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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
That article also has this in it:
The 737-9 MAX grounding has significantly impacted our operation. We have cancelled 170 Sunday flights and 60 cancellations for Monday, with more expected. Cancellations will continue through the first half of the week, and we encourage guests with travel plans to continue to check their email and alaskaair.com for updates.
That must come cheap. Not. Alaska might suffer a fate similar to Norwegian at this rate.


Registered Member
That article also has this in it:

That must come cheap. Not. Alaska might suffer a fate similar to Norwegian at this rate.
Its just business Darwinism. "Proudly All Boeing" lol
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Alaska Airlines, finally all-Boeing, ventures beyond the recovery​

On the nose of nearly every Boeing 737 in Alaska Airlines’ fleet reads a message: Proudly All Boeing. Given the fact that at one point in recent years, parent Alaska Air Group was flying airplanes from four different manufacturers at its mainline and regional carrier, Horizon Air, the message was as much an industry punchline as it was a statement of the carrier’s aspiration.


Junior Member
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i dont see where you mention German fought Turks? If Germans were really against this Ottoman empire this empire would not have existed for this long.

There are no "Germans" in political sense until 19th century by which time Ottomans no longer matter. Before then it is the Habsburgs that fight against the Ottomans.

The peak of Ottoman power falls in the 16th and 17th centuries between the reigns of Selim I (1512-1520) who conquered the Mamluk Sultanate and gained the Caliphate and Mehmed IV (1648-1687) who lost the Great Turkish War in battles of Vienna in 1683 and Mohacs in 1687 allowing Habsburgs to capture Hungary.

The only reason why Ottomans managed to reach so far into Europe was the relative weakness of Europe following the disastrous 14th century (Great Famine 1315-17, Black Death 1347-1351) which allowed them to consolidate power on former Byzantine lands. The 15th century in Europe was filled with internal instability and wars and then almost immediately came the Reformation and violent divisions in Christendom which coincided with the peak of Ottoman power.

Suleiman I, boosted by high population (25 million) led a very aggressive expansion and laid siege to Vienna in 1529 but lost. The Ottomans had a natural defensive barrier in the Danube but were limited by geography of the Balkans for moving large armies is involved. This is why Ottoman northern campaigns are limited to warm months in constrast with longer campaigns in the Middle East.

The religious strife in Europe peaked with the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) in which the Holy Roman Empire lost as much as a third of its population. This conflict and related wars leads to the Great Turkish War which again ends in Ottoman defeat.

However as soon as Ottomans stopped expanding their aggressive political culture turned inward and began to stifle growth and progress so the usual engines of economic prosperity never have the opportunity to show results. At the same time Europe recovers from the consequences of the Thirty Years' War and at the start of 18th century Ottomans face both Austrian and Russian imperial expansion, as well as increasingly active British and French naval presence in the Med and the Indian Oceans. Europe enters the Enlightenment and reforms aggressively while Ottomans falter with their modernisation for cultural reasons. They can either modernise or retain the empire and they choose the latter which is why they lost it.

640px_1789 Europe population.jpg

640px_1840 Europe population.jpg
640px_1914 Europe population.jpg

The reason why nobody attacks the Ottomans directly in 18th century is because they're still strong enough to weaken whoever does it so they're useful for various alliances, but at the same time they're made completely irrelevant in the era of geographical discoveries. By prioritising conquest and plunder over trade they lock themselves out of the benefits of having the most profitable geographical position in the Old World and are superseded by colonial expansion in Europe. And then comes the 19th century and industrialisation of Europe flips the global balance of power on its head.

Germany cooperated with Ottomans in WW1 because Ottomans were the only thing that separated Britain and France from their colonies and Russia (Gallipolli!). Ottomans cooperated with Germany because they were fighting for survival and Central Powers were the only possible ally.

Even Ataturk created Turkey went straight into Nato and standing at the door of EU.

Turkey joined NATO in 1955 together with Greece to prevent Soviet naval expansion into the Med and the Middle East, as well as to provide bases e.g. for missiles - which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

As for the EU, Turkey is a "perennial candidate" because they obviously have no interest in conducting the type of reform that is necessary to join. Turkey is an artificial nation state that would immediately collapse if deprived of tools of repression.

Ultimately Ataturk was wrong and Turkey is a failed experiment. We're just seeing the consequences. The current political or economic crisis is not the problem but the result.

I mean even all the alt right guys say we are in late stage Rome before it collapsed yet the message doesn't seem to get into the head of the others.

The alt-right is a name used by racists and ethnic chauvinists to disguise themselves. They use "late stage Rome" to describe the internal demographic shift caused by migration rather than any political, economic or military crisis.

"Late stage Rome" is a cultural idiom that began with Edward Gibbon and his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (1776-88) but the idea behind it is also fallacious and ahistorical.

Rome did not end in 476 because Western Roman Empire wasn't "the" or even "the more important" Roman Empire since Diocletian established the tetrarchy.


Before Diocletian for over a century the "imperial capital" resided physically with the emperor, which meant wherever the fighting was at the time. Rome lost its administrative function in imperial government by late 2nd century which was one of the causes of the "crisis of the third century" (230-284).

Currently "Later Rome" refers to the period between 284 (Diocletian becomes emperor) and 641 (Heraclius I dies) as during that period the Eastern Roman Empire is viewed as "Rome" by the bishop of Rome i.e. the pope. Roman emperor Justinian I recaptures Rome in 538 and retains it.

Only after the pope crowns Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor in 800 solidifying the political split between Rome and Constantinople the Eastern Roman Empire is referred to as "Empire of Greeks" and only after fall of Constantinople in 1453 as "Byzantium". Holy Roman Emperor is "Holy" because the title is given by the pope, rather than derived from temporal authority.

However the citizens of Byzantium kept referring to themselves as "Romans" and their state as "Roman Empire" until the 4th crusade in 1204.

Ultimately Rome did not fall because it is a civilisation, and not a culture or a state. Rome evolved into Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church in the west and the Byzantine Empire and the Orthodox Church in the East. Currently Rome is the European Union, symbolically founded on the Treaty of Rome or in a broader sense it is "the West" with "Rome" in Washington and "Constantinople" in Brussels.

It's like the current Mao dynasty in China presently referred to as "People's Republic of China".

The fact is the west is in a far worse position and the biggest enemy at this point is itself.

There's noting wrong with the West that isn't wrong with China i.e. demographics, culture or environment. What you mistakenly view as weakness is a natural trend of the West returning to its natural place after a temporary disruption caused by industrialisation and resulting population boom. See here:

wiki-estimates of historical world population.jpg

The only people in the West who panic because of that one trend are those who don't know history and are invested in exploitation which was enabled by past trend.

I know history which is why I'm not worried about relative weakening of the west understood as a civilisation but I am terrified of the other, more dangerous trends that affect our entire human civilisation. When cooperation is required all I see is duplicity. On all sides.


Senior Member
Registered Member
However as soon as Ottomans stopped expanding their aggressive political culture turned inward and began to stifle growth and progress so the usual engines of economic prosperity never have the opportunity to show results. At the same time Europe recovers from the consequences of the Thirty Years' War and at the start of 18th century Ottomans face both Austrian and Russian imperial expansion, as well as increasingly active British and French naval presence in the Med and the Indian Oceans. Europe enters the Enlightenment and reforms aggressively while Ottomans falter with their modernisation for cultural reasons. They can either modernise or retain the empire and they choose the latter which is why they lost it.
You forgot the most important thing: loss of revenue from the Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road, exacerbated by the European Age of Discovery.


Registered Member
There are no "Germans" in political sense until 19th century by which time Ottomans no longer matter. Before then it is the Habsburgs that fight against the Ottomans.

The reason why nobody attacks the Ottomans directly in 18th century is because they're still strong enough to weaken whoever does it so they're useful for various alliances
you should reflect on the above statements. 19th century starts in 1800s and i will not further respond as you only put things from European perspective.
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Turkey joined NATO in 1955 together with Greece to prevent Soviet naval expansion into the Med and the Middle East, as well as to provide bases e.g. for missiles - which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
It means Ataturk was unable to reform Turkey to be independent in Post war period unlike Arab countries. You still not understanding certain basic things. Turkey with this Custom Union and Nato serve German interests while Arab alliance with US serve Arab interests.


Registered Member
Wow, I wonder how long Ukraine can last - 500,000 dead and seriously injured, averaging 30,000 a month.
Ukraine can last long time if it continue to provide Arabs opportunities to increase there Soft Power.

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This is not simply conflict of count of people and land. certain things not easily obvious.
There is Moscow Speaks Youtube channel. on 21st december Rogozin showed up for interview and basically telling that channel audience that they should move to cities near Pacific Ocean and speak with different language. you can clearly see his contempt for Europe and treated the host not as intelligent. what is missing in this conversation is if Russian moves to Pacific coast who will take the place of them and what will happen to Ukraine. it is obvious they want to create some kind of ideological wall that protect from Europe.

E. VOLGINA: Are you talking about the Arctic Ocean?
D. ROGOZIN: I'm talking about the Pacific Ocean.
E. VOLGINA: Moscow is a port of seven seas, that’s why it’s here.
D. ROGOZIN: Come on, stop it. I am now talking about a geopolitical choice, and it is impossible without the decision of the authorities themselves to move to where there is a prospect for the country.
As for Europe itself. Anyway, Europe is, you know, such a rich, high-tech infrastructure that will not survive a war.
I return to this issue once again. If our rear is here... We are now sitting in Moscow. I myself am a native Muscovite, and not in the first generation, but in which, I don’t remember, the fifth or sixth. I want to say, I’m starting to dislike Moscow.
D. ROGOZIN: Here we are talking, “Moscow Speaks,” radio station. Moscow must speak a different language in support of its army. This is the hope of our country.
E. VOLGINA: Don’t you think that against the backdrop of the Northern Military District in Russia, some kind of ideological component is being formed, specifically forming? And what is she like then? How would you characterize her?
D. ROGOZIN: In principle, it was formed a long time ago, it was just suppressed, it was kept under wraps. You can call it differently, but, probably, it is the same national idea, these traditional values.



Registered Member
President Mohamed Muizzu of the Maldives is in China now.
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Muizzu became president of the Indian Ocean nation in November after winning on his "India Out" campaign platform under which he called New Delhi's huge influence a threat to sovereignty. His government has since asked dozens of locally based Indian military personnel to leave. And in an apparent snub to India, Muizzu is in China this week, before any visit to his country's giant neighbour.
LOL! India is losing its neighbours day by day. That Akhand Bharat project is not looking good.

In Fuzhou, the Chinese city designated as the start of China's maritime "Silk Road", Muizzu said China remained one of his country's "closest allies and developmental partners", according to a statement released by his office.
Under the Belt and Road Initiative aimed at building a global trade and infrastructure network, China has already helped expand the Velana International Airport in Male and built the cross-sea China-Maldives Friendship Bridge.
He is right. What development had India helped the Maldives with? Other than putting troops on Maldivian soil.

In 2019, Chinese tourists represented 19.7% of foreign visitors, making them the biggest tourist group, but slipped to third position by 2022 during the pandemic.

The Maldives is also a popular destination among Indian nationals, whose presence has grown more prominent when China's pandemic restrictions kept Chinese visitors away.
Good move by the Maldives to pull Chinese tourists back. They used to be biggest group of tourists.

Indian Prime Minister
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was snorkelling last week in Lakshadweep, an archipelago of atolls and reefs off the coast of Kerala, a visit that some viewed as an attempt to draw tourists away from the nearby Maldivian islands.
Modi's Lakshadweep visit prompted three Maldivian government officials to call him names including "a clown", leading some Indian tourists to share screenshots of cancelled bookings of Maldivian holidays. #ExploreIndianIslands became a trending hashtag in India on X.

One of India's
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suspended flight bookings
to the tourism-dependent Maldives on Monday .
Immature, childish, and unnecessary. It had pissed off the Maldives, and started this mud-slinging between the two countries. The Maldives is not totally innocent, but India started this childish game. Now, with India promoting a boycott on the Maldives, the Maldives will have no choice but to double down on Chinese tourism. Keep alienating your Asian neighbours Modi, I'm loving it. Jai Hind!

But the World Bank, in a report in October, warned further cosying up to China could spell trouble in the Maldives, since the $1.37 billion it already owes the Asian giant represents around 20% of its public debt.
The World Bank engaging in the China Debt Trap myth. No surprise here, as its being led by an Indian-American president this time.


Junior Member
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Just how pathetic is DPP? They are abusing the warning system in order to spread fear before elections to support their side. It's literally just a rocket launch of a scientific payload. Past rocket launches never had this announcement afaik.

It's the same thing with the 'spy balloon over the strait' BS going on. Just more unsubtle propaganda.