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Japan yearns for decolonization and denazification. In ww2, they ironically projected their own mental colonization to claim they would free Asia from imperialism, when in truth, what was always needed was for Japan itself to be set straight and returned back to it's family.

All of Japan's traditional roots originate from the mainland. When they tried rejecting it in favor of aping the west, the results were laughable and turned them into a soulless nation.

China should use all means, diplomatic, economic and military, to recover Japan as its subject, which is the role that will benefit the Japanese people most in the long run.
Well there's that. Or if they lose badly, they can enter the dustbins of history like most of China's former enemies. China wasn't always this big. They just became this big because their enemies were annihilated of even having a proper identity.

For example if Russia wasn't strong, there would simply be no country named Mongolia now and Mongols will go the way of the Xiongnu.

Did you know Qingdao was once owned by Germany and Japan? No one really thinks much about it like let's say Hong Kong. Why is that? Because it was under China long enough to eliminate any German/Japanese traces from it except the beer.


Registered Member
Japan yearns for decolonization and denazification. In ww2, they ironically projected their own mental colonization to claim they would free Asia from imperialism, when in truth, what was always needed was for Japan itself to be set straight and returned back to it's family.

All of Japan's traditional roots originate from the mainland. When they tried rejecting it in favor of aping the west, the results were laughable and turned them into a soulless nation.

China should use all means, diplomatic, economic and military, to recover Japan as its subject, which is the role that will benefit the Japanese people most in the long run.
Historically, Japan had such an inferiority complex they actually considered mating japanese women with Gaijin europeans in the belief it would improve the race- mind you this was in the 19th century where nationalist racialist 'race science' was all the rage. THe japanese archopelago doesn't need such people, but the land would be a fine addition to China proper in the same manner the lands of the khitans became part of China proper. In fact, Song China had cause for grievance against the Khitans for their version of the Rape of Nanjing in the 'JingKang Incident'. Now, there are no more Khitans, but there is China.

I do believe we are witnessing the modern day equivalent of Rome abandoning Roman Britannia, complete with the attempt by Rome (Anglo led West) coping with manpower shortages in the army by promoting mass immigration (barbarian foederati) along with rebellious provinces (Texas).


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The anglos are having trouble finding storm troopers for their armies to fight and maintain white Anglo supremacy and also for that racial holy war against china, and this Australian dissident will tell you why. Mcbride is being prosecuted by the Australian gov to intimidate future whistleblowers.

To swell their ranks, the Anglos are looking at immigran Foederati
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Germany is bringing it up as well.


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The anglos are having trouble finding storm troopers for their armies to fight and maintain white Anglo supremacy and also for that racial holy war against china, and this Australian dissident will tell you why. Mcbride is being prosecuted by the Australian gov to intimidate future whistleblowers.

To swell their ranks, the Anglos are looking at immigran Foederati
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Roman Empire and Tang Dynasty: geez we wonder what could go wrong.


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Historically, Japan had such an inferiority complex they actually considered mating japanese women with Gaijin europeans in the belief it would improve the race- mind you this was in the 19th century where nationalist racialist 'race science' was all the rage. THe japanese archopelago doesn't need such people, but the land would be a fine addition to China proper in the same manner the lands of the khitans became part of China proper. In fact, Song China had cause for grievance against the Khitans for their version of the Rape of Nanjing in the 'JingKang Incident'. Now, there are no more Khitans, but there is China.

I do believe we are witnessing the modern day equivalent of Rome abandoning Roman Britannia, complete with the attempt by Rome (Anglo led West) coping with manpower shortages in the army by promoting mass immigration (barbarian foederati) along with rebellious provinces (Texas).
The Khitans were based in west China. The guys you are referring to are the Jurchens/Manchus in the northeast part. Both are no longer their own countries or even their own identities since Pu Yi couldn't even speak Manchu. Only people who think the manchu identity still exists are mainly Japanese/Korean chuds or people who play too much EU4/HOI for their own good.

Did you know Wu Jing from Wolf Warrior/Chanjin Lake is a manchu supposedly? Wonder would those chuds on the internet be so supportive of him since they love Manchus even though he is the symbol of everything they hate. But he's just doing what his ancestors were doing, fighting outsiders and making China bigger so why the hate?
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To save money, India's local governments "mistakenly" cut pensions to elderly by marking them as "deceased" and refuse to give money even after confronted in person.
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Now I see one aspect of how India counts its demographics. Now I see why India claims to have such a young demography in Asia. Because after an Indian reaches certain senior age, he/she is counted as "dead" by the government. So no need to pay pensions anymore, and India can make its demography appear "younger". Its an Indian masterclass at demographic manipulation.
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Registered Member
Roman Empire and Tang Dynasty: geez we wonder what could go wrong.
Tang dynasty’s fall is not dissimilar to the current U.S. being infiltrated by Zionist Israelis as the TuJue An Lushan installed his own ppl into key positions, The modern day equivalent is also if a charismatic Zionist Israeli also happened to be both a senator as well as the chairman of the JCOS.

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No, pal. You guys wanted war with China, so pick up the sword or surrender unconditionally.

BREAKING News: ICJ Condemns Israel
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Registered Member
Tang dynasty’s fall is not dissimilar to the current U.S. being infiltrated by Zionist Israelis as the TuJue An Lushan installed his own ppl into key positions,

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No, pal. You guys wanted war with China, so pick up the sword or surrender unconditionally
I had some thought about this rumors of China pressuring Iran to pressure Houthi to resolve the Red Sea situation. Suppose it's true, either it doesn't work out and we continue on as before and China doesn't lose anything since no one expects China to play the global godfather role here (despite the Iran-Saudi rapprochement, it will take a couple more of those for China to gain the global street cred), or it works in which case Xi should get a Nobel Peace Prize and China will be expected to play peacemaker again in the future between Russia and Ukraine with major street cred gain globally.

Imagine how that looks to 3rd party. US can't sort out out this mess with bombs and missiles so they go to China asking China to resolve this. And China without firing a shot sits all parties down and do something like:

Permanent ceasefire in Gaza strip. Israel to vacate all positions they've gained since October 7th. China will talk to South Africa and others to drop current genocide investigation into Israel.

Houthi to cease harassment of shipping through the Red Sea, not only that Houthi is to be charged with the responsibility to use their weapons for good to ensure no other parties or pirates can harm shipping in the Red Sea, for a modest payment from ships passing through.

Something like that happens it would be negative for US, Iran and Israel while positive for China, Houthi and Hamas. I hope Americans realize they when they asked China for help.

Iran could have benefited from this situation playing a similar role but they waited too long and were too reserved to make their move. Houthi may be a proxy but they are ambitious and have their own plans and are not 100% under Iran control.


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Tang dynasty’s fall is not dissimilar to the current U.S. being infiltrated by Zionist Israelis as the TuJue An Lushan installed his own ppl into key positions, The modern day equivalent is also if a charismatic Zionist Israeli also happened to be both a senator as well as the chairman of the JCOS.

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No, pal. You guys wanted war with China, so pick up the sword or surrender unconditionally.

BREAKING News: ICJ Condemns Israel
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I'm glad that the genocidal Judeo-Americans who falsely accused China of genocide for so many years are finally getting condemned on a global scale. The fact that TikTok played a major role in this is the cherry on top. This feels so cathartic :)