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Yeah, if true, all of them are going to die and most of us would probably enjoy it given that they have been warned time and again to stop dancing on Chinas red line, do they think this is Ukraine all over again. Sometimes the only way to make yourself heard is simply by sending these worthless garbage to the thereafter and I don’t mean with kindness but I mean with something extremely explosive
Everytime I think Deagel 2025 is absurd US remind me to never underestimate its ability to ruin itself.


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I find it hard not to equate these rapists to the goblins in “GoblinSlayer”, especially considering the Indian tendency to cowardly suck up to Anglo power and bully smaller nations around them, and the less said about the behaviour of Indians in Anglo companies, the better.

Also, that female victim is not a monitor lizard but apparently, the Indian police arrested a dog. What. The. Hell.

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The boycott Israel and U.S. multinationals grows. I do find it Amusing that the U.S. sanctions on Chinese tech and companies is top down, but the resistance against U.S. imperialism and capital is bottom up, not unlike a People’s War.

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north eastern India is already being overrun by monitor lizard rapists. What’s to stop them from saying they’re from assam and manipur and goin to Taiwan in large numbers to destroy a Chinese society the same way the anglos did to western nations?

I have covered this topic before
Miscellaneous News
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Apparently Cotton is needed to make gunpowder for weapons and shells. Guess who has the biggest cotton farms and guess who ban them cause of fake " slave labor" ? Of course the EU propaganda official says it is China that started the ban.

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Can one really expect the EU too know the 2nd and 3rd order consequences of their sanctions when they can't even get the 1st order consequences right o_Oo_O


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Can one really expect the EU too know the 2nd and 3rd order consequences of their sanctions when they can't even get the 1st order consequences right o_Oo_O
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I was told that ashkenazi Jewish IQ was the highest in the world, which is why I find it puzzling how Anglo Zionist western leaders and power elites are unable to properly plan such 2nd and 3rd order effects. I can predict however that the loquacious “high verbal” demographic are going to try to spin this as “5D chess”.

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Give these Indians an inch, they’ll take a mile and the place will be filled with human leeches and designated turd streets.

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people like Burns need not be alive in such a Chinese dominated world. I hear anglo ruled Canada is the foremost nation in utilising euthanasia
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The Taiwanese are paranoid of the Chinese communist because they had spies everywhere.

That was true during when KMT was the government on mainland China, true when the Chiang sons were leaders in Taiwan, true today as well.

If any of this is happening and the central leadership on the mainland thought it was a problem, we would know immediately.

I believe nothing has changed, the three reasons for the PRC to immediately invade Taiwan, and that is 1) declaration of independence, 2) foreign invasion intervention, 3) chaos on the island. IIRC.

So, that was fake news, unless we hear otherwise from the mainland.


Registered Member
Raped by 7 arrested 4man and a dog. Wtf did the dog do???
Seriously at this point going to India for a holiday simply shouldn’t be on anyone’s agenda right now. The way that caste system is implemented on the majority in the day and age, they are long past the point of recovery. They have become like worst then beast at this point. Heck even Japan as it is now (of course not mentioning WW2 to be fair) has not sunk that low since I know they have a lot of interest in hentai doujins and the sheer imagination that goes into these crazy stuff, but at the very least they have never managed to put that into serious practice like they seem to do in India regularly and with the kind of brutality that ensures that not once will I dare to let my children go to India in their lifetime.


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Registered Member
Yeah, if true, all of them are going to die and most of us would probably enjoy it given that they have been warned time and again to stop dancing on Chinas red line, do they think this is Ukraine all over again. Sometimes the only way to make yourself heard is simply by sending these worthless garbage to the thereafter and I don’t mean with kindness but I mean with something extremely explosive
I thought having hostile foreign troops stationed on Chinese land was one of the triggers for armed reunification? You're also thinking too small, our enemies are ontologically evil; no act against them is wrong.