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Womp womp.

Biden is offering a Trojan horse. They are not being serious about the border issue because it isn’t being shut down. He is offering the republicans a quota instead.

The deal being negotiated in Congress would require the U.S. to shutter the border if roughly 5,000 migrants cross illegally on any given day.

Initial rumors was that the Biden Admin offered 8,000 migrants per day. There are 10,000 migrants illegally crossing into the US every day. Solves absolutely nothing other then trying to trick republicans into supporting Ukraine funding.


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Trump planning massive tax on Chinese imports – media​

Former US President Donald Trump has told advisers he wants to impose a 60% tariff on all imports from China if he wins this year’s election, the Washington Post reported on Saturday, citing three unnamed people familiar with the plan.

The measure would trigger major disruptions to the US and to economies around the world, which would far exceed the impact of the trade wars initiated by Trump during his first presidential term, economists for both the Democratic and Republican parties told the newspaper.

During his current presidential campaign, Trump has pledged to revoke China’s status as a “most favored nation” for trade. The designation is applied to almost all nations the US trades with, and the White House can introduce any tariffs on imported goods from countries that do not have it.

According to the GOP front-runner, tariffs on foreign goods raise vital revenue for the US budget, and current import levies are among the world’s lowest.

China is the US’s third largest trading partner after Mexico and Canada. In November, Beijing accounted for 11.7% of total US foreign trade.

According to analysts polled by the newspaper, such plans, if executed, are likely to spark a global trade war.

“The 2018 to 2019 trade war was immensely damaging, and this would go so far beyond that it’s hard to even compare to that,” Erica York, senior economist at the Tax Foundation, a right-leaning think tank that opposes the tariffs, told the Washington Post. “This threatens to upend and fragment global trade to an extent we haven’t seen in centuries.”

“If a Trump administration were to put up much higher tariffs on imports from China, American companies would lose most of their market share in both China and many third countries,”
Posen said, having called the trade proposals “lunacy.”
Former US President Donald Trump has told advisers he wants to impose a 60% tariff on all imports from China if he wins this year’s election,

$2000 iPhones coming soon. Discount if buying $1000 made in India iPhones.


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Anglo Australian society is geared around keeping Australia happy for the boomer leadership and voting bloc, and being deathly afraid of being “swamped by asians”.

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gotta hand it to the Russians, they know how to mind F these anglos
They tried the same thing with WeChat and TikTok and what did they amount to and really, does Australia have the capability to challenge any one in the Asia pacific. Fear mongering is fear mongering. I reckon a U.S. civil war at this rate will be more likely to happen at this rate and give Australia the excuse to sweep this under the rug and simply just watch the USA screw itself the bits and no Australia will not help the USA in the event of a civil war because in all honesty the nation as a whole is to apathetic to want to help the USA in that way. Australia simply isn’t capable enough to fight anyone right now, one DF to pine gap will be all it takes to shut this war mongers up for good, in fact another DF to the Parliament House in Canberra with all the war mongers there will seal the deal if it came to that but if they cannot get Australia to send ships to the Red Sea, then a nation wide conscription is impossible because of the backlash if will cause, I mean I like to see if they can do the same in the UK first with that stupid advertisement by Boris Johnson is any indication . In the Scomo era, maybe it might be possible and it will cost him the election but under the current leadership, Australia stands to gain by simply STFU and letting these US plants say what ever they want without amounting to anything. Man I hope wonder when the entire world shifts away from the USA that these NGOs will be hunted and wiped all over the world because these war mongers all deserve to collectively die painfully because they bring nothing but suffering and genocide to the world. It does bring me pleasure watch the whole disaster in Texas unfold because for once, these stupid brain dead c@cks in Washington are sh!tting themselves from a disaster happening right now on their doorstep and they cannot blame China for this because well, they ignored that problem while they are riding the Ukraine gravy train of sending billions there without any real return

It's just politics China would simply reroute it through Mexico and if they were dumb enough to enforce it Darwin will have some job to do

I like to see that silly b!tch try because we all saw what happened last time and really does he think money printing is going to save the USA from disaster this time. China is eventually going to cut the USA out of the global market at this rate and really, if the the USA goes full on civil war/purge, who is going to want to invest into the USA at that point, China still wins by doing nothing. Trumps reelection is going to doom the US economy, not save it because as of now, the US simply cannot innovate any more, not to mention that Biden is already ruining things right now so there is no light at the end of the tunnel either way, they are f@ck regardless
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US troops killed in Jordan drone attack​

Three US Army soldiers have been killed and many others wounded in an overnight drone attack on a US outpost in Jordan, President Joe Biden has stated, in what represents a significant escalation of simmering tensions in the Middle East.

A press release issued by US Central Command (CENTCOM) on Sunday listed the number of American personnel injured in the attack at 25.

“Last night, three US service members were killed – and many wounded – during an unmanned aerial drone attack on our forces stationed in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border,” Biden said in a statement issued by the White House on Sunday. “While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.”

3 US soldiers killed near the Syrian border and White House says it was an Iranian militant group.


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Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger are leaving West African political and economic union ECOWAS: reports​

Russia catches it in Armenia/Ukraine and France catches it in Africa.
Armenia is well integrated Russia economically and Armenia does not have much physical outlets. Russia policies is influenced by Arabs in that region and a De-Westernized Turkey integrated into Europe will be in Arab interests.
same logic applies to Africa where Europe will be in decline and it will need Arabs more.

physical drop is higher. Ukraine tried to move away look at its population drop %age is higher.
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It is by about 90,000 people less than Armenia’s permanent population was according to a similar census conducted in 2011. The population that was physically in Armenia at the time of the census in 2022 was by about 233,000 less than 12 years ago.
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They just don't look the same and the second they try to push for something in India's interest, their loyalty will be heavily questioned and attacked by local rivals; as a matter of fact, while Jews can use this strategy highlighting that they are true to their Jewish heritage, Indians can only get anywhere by distancing themselves from India and highlighting how Western they are

Israel's strategy is always to conflate their own interest with the West. ("This isn't just our war, it's a war against the West!"). When it comes to India, there is a natural alignment with the US against China. Even Europe isn't as hawkishly anti-China as Indians are. It's harder to convince westerners that bombing Gaza civilians is in their national interest.

That said, there is an undercurrent of suspicion in the Western media against India vis-a-vis "Hindutva". But as I've long noted, Indian elites are much more Westernised than Chinese elites are. Getting a Western visa seems to be the highest achievement one can accomplish in India, so I suspect that Western intelligence services will find it much easier to penetrate the Indian elite than they managed to do in China.

One should also add that Indian regional identities are much more accentuated than in China. Being a Tamilian is serious business and they don't like being told they should be able to speak a northern tongue like Hindi. You see this in the West too. Many Indians often have loyalties towards their region and/or caste over an overarching "Indian" identity. That is also probably why the "Indian lobby" in the West is non-existent, because it is harder to achieve internal cohesion.