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So the Jai Hinds are even more immature and childish than I've expected. Gloating over a moot "damage" that they're doing over Pakistan? The bar is so low already, yet they've even managed to surpass that. LOL!

Not surprised anyway. They've already written idiotic stuff like: "Lone Jawan kills X number of Chinese soldiers with his bare hands. China is so terrified of India."
That mental gymnastics routine is so difficult to execute, only the Indians can do that with Annalena Bearbock 360 of Germany coming close.


Lieutenant General
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I suppose a declaration of war on Russia will surely get you the infinite funding needed for Ukraine.

This is precisely why the Russians have adopted their current attritional approach to the Ukrainian war rather than reach for more spectacular knockout blows. For them, they are effectively already at war with NATO, so cannot rule out the possibility of NATO boots on the ground in the event of a total collapse of the Ukrainians.

The primary reason for the slow grind is to reduce, as much as possible, Russian losses so they still have enough reserves left for round 2 against NATO after Ukraine is defeated should NATO jump in.

By maintaining its strength, Russia also minimises the chances of NATO piling in, as it would more likely do so if Russian wins in Ukraine at the cost of grinding its own military to tatters in the process.

The second main objective is to wear down NATO economies and war stocks so that NATO will not be in a position to intervene even if it wanted to in the event of a total defeat in Ukraine.

As things stand, Russia is set to come out of the war with a bigger and better conventional military than when it entered despite all the losses. It’s economy is fully decoupled from the west, and is running smoothly in pumping out increasing quantities of arms and munitions. Take America out of the equation and NATO really doesn’t scare the Russians anymore.

No one will make any big moves this year as all sides are waiting on the US elections to see who will come into power before making their big moves. The only chance of a major reshuffling of the deck is if Ukrainian resistance collapses before then, either as a result of cumulative catastrophic combat losses, or as a result electioneering in the run up to November, for example, if Biden looks like he is certain to loose with Ukraine as a top cause, it’s hard to rule out him just ditching Ukraine to cut Trump’s lead if he thinks Trump will do it anyway if he wins.

Ukraine is lost, the whole Ukraine gambit failed as soon as the Russian economy managed to shrug off the economic nuclear strike of annihilation the collective west lobbed at it and managed to continue pumping out more weapons and munitions than before the war started.

The main killing blows against Russia was supposed to be economic, industrial and political. The western economic nukes were supposed to cripple the Russian economy and destroy its industrial output so you have bread lines and riots in the streets, with the troops at the front running out of everything as the Russians run out of looted washing machines to loot for chips to make new missiles, and either it’s war machine collapses and/or some general coups Putin and put a CIA puppet in charge. Then the west can turn their collective attention to China with millions of new Russian cannon fodder.

Obviously none of that happened, but the Russians are fully aware of the intentions, and we all know how the Russians are the forgiving sort. ;)

This is a key reason why the Europeans are so scared and desperate and doubling down on Ukraine. Because they rightly fear where this war will end if Ukraine folds because America abandons Europe.


Registered Member
I sure wonder if the Russia will have any compunctions that should things get that much worse that nukes will be on the table because I know Russia has reservations against using nukes in Ukraine (for many reasons) but given Europes tendency to betray Russia almost all the time, I seriously wonder if those idiots in NATO are prepared for such an outcome cause given the complete screw that is Ukraine, I am completely convinced that they have no idea what they are messing with
I think if NATO enters the war officially, tactical nukes on airfield should serve a good warning. Plenty of military value, minimal civilian damage. If they are that desperate to destroy Russia, what is there to lose?


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The blow-out panels of the Abrams aren't meant to prevent the bustle-stored ammunition from combusting if hit. Rather, they're designed to channel the combustion up through the turret roof, protecting the crew and the rest of the tank. If an Abrams is hit in the bustle and the ammo there goes off, the vehicle will be mission-killed, but it won't be "kill" killed. For instance, it won't toss its turret à la carousel autoloader tanks.

If the video does in fact show an Abrams, the footage is entirely consistent with the blow-out panels working properly and venting the ammo combustion up and out, leaving a live crew and a tank that's relatively easy to repair.
Blow out panels worked. But there is also smoke coming out from the turret hatches. Meaning that the fire got into the crew compartment. That's usually not good for the tank's recovery prospects. It is likely that the Abrams did it's job, keeping the crew alive. But the tank may be too far burnt to be worth recovering. Too many things have been burnt. Same thing happened to several Leopard 2s, and those tanks were not recoverable.

However, the turret hatches were opened, but the driver's hatch wasn't. Not sure why. The Abrams driver's hatch slides sideways, allowing it to be opened even when the main gun is above it. Driver could have escaped via the turret hatches along with the rest of the crew though. The Abrams does allow the driver to access the turret compartment. But that is still strange, considering the NATO training they have received. Either the crew all got out in unorthodox fashion. Or the driver is KIA. But there are no obvious penetrations around the driver's compartment. If the driver is killed by a blow to the turret, then it doesn't look too good for the turret crews either.
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I suppose a declaration of war on Russia will surely get you the infinite funding needed for Ukraine.
This French making a statement to get famous and Europe is so down that they have to listen to French. France is a country that Arabs know too much about it. French are the first to hide behind others in Mideast and North Africa. One wealthy person said if i to have see this in France than i why i need to visit and he was not referring to Paris. i deliberately not write much more.
Arabs have alot of experience with water scarcity and heat and they see things they think that French priorities are not at right place.
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Blow out panels worked. But there is also smoke coming out from the turret hatches. Meaning that the fire got into the crew compartment. That's usually not good for the tank's recovery prospects. It is likely that the Abrams did it's job, keeping the crew alive. But the tank may be too far burnt to be worth recovering. Too many things have been burnt. Same thing happened to several Leopard 2s, and those tanks were not recoverable.

However, the turret hatches were opened, but the driver's hatch wasn't. Not sure why. The Abrams driver's hatch slides sideways, allowing it to be opened even when the main gun is above it. Driver could have escaped via the turret hatches along with the rest of the crew though. The Abrams does allow the driver to access the turret compartment. But that is still strange, considering the NATO training they have received. Either the crew all got out in unorthodox fashion. Or the driver is KIA. But there are no obvious penetrations around the driver's compartment. If the driver is killed by a blow to the turret, then it doesn't look too good for the turret crews either.
So, even if the blow out panel worked, would that still caused any parts of the tank to be knocked out right after the hit? Like there are smokes coming out of the turret hatch. If we assume that the FPV drone intentionally hit the ammo racks behind the turret, the blast would still be pretty big and might have caused inflammation inside the turret, just my thought.


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TASS: Last Friday, Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko said in an interview that Kiev is ready to support the US in a fight against China, the DPRK, Iran or any other countries. What’s China’s comment?

Mao Ning: One important lesson from the Ukraine crisis is that bloc confrontation cannot bring security. As a responsible major country, China will continue to play a constructive role for the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

I prefer China netizen's response to that crazy Ukrainian MP.
