Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
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And us Germans and french gonna pay for this stuff probably.
I talked to a lituanian costudent and he jokingly said a fourth of the baltic economy is german development assistance.
Just look at the population implosion in the Baltics since the end of the USSR:


Can we put this in the Black Book of Capitalism?

One of the major funding sources for the Baltics was ship and rail traffic. Because they have ports which aren't frozen over part of the year a lot of transportation for exports from Russia and Belarus used to go through there. Well not anymore. Their railways have been scrapping rail cars, locomotives, and firing people. And I doubt a lot of people want to use their massive ports either.


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White husband found to have murdered his Chinese wife and dumped her corpse in the mountains. He also regularly beat her.
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Police were first alerted that the victim, YingYing "Dawn" Yu, 40, of Los Gatos, hadn't been in contact with her employer since New Year's Day. Investigators looked into her disappearance, and LGMSPD says that Yu's husband, John Maxey Yeager, 56, provided inconsistent information to officers.

Police later learned that a domestic violence incident had been reported on Dec. 31, and Yu was listed as the victim.

Typical White supremacist husbands and their self hating Asian women. The kids are going to grow up traumatized and self hating too.


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White husband found to have murdered his Chinese wife and dumped her corpse in the mountains. He also regularly beat her.
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Typical White supremacist husbands and their self hating Asian women. The kids are going to grow up traumatized and self hating too.
There was a period of time prior to the european imposed century of humiliatio, where Chinese women considered going with non Chinese men to be the equivalent of bestiality, like an elvish woman being raped by an Uruk-Hai. Not saying it’s good or bad, but it does display the level of sacrifice Chinese princesses did for their country when the Han Dynasty needed to buy time against the Xiongnu by sending Chinese royalty as part of a marriage pact.

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Whither, Germany.

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why do the Anglo americans have such little faith in their ideals of free speech and free press?


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There was a period of time prior to the european imposed century of humiliatio, where Chinese women considered going with non Chinese men to be the equivalent of bestiality, like an elvish woman being raped by an Uruk-Hai. Not saying it’s good or bad, but it does display the level of sacrifice Chinese princesses did for their country when the Han Dynasty needed to buy time against the Xiongnu by sending Chinese royalty as part of a marriage pact.

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Whither, Germany.

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why do the Anglo americans have such little faith in their ideals of free speech and free press?

Free speech favors the strong. People forget that even during the teething days of the United States they had the Alien and Sedition Act because major powers like Britain and France sought to influence domestic politics through bribery and soft power projection. As the scale tilts the other way you’ll see more and more politicians promoting censorship against perceived Chinese influences in the name of national security.


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UK to become only G20 member without steel production​

Steel producer Tata Steel plans to close blast furnaces at its Port Talbot plant in South Wales and lay off nearly 3,000 workers, according to media reports. The move, which is part of a major restructuring of the company’s UK operations, will reportedly leave the UK as the only G20 economy unable to make steel from scratch.

The planned move, which was first reported by the Financial Times this week, is part of Indian-owned Tata Steel’s four-year transition to a greener form of steelmaking at the company’s UK steel operations, which employ 8,000 people, and involve sites elsewhere in Wales and the Midlands. While the blast furnaces at Port Talbot will be shut down, the company intends to build electric arc furnaces, which make steel from recycled scrap. The government has promised up to £500 million ($634 million) to help with the transition.

Meanwhile, the two other remaining blast furnaces in the UK, both of which belong to the Chinese-owned company British Steel, are also slated for shutdown as the parent entity plans to replace them with two electric arc facilities, which could be operational as early as 2025.

“That would leave the UK as the only G20 country that cannot make steel from raw materials,” The Guardian wrote.

“Steel is the beating heart of manufacturing and of our entire infrastructure and, of course, of our national security,” Stephen Kinnock, a Labour MP for Aberavon, home of the Port Talbot plant, told Sky News. “Do we really want to be a country, given the dangerous and turbulent world in which we live, that isn’t able to produce its own steel?” he said.
“That would leave the UK as the only G20 country that cannot make steel from raw materials,” The Guardian wrote.


Registered Member
There was a period of time prior to the european imposed century of humiliatio, where Chinese women considered going with non Chinese men to be the equivalent of bestiality, like an elvish woman being raped by an Uruk-Hai. Not saying it’s good or bad, but it does display the level of sacrifice Chinese princesses did for their country when the Han Dynasty needed to buy time against the Xiongnu by sending Chinese royalty as part of a marriage pact.
Put aside the individual aspect, this kind of political marriage should not be automatically regarded humiliating, especially should not be connected to anything of ethnical. Some of them are arranged with one party being under threat such as the marriages before Han Wudi, but many others are not.

Counter examples:
  1. Qing dynasty routinely married imperial princesses to Mongols when Qing had the upper hand for most of time. Manchu aren't Mongol ethnically, the princesses grown up in Beijing living a life indentical to Han Chinese far from Mongolic life style.
  2. Tang dynasty's marriage to Tibeten Kings were often under pressure, but the marriages to Tujue tribes are often the opposite.
  3. Even marriages during Han dynasty were often on good terms especially with the subjugated southern Xiongnu. The famous example is Liu Yuan (刘渊)
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    . Who tried to restore Han dynasty on the claim that his family had long history of marrying pricesses from Han. His tribe was always loyal to Han ever since the split of Xiongnu more than 300 years ago. This is the same as Mongols marriage to Qing.
  4. Yuan dynasty frequently marries Mongol princesses to its vassal Kings. The Korean courts were full of Mongol princesses.
  5. Marriages between royal families among European monarchs are even more frequent and political driven (for land). One can't say all the parties marrying their daughters are humiliated. An example similar to Liu Yuan (above) is the Russian claim to be successor to east Roman empire on the ground of maternal lineage.
I don't know your educational background, but from my education in PRC, I understand why many people have such impression of political marriage. It is pricesly because Chinese hitory education omitted the vastly "good" marriages. Another example of such "biased" education is that there are lots of coverage of "patriotic" act of Han Chinese refusing to surrender and serve the Yuan dynasty, nothing was mentioned about lots of Han Chinese refusing to surrender and serve the Ming dynasty after collapse of Yuan, so much so that Zhu Yuanzhang the funding emperor of Ming had to impose death penalty to the Yuan loyalists (Han Chinese). The morden Chinese historical narritive has been greatly shaped by the west, so things have been selected under that influnce.
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California High-Speed Rail CEO to step down​

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Who really wrote this? Goebbels? Potemkin? Iraqi minister of information?

“Everything’s great, we’re shifting into an operational phase!”

“LA to SF?”

“Nope! 200km between the random towns of Bakersfield and Merced! But we’ll get there!”
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