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All Biden is doing is romanticizing America as a Norman Rockwell painting. Hardly anyone lived as a Norman Rockwell painting. He's trying to rekindle those warm fuzzy feelings about America at a time when blacks were being lynched and civil rights were being denied. And then never follow through on promises because reality bites. Of course he has to promise big because Americans care about the superficial to cover-up the bad that was happening. Notice everything Biden said he wanted to improve on relations with China are going back to the ways things were? Nothing on the US end was going to change but he wanted China to buy what the US was willing to sell like US agricultural goods and Treasuries to help pay for US pork and wars abroad. Yeah the only money for the CHIPS Act doled out so far has been to a company that makes chips for the military because that's the only place where they will still need operating regardless of how more expensive their chips will be when China makes continuous semiconductor breakthroughs sending all Western chipmaking companies into a death spiral. The US knows that hence why not so much money has been given out. It will be just a big waste of money when that day happens. It was just a big show with no substance as usual.

The problem with Democrats is the only group they vie for and are in envy over that they want as supporters are the ones more likely to vote Republican. The reason why the Republican base is so loyal is because it's about only caring for what white people want. All the non-white Republican Presidential candidates talked about saving white people. Then the Democrats screw everyone else that do vote for them regularly. Look at how while running for President, Biden was big on reparations for African-Americans. After becoming President... not a word. Now he's losing that demographic of voters. The black vote is why he won. Even African-Americans know it's probably never going to happen but to be outright lied to blatantly in front of their faces... All the Democrats have is romantic nonsense.

It's these fake romantic notions you find in the West is the reason why they're failing in the world. Look at when the EU thinks they're the champions of all of humanity, somehow they think countries they place sanctions on are not suppose to retaliate. "Europe is a garden while the rest of the world is a jungle." That alone tells you how much more superior they think they are to everyone else. That's the kind of romantic bull that gets them into trouble.

And then look at the countries that fall for it. They think they'll have what the West has. And then look at all of China's neighbors where Americans will attack them on their streets for being Asian but they throw all in with them internationally all because they think that makes them at least more whiter than their neighbors. They'll suffer economically for it offending their bigger than the US customer. Look at Modi when he tries to romanticize India as being the true champion of the Global South and then literally overnight throws all-in with the West when Israel is attacked by the people they oppress and occupy.

Now you know why the West so much wants the world to embrace their values. Their values don't make you think straight and only serve their interests and no one else's all by the lure of promises they won't keep.
The most idealistic democrats are the best at selling the scam and upholding the elite's agenda.

Just look at Obama and his "change change change". What actually changed for black folk who voted for him? He's literally just race bait.

There's a saying that "Bill Clinton did more for black people than Obama did".
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Obama did not.
Think back on a small slice of merely the upper levels of the Clinton administration, and remember how many Cabinet agencies the Arkansan had named African-Americans to lead: Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy, Labor Secretary Alexis Herman, Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, Energy Secretary Hazel O’Leary, Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater, Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown, Army Secretary Togo West, who succeeded Brown at Veteran Affairs, Office and Management and Budget Director Franklin Raines and Director of National Drug Control Policy Lee Brown. Clinton also regularly cited Vernon Jordan as a respected adviser and strategist.
"And after he left the White House",
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, "he put his office in Harlem. So black people have a real connection with Bill Clinton"


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Asian American activist threatened into silence by political establishment:

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A rapper and restaurateur has released an apology on social media barely a week after releasing a diss track that sparked controversy for its criticism of San Francisco’s mayor.

Chino Yang, 35, a Chinese American rapper
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He blamed Breed and the rest of the city’s leadership for a spate of anti-Asian crimes and a crisis of public safety after his businesses
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“Do you think the politicians, the elected officials, should be held accountable for the decay and failing of the city?”

Recently, Yang said that he had received threats from a powerful—unnamed—figure in local and national politics who is close to Breed.

In a phone interview, Yang declined to discuss details about who had contacted him, saying that he’s recovering from a recent heart attack and is incapable physically and mentally of handling the political fallout. He’s making an apology for the sake of his family and businesses, he said.


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Just take a look at what Ukraine said not even 24 hours ago.

Not even the super pro-Ukraine r/worldnews is taking this well. While we already knew this for a very long time. These guys did not and they are not taking this kindly when healthcare and pensions are being denied to them.

Suddenly conscripting the middle aged and elderly doesn't seem like such a bad idea.


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The most idealistic democrats are the best at selling the scam and upholding the elite's agenda.

Just look at Obama and his "change change change". What actually changed for black folk who voted for him? He's literally just race bait.

There's a saying that "Bill Clinton did more for black people than Obama did".
Clinton could get away with that because he was white, if Obama hired more blacks and put them in prominent positions whites would lose their minds. You got to understand that Obama had an extremely fine line to walk and, to his credit, he walked it the best he could. I like Obama and I think ultimately history will be kind to him but I didn't envy him one bit.


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Clinton could get away with that because he was white, if Obama hired more blacks and put them in prominent positions whites would lose their minds. You got to understand that Obama had an extremely fine line to walk and, to his credit, he walked it the best he could. I like Obama and I think ultimately history will be kind to him but I didn't envy him one bit.
That's white savior complex for you. They somehow have to be at the forefront and the worst thing about it there are a number of black people who prefer it because of internalized racism.


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Don't know if it is 100% true yet, as this just came out and there were many fake news unintentionally being spread around geopolitics on this platform.

But, if true, it isn't surprising at all knowing that those 2500 soldiers are there officially to train Iraq troops, on their call nowadays.

Iraq kept getting more and more pro-Iran, China, and Russia. They all have already taken the entire oil industry there, and it even sells oil in RMB nowadays.

Anyway this is a good article on Iraq's inner politics that I found a few months ago that highlights Iran's major political victories there one by one in recent years:
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As to why would Iraq do this now, well the US bases are currently being pummeled by Shia militias every day right now, and that much firepower being thrown left and right is bad for investors and business for a country. So they probably really want to end that situation.

Other similar articles from the past:

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Anyways, a similar thing happened to the French soldiers 7 days ago when their last man finally left Niger (Better said evicted lol).



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