. If leading out bound migration to many different parts of the world is leading, that's beyond sad and pathetic. What the west accused China of doing or even the latinos of doing (invasion of the horde) the Indians are actually practicing such strategy.

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And for all the tirade and fake gnashing of teeth against China and it's system: It's all stem from JEALOUSY and INSECURITY. The latest survey found that a considerable majority of Indians would love to have autocratic/military ruler to lord over them. What happened to the mother of all democracy? They have become nuts?

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Look at how the WEST and it's nincompoop losers a.k.a. Xizhang separatists that flood western social media deal with SIKKIM. A kingdom that was weak militarily easily ABSORBED, CAPTURED by India and no one BATTED AN EYE. Not even China for obvious geopolitical reasons. And yet the nerve of SOME Indians to lecture China about it's supposed aggression and expansionist power LOL....

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Autocracy is no guarantee of good governance. In fact an inept autocracy is even worse than inept democracy.


Not the first time westerners have stolen shit from China and tried to pass it off as their own: tea, guns, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, humanism etc
In fact, the NSA has a special unit called Tailored Access Operations specifically focused on stealing patents of foreign nations and passing them onto US companies.

westerners have yearned to enslave China because Chinese civilisation is the only civilisation capable of bringing humanity to the stars technologically and socially And yet they hate asians so much they’ve ordered their puppets in Korea and Japan to commit ethnocide.
The West has never stopped stealing each other and the rest of the world's intelligence properties. Just check out NSA's PRISM and the 5-eyes' ECHELON.

This one deserves today's hypocrisy and vomiting gif.


Does he know that the risk of a China-US conflict approaches zero if the Taiwan issue is resolved?

If you don't like some policy, just claim that it's communist. Notice the landlord was born in Brooklyn, not someone who actually immigrated from China.

Don't know much about Chinese, or Japanese...


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