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This why every forum on the internet should have a funny thread.

Step 1.
US asks China to urge Iran to curb Red Sea attacks by Houthis
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Step 2.
China presses Iran to rein in Houthi attacks in Red Sea, sources say
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Step 3.
Houthis Attack U.S. Warship as China Urges Iran to Rein In Rebels
Tehran tells Beijing it doesn’t control Yemeni rebel group

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Step 4.
At least you tried.


Step 5.
Game Over.



Junior Member
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This why every forum on the internet should have a funny thread.

Step 1.
US asks China to urge Iran to curb Red Sea attacks by Houthis
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Step 2.
China presses Iran to rein in Houthi attacks in Red Sea, sources say
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Step 3.
Houthis Attack U.S. Warship as China Urges Iran to Rein In Rebels
Tehran tells Beijing it doesn’t control Yemeni rebel group

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Step 4.
At least you tried.


Step 5.
Game Over.

Those "unnamed Iranian officials" are doing a lot of the heavy lifting.

That said, enjoy this piece. The jokes write themselves.

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If Texas does successfully breakaway, China should give aid and arms and preferential trade treatment with provisions of course, to create americas own little Taiwan nuisance.
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Doesn’t the UK already have warheads? Why do they need American warheads? If anything, this sounds like they can’t afford to maintain their own warheads given all the other British military problems
The Anglos/Five Eyes are consolidating to become a suprastate in order to compete against China.
In practice, the Five Eyes already behave as a single entity.
If you've seen Trump on the talk show circuit before he became President, he would bring up out of nowhere how he use to think Heidi Klum was hot but he doesn't anymore and that's it. Nothing more said of it on why and no explanation. I've seen him do it a few times. Now why would he bother? And now you have the E Jean Caroll case where Trump denies ever meeting her because she's not his type... meaning old. In a deposition, he was shown a picture of himself and his then wife Ivana at a party taken around the time of the rape.

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He identified the woman next to him as Marla Maples, his second wife after Ivana. That was E Jean Carroll back then. The man in between her and Trump's wife, Ivana, is E Jean Carroll's husband, John Johnson. So what do Heidi Klum and E Jean Carroll have in common? They both married black men. When Trump becomes President... Watch out Heidi Klum! Watch out Tim Scott's fiancé! No wonder Trump treated Scott in a humiliating fashion after he won New Hampshire.

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The guy thinks he's immune from any sort of prosecution as President and he obviously has a problem with "good-looking" white women being with black men to the point he has to rape them because he has to be white conqueror in the end.
Ever walked down Main Street as an Asian man with a blonde girl on your arm? The dirty looks you get from anglos across the US and australia is really quite bizarre, but nothing compared to the shaming such society tries to put on that blonde girl. And i'm talking a decent blonde girl, like girl next door type - the kind that would be suited for TV- not the meh types you first encounter on Hinge. And don't even think of showing pictures of your blonde girlfriend/wife to your colleagues if you work corporate, if you thought you were getting bamboo ceiling'd, it's nothing compared to the harassment you'll get from anglo society in the workplace, already insecure about having to watch their kids be outcompeted by hardworking asian kids.

Anglo society from the outset is an apartheid society with a racial caste system. The best piece of advice if you're an average asian man is to keep a low profile and work on accruing wealth and connections to build up the motherland. The internal contradictions of american and the five eyes will soon prove to be irresistible.


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It's actually getting spicier than that, behold a company specifically taking advantage of the situation in the Red Sea:
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Chinese-invested shipping company opens regular liner service in Red Sea region, one of the few that still operate Asia-Europe direct route

A Chinese-invested shipping company Sea Legend has opened regular container shipping service via the Red Sea region, according to the company’s website announcement, which industry insiders said would make it one of the few companies that still sail on the direct shipping route from Asia to Europe on heels of the deepening of Red Sea shipping crisis.

According to a schedule posted on the website of Sea Legend, it has arranged eight container ship routes via the Red Sea region in January, a traditional Chinese cargo shipment peak season ahead of the eight-day Spring Festival holidays that start from February 10.

The company said all the eight vessels will be escorted by the “Chinese Navy Flotilla 118.” It also listed a number of security measures, including being equipped with commercial armed escort, razor wire protection along freeboard, latching each entrance of passageway, as well as chaining up to shut every door to cabin.
GT rubs the salt in.

How can I invest in this based company?
Has anyone noticed how after Oct 7th, there isn't much mention of Malacca strait regarding any discussion about China? ;)
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For those who have audio problems like me, with the X video on Kishore Mahbubani, there is a longer version on Youtube.
Watch out for "Who started this process(claiming islands)" at 8:10
From my memory, there was a big hoo ha when Malaysia started it.
Not sure if it preceded the Philippines also joining in the theft of islands when China was weak.


Registered Member
It's actually getting spicier than that, behold a company specifically taking advantage of the situation in the Red Sea:
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I can already hear the cries of the Anglo Zionist ruling elites, angry that mercantilism is working against them "that's not fair! i'm the only ones who's supposed to be able to profit from other peoples' wars! How dare you profit from my own conflicts and wars?!"

That PLAN escort is to protect against CIA black ops than anything Houthi related. The anglos are the descendants of pirates after all.

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Reminder that American capital and technology was used by nazi germany for their own death camps.


China needs to grow its population to counter big power India and a rising south East Asia.
China needs to and is already quickly growing its useful population, which is the middle class; it is not indiscriminately growing, specifically, the poor rural class that is basically no longer a contributor to China's development, is shrinking. India is a big population country but not a big power, and South East Asia shows no signs of rising that is significant to China's power or position.


Registered Member
China needs to grow its population to counter big power India and a rising south East Asia.
China is already doing that with numerous government measures and incentives. What China won't do, is irresponsibly grow it's population like India.

India's population is growing fast, because the majority of it's population are poor. But India doesn't care to develop this large poor population into a proper workforce, or uplift them into the middle class. India doesn't care if these people live or die. All it cares is that there will always be lots of poor people around to beg the government and the upper classes for jobs and opportunities. It prefers a large pool of desperate and cheap manpower, not a large pool of skilled and educated workforce. Because those people could potentially rise up to challenge the established middle class and elites.

India wants to keep wages and expenses low, by keeping the poor desperate and destitute. So that the farmer keeps the food prices low, and the slum labourers continue to charge low prices for their services. But when crises arise like Covid, these people are left to die. Because to the Indian elites and middle classes, there are always more of the poor.

It is just so easy for India to grow it's population while it's so difficult for China to do the same. Because China actually cares for it's population, and doesn't want to see a repeat of the famines and desperate poverty. China is already heavily urbanised, and so childbearing rates have dropped because raising children has become a costly commitment. Chinese parents want their child to grow up better then they were. Chinese parents don't have children just so that they can become an additional workforce to beg in railway stations, to be sold for cash, or to be abandoned if they're not useful. That era is over for China, and it cannot return to those dark times. But all that is business-as-usual in India.

So under this context, I foresee that China could regrow it's population to some level of stability in the future. But it won't be able to match the explosive population growth like India. Still, China could maintain its economic development while trying to minimise its wealth gap. India OTOH will eventually reach a point of overpopulation, with a mediocre economy that cannot sustain everyone. And then we shall see what is going to happen in India.
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Registered Member
I've already posted about this in the Gaza war thread:
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But the surprising thing is:
The crew of the tanker abandoned ship as it burned, and it seems Indian Navy destroyer INS Visakhapatnam is picking them up.
That's legit Jai Hind news, there's a US destroyer somewhere around there but Houthi also fired a ballistic missile at then, USS Carney intercepted it but didn't seem like she came to the aid of the tanker.
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