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Indians must be reminded that in the Anglo Five Eyes World Order, Zionist Israelis are the master race who cannot be questioned, all else including brahmin indians must accept they are 'human livestock' who exist only at the pleasure of Zionist Israelis. This is the world they are building and supporting.

Their favorite topic to discuss is when they expect a new civil war to occur in China.
Given the japanese destiny to become this millenniums version of the Khitans and Jin Dynasty, i'd say any conflict they have with China could be considered a civil war.

In the anglosphere, the Anglo Elites only promote slavish Asians or submissive homosexual Asians. This leads them to believe and assume the false confidence that they can order Asian nations around and expect their will to be made manifest simply by virtue of orders coming from a white man. This is also the reason why many Anglo chauvinists get so offended by pictures or videos of Chinese people simply leading their lives, or when Chinese or Asian people simply exist and live their lives in Australia, America etc. The Anglo chauvinist needs constant re-assurance that his own insecurities will not be fully realised with the rise of China.


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Another European country bends to the will of homo-agitators...

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ATHENS, Feb 15 (Reuters) - Greece's parliament approved a bill allowing same-sex civil marriage on Thursday, a landmark victory for supporters of LGBT rights that was greeted with cheers by onlookers in parliament and dozens gathered on the streets of Athens.
The law gives same-sex couples the right to wed and adopt children and comes after decades of campaigning by the LGBT community for marriage equality in the socially conservative country.


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MOSCOW, Feb 16 (Reuters) - Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny died on Friday after collapsing and losing consciousness at the penal colony north of the Arctic Circle where he was serving a long jail term, the Russian prison service said.
I don't know if this unfortunate event is a good thing or a bad thing for Russia and by extension to the current leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin. The west will use this tragic and untimely death as yet another proof of Putin’s "brazen actions against his would be opponents" by having them all imprisoned, poisoned, and killed. The neo-liberalist Russians will amplify Navalnys death to high heaven outside of Russia of course since this incident will not garner that much sympathy from the Russian population at large based -- my comment is based on what I have gleaned and read from public polling in Russia.

@Serb as a close neighbor to Russia I would assume that you have a better feel and perception as to your take on this latest event. What's your take?


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I don't know if this unfortunate event is a good thing or a bad thing for Russia and by extension to the current leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin. The west will use this tragic and untimely death as yet another proof of Putin’s "brazen actions against his would be opponents" by having them all imprisoned, poisoned, and killed. The neo-liberalist Russians will amplify Navalnys death to high heaven outside of Russia of course since this incident will not garner that much sympathy from the Russian population at large based -- my comment is based on what I have gleaned and read from public polling in Russia.

@Serb as a close neighbor to Russia I would assume that you have a better feel and perception as to your take on this latest event. What's your take?

This is nothing extraordinary or new in my opinion. There were already double digits deaths of foreign, Western-financed agents in the form of - "journalists", politicians, traitors, and other scum in Russia over the years. Russians in Russia don't care about that judging from all kinds of polls like you said. And outside of Russia, not many people also care. Everyone is sick and tired of American-CIA-paid foreign agents and traitors always under the same formula, the same slogans, the same bullshit. We have them in my country, and everywhere around the world. It is not a coincidence those NGOs are being outlawed everywhere nowadays. The damage they cause to national development could be enormous. I know it first hand, we had in Serbia such a government like Navalny from 2000-2012 and it was chaotic, anti-national, under-performing hell.



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Interesting what sort of impact a Trump victory might have on Russia China EU US relations. If he can get some sort of a detente with Russia but not with China, and if Trump's win causes some boost in the poulist right in the EU, what the dynamic will be between the EU and Russia, and if Russia will then move to a neutral relation with respect to China. Putin and the rest of the siloviki might not want to bet their foreign policy on a single country and might favor a more multivector foreign policy.
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