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Don't speak for me when you even got the interpretation wrong.

I said one needs Hard power before they can make their soft power successful.

Show me one country which has great soft power and less hard power?
Plenty of countries have a lot less hard power than China or America, but able to punch above their weight with soft power. How about the Vatican - that ability to influence a billion people - is that all hard power.
Soft power can be easily take away with bad press and social media unless one controls the media. Even then the US and the west are having lots of trouble supporting Israels war and lost soft power in the global south. But hard power can't be taken away that's easily.
Thats true.
Weren't you the one who was harping on how Israel can do whatever they like with US support because "that's power"? And no one is able to sanction them at all? That sounds like a great plug for hard power. Pretty hypocritical of you to then make your statement about soft power.
Right. But I never discounted hard power.


Registered Member
There are those sociopaths among us that also asks "Once I am rich, why do I need friends?"

Hard power is strictly transactional. Soft power connects people much more deeply and lasting.
Please do tell how was Christianity was spread all throughout the world along with Islam. It certainly wasn't through the message of benevolence and connecting People more deeply and lasting you nonsensically wrote. The connection was made via the sword and lasting via colonization.

Martin Luther who left Catholicism didn't succeed by asking nicely, his Protestantism emerged and became victorious through the use of armed and bloody wars. When King Henry wanted to remarry or have another lady for his keeping the Vatican would not grant him his Kingly demand ergo he made his own church, the Church of England. When American states were expanding they didn't ask the natives nicely if they could "share" the land, they took what they believed was rightfully theirs along with the killing of millions of Native Americans. Where was your DUMB SOFT POWER?

SOFT POWER is exercise by individuals, entities, and countries that made it to the top via violent means and want to recreate their story/narrative and place their ascendance in a positive light. See every billionaire, political and military criminals who want to varnish their reputation and status for legacy.


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Once again, you are not asking these questions in good faith. China is currently engaged in a Cold War with the West. What other country in the history of our species was able to exert its soft power in adversarial nations?
The USA, the British, the Japanese... Perhaps the better question is how can china better cultivate its soft power. The answer I seem to be hearing is nothing.
Even the USA, which is the country with the most soft power, has failed to exert its soft power in China. Anti-American sentiment is at an all-time high in China and interest in American television, movies, and music has plummeted to an all-time low. American movies used to regularly make $100 million or more in China, but now most of them struggle to hit $20 million.
Precisely because it's over using its hard power


Registered Member
The USA, the British, the Japanese... Perhaps the better question is how can china better cultivate its soft power. The answer I seem to be hearing is nothing.

Precisely because it's over using its hard power to contain China.
How was Japan able to assert soft power in hostile nations?

Many people in China and South Korea still hate Japan, burn Japanese flags and cars, etc. Many Singaporeans don't even eat Japanese food.

The only places where Japan is popular is US, Canada, Taiwan and Philippines. Everywhere else either nobody cares about Japan or hates Japan.

... what even is UK soft power? I cannot even name a single brand from the UK other than Burberry. I can't name a single British movie or video game.

If just consuming media products = soft power then OK, China is soft superpower because even the US uses TikTok, Temu and plays Genshin.


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Registered Member
Chinese guy must be living in some blind Asian bubble in the bay area or plain Autistic. The individual access parts of google corporate network to copy unauthorized document/code, becomes CTO of a AI company in China ('wfh' in in the bay area while actually being in China) then think its a good idea to return to the US to give google a 2 week notice that he is quiting with a schedule flight leaving 2 days after his last day.

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Registered Member
I think that might not be true even though what you said is all correct. Pinoys (even with known ancestral links are noticeably shorter on average than Mainland Chinese), if you visit there you will know. Bong Bong Marcos is a good example of this actually, perhaps the diet there doesn't help with height?
Diet and also climate are critical to height even though genetic is a fundation. Northern Han Chinese (many generations) are noticably taller than Southern Han Chinese. Same as Northern European are taller than Southern European. Japanese after WWII are as tall as Chinese, but before and during WWII Japanese are significanly shorter than Chinese.


Junior Member
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How was Japan able to assert soft power in hostile nations?

Many people in China and South Korea still hate Japan, burn Japanese flags and cars, etc. Many Singaporeans don't even eat Japanese food.

The only places where Japan is popular is US, Canada, Taiwan and Philippines. Everywhere else either nobody cares about Japan or hates Japan.

... what even is UK soft power? I cannot even name a single brand from the UK other than Burberry. I can't name a single British movie or video game.

If just consuming media products = soft power then OK, China is soft superpower because even the US uses TikTok, Temu and plays Genshin.
Yet anime and K-pop are extremely popular in China. Go speak to people in the metropolitan areas of China, ask them what they prefer in terms of media, products, and even governance. Chinese soft power is so powerful that Chinese don't support their own industries. My own aunt is a diehard iPhone fan despite being a party member. Chinese soft power can't even convince the vast majority of Chinese within the country. People still worship the ground white people walk on.
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Junior Member
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The USA, the British, the Japanese... Perhaps the better question is how can china better cultivate its soft power. The answer I seem to be hearing is nothing.

Precisely because it's over using its hard power
The Japanese were able to exert their soft power in adversarial nations prior to their defeat in 1945? Are you serious? How influential was British soft power in countries like France, Germany, and Russia during the 19th and 20th centuries? I literally just mentioned that the USA has been unable to exert soft power in nations that it is not on good terms with.

China can cultivate its soft power by becoming richer. As China's economy grows, its people become wealthier and their ability to pursue artistic endeavors increases, the quality of Chinese cultural products increases, and people from abroad become interested in them. As the lifestyles of Chinese people become more sophisticated, people from abroad become interested in Chinese lifestyles. As I pointed out, this is already happening. The USA, Britain, and Japan were wealthy for decades before their cultures became popular abroad. This kind of stuff takes time, and we shouldn't pretend that there hasn't been any progress.


Junior Member
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Because the Chinese are too kind. All Korean ignorance and arrogance need to be deleted.
The Kennedy family never stopped complaining they are looked down upon by the Astors and Vanderbilts. No respect for crooks.

The Arabs have been super rich for decades now but what soft influence do they have on the world stage other than gold-plated everything?

China is nouveau riche by any standard earning USD$30 per day. What new and exciting 'Chinese' thing do you think the world should embrace today? I can't think of many. All good things take time to do. Take cuisine, it takes a couple hundred years of continued prosperity to nurture. You need a lot of rich middle class people to have spare money and leisure time to eat out for several generations. Pax Britannica was too short. What is American cuisine?

Soft influences are generational changes. People over 40 are set in their ways. In China's case, the changes happening today are already very encouraging. The number of countries teaching Chinese in elementary schools and in areas like e-sport, and phone apps. When East Asians travel abroad, locals stopped asking "Are you Japanese?". I never knew the days when Made In Japan meant cheap or bad products nor Sony started out making disposable transistor radios in the 1960's. I vaguely remember when Made in Taiwan had that reputation. Now it is China's turn so give it another 20 years. Perception works on 30-year cycles. American kids born in the 21st Century have a completely different world view than the Baby Boomers (like Biden or Trump). When the Millennials become decision makers, that is when acceptance of China as first among equals is the expected norm and non-controversial. Our burnt-in biases are impossible to change thus to rationalize China's rise, it must be due to America's help and through stealing IPR.

Similarly, it is only in the 2020's that China started to attract and able to retain top academics/professionals/creative talents including foreign ones to live and work within China. It is much harder to convince people in the 30's or older to move as once family is established, one's mobility is greatly diminished so we have to wait 20 years to see what these young people can produce and spread to the rest of the world. Concrete bridges and metro lines can be accelerated with money but not with people and therefore soft influences. Just look at the K-Pop and K-TV scene today and how long it took Korea? When China's GDP per capita reaches $35K, the same will happen then. Until then, fool-hardy to expect much. Soft influence/changes (like de-dollarization) must be gradual to avoid unnecessary chaos. None of us are compelled or in a rush to try out and adopt new things.

All this blurb is trying to say is that you can take the CCP slogan about 2049 literally. When you work out the math, however you approach the problem set, all point to that same time period 2049 (30 years) when major shifts are clearly visible from today. How will average Chinese people live and relax in 2049? Look at Taiwan today.