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Also it would be interesting to see trade of certain chemicals (for explosives and propellants) and steels (for artillery shells). Many people over in the Ukraine war thread keep downplaying Russia's war potential, but they forget a big part of Russia's war potential (industry capacity) isn't inside Russia, it is another perfect example of global supply chain. Countries just need to be sure who is in their chain. If I remember correctly, even the US was/is importing certain chemical from China for their gun shells, which China accountes 90% of world production.
This is why when the balloon goes up re Taiwan and the U.S. wants to treat it like Ukraine, china must play for keeps as its evident the world will be entirely different afterward. If the outcome is reversion to antebellum, this will simply invite another second Punic war only this time with US secure supply chains. No, China only has one shot at this.


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I pose that question and scenario no matter how remote the possibility due to the fact that America/west are really great with cultural, political, economic, and ultimately complete subversion of a disputed place. Like the case with Ukraine's Donbass, South Korea, Japan, Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Philippines and TAIWAN.

Just look at the latest hubris and incredible ignorance of this supposed "PROFESSOR" post on X:

This situation can't be allowed to go unabated as it'll seal the Fate for an armed clash with China.

China should not allow foreigners to teach politics, history, economics or law in any Chinese universities. You have Western professors teaching the next generation of Chinese all the usual Western propaganda on these subjects. I would say it’s a ideological security issue which comes under national security. Foreign professors can teach STEM subjects but not things related to politics, history, economics, law. You will have millions of future Chinese indoctrinated by Western professors and their pro-Western ideologies. CPC will have a massive problem in the future if this happens.


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So much for "academic freedom of speech" at Harvard/UPenn, when your Jewish alumni donors can force the PRESIDENT of the university out, that's a huge problem. Imagine Chinese alumnis forcing Ivy league presidents out because of rampant anti-CCP is construed as sinophobia... the US media would say these Chinese alumnis are doing the bidding of foreign gov'ts! The same would never apply to Jewish lobby/Israel.
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It's not just the donors. Theres an Ivy League premium because a school's name opens doors for their graduates in the corporate job market(and as future business leaders) and a majority of US based corporations are implicitly pro-Israel. There has been some fairly vocal business leaders calling for an embargo on hiring graduates from schools seen as anti-Semitic.

Like it or not, but that's how it works - the Ivy league schools get their reputation for placing their graduates in successful future career paths and it's a reputation they need to protect for self preservation. And as for corporations, they want to hire managers and decision makers who keep quiet about controversial topics, because saying the wrong thing ultimately affects business.

Case in point - the president of the NYU Student Bar Association lost a job offer at a
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after she issued a statement supporting Palestine immediately after the Hamas attacks on Israel. This was followed by
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for students that made public statements blaming Israel for the attacks.