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Then the US is like a God and Arabs are their offspring Demigods of the world in your opinion? :D
This is not my opinion this a historical fact. It was US and Gulf Arab alliance that won the previous Cold war. and if they join again than it is game over for rest of the world as now they have India, Africa and completely vassal Europe, Asia.
in first Cold war Boeing was dealing with one real widebody plane now Boeing has 4 with even more modifications in each category. 777X is sufficiently different than 777. This what Arab measures. they throw bone to French aka Rafale due to Airbus. There are about 2000 combat aircraft in this Mideast region that will work in sync. and those are real aircraft with potential like with CFTs and large 600 gallon tanks. You can start from Kashmir and end up in Casablanca and everything down under this is what Arab control. Gulf Arab dominance over rest of muslim world is core Russia interest. I mean South Korea GCC signed free trade agreement and now Russia looking for relations with them. This is what following Soft Power of Arabs do.

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Russian Ambassador to Korea: “Relationships can be restored if Korea does not provide weapons to Ukraine
Ambassador Zinoviev emphasized, "As long as the Korean side does not cross the red line, we are willing to consider Korea as a future partner, and the relationship between the two countries will not be seriously damaged." At the same time, he explained that the red line set by Russia is that Korea directly delivers weapons to Ukraine.


Registered Member
Shouldn't surprise anyone.

As the economy goes downwards, regular people are likely to try and 'find an alternative' to the usual 'mainstream' parties, which means going far right or left, and with the far left being repressed more, it shouldn't come as a surprise that a Nazi 2.0 party will rise.

Whether or not history will 'repeat' is hard to say, but it's pretty clear, that regular people will be more and more disastified with the current ruling party in Germany as the economy goes downwards.
Hopefully they won’t go after Russia like they did last time in that war because they were seriously winning in that one until that moment. At this point in time, it would take an event similar to WW2 to shock Europe back to its collective senses because their leaders are far from caring about the people and more about following the bidding of the USA. It is high time they get fully removed from power, even if it has to be done in a similar manner to the last ruling royals in Russia then I guess there simply isn’t any other choice because Europe as a whole can never move forward unless the elites are fully taken away from the seat of power for good before any thing could ever get better


Not really news per se, just got something interesting to share.

Here is the seal script variant of 䣈, which is an ancient form of 巷, meaning "lane" or "alley".

View attachment 124102
But but, it looks like four breasts...

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The Yoon regime really should have thought twice before they capitulated to the US and Japan completely.

Looks like Japan's SLIM moon lander had some issues today:

View attachment 124131
The Japanese moon lander is losing power, while the Indian moon lander never wakes up from the lunar night because of the lack of heating device.
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Opinion: Germany’s far right is surging. Banning it would backfire​

The Nazi Party was banned on 9 November 1923:rolleyes:
So much for "democracy"


India's priority:
Clearly, it's time to destroy old mosques built on top of temples and build temples on top of them.


Registered Member
This is not my opinion this a historical fact. It was US and Gulf Arab alliance that won the previous Cold war. and if they join again than it is game over for rest of the world as now they have India, Africa and completely vassal Europe, Asia.
in first Cold war Boeing was dealing with one real widebody plane now Boeing has 4 with even more modifications in each category. 777X is sufficiently different than 777. This what Arab measures. they throw bone to French aka Rafale due to Airbus. There are about 2000 combat aircraft in this Mideast region that will work in sync. and those are real aircraft with potential like with CFTs and large 600 gallon tanks. You can start from Kashmir and end up in Casablanca and everything down under this is what Arab control. Gulf Arab dominance over rest of muslim world is core Russia interest. I mean South Korea GCC signed free trade agreement and now Russia looking for relations with them. This is what following Soft Power of Arabs do.

This frog in a well strategy is not going to work.

Clausewitz was right. It is the center of gravity, that is where the power comes from.


Senior Member
Singapore was literally born due to racism riots and identity politics. It's somewhat akin to Jews finding their own sanctuary in Israel, minus the religious, colonization, genocide context. Singapore is a safe space in SE Asia for ethnic Han Chinese, otherwise they have to go back to China or be marginalized second class citizen in Malaysia.
This is not full picture.
Singapore became independent not really by its choice. After WW2 LKY famously did not want to separate from Malaysia or former British Malaya as Singapore did not have natural resources. Most people including LKY believe Singapore could not survive on its own. Later it became super successful and attracted ethnic Chinese from both Malaysia and Indonesia. Yes it is a safe haven during troubled times but to be clear, neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia have a sizable ethnic Chinese population themselves that are settled in those countries. The ones who fled during the rioting were mostly the privileged class who could including the ultra rich who not only went to Singapore but also to rich western countries. There is a famous Indonesian Chinese tycoon who went to Beverly Hills to purchase a mansion outright for his kids. Which my father remarked, for him its like going to supermarket to buy a snack.


Registered Member
This is not my opinion this a historical fact. It was US and Gulf Arab alliance that won the previous Cold war. and if they join again than it is game over for rest of the world as now they have India, Africa and completely vassal Europe, Asia.
in first Cold war Boeing was dealing with one real widebody plane now Boeing has 4 with even more modifications in each category. 777X is sufficiently different than 777. This what Arab measures. they throw bone to French aka Rafale due to Airbus. There are about 2000 combat aircraft in this Mideast region that will work in sync. and those are real aircraft with potential like with CFTs and large 600 gallon tanks. You can start from Kashmir and end up in Casablanca and everything down under this is what Arab control. Gulf Arab dominance over rest of muslim world is core Russia interest. I mean South Korea GCC signed free trade agreement and now Russia looking for relations with them. This is what following Soft Power of Arabs do.
What are you even talking about?


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Okay, usually I do not really follow Indian news sites, but this article pertaining to semi-conductors got me interested in reading it, and the government was completely clueless it seemed to me.

The part about the EV, and because of the EV the 28nm and 45nm suddenly became important again, how clueless can we be? The guy did not know anything about the industry. He probably knew nothing semi-conductors or electronics.

Then that guy boast about all the deals and collaborations they signed with other countries. Look, you do not even know the basics of the industry, do you know what you actually signed?

Okay, enough.

Here is the big takeaway point.

Yet, sadly, it is the same old story.

The Indians are going to miss the bus again.

In this semi-conductor war, guess who are trying to race ahead?

And what did India exactly sign with all those other countries?

Guess they signed something that they will talk about later.
