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Andrey Rudenko, No. 2 at the Russian Foreign Ministry, told Xi that China's former foreign minister, Qin Gang, along with top officers in the country's military leadership,
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by Western intelligence agencies, according to the report.

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Fanfic from the same people who claimed Putin fell down stairs and died. Multiple times over the last 2 years.

There are many things that can never be 100% disproved, but one can guess based on US behavior that they really don't have these connections some of their more fringe media are claiming. For example, Qin Gang, who was in the cabinet and likely had access to the same level as Xi, would have certainly known about the impending Hamas attack. If America really had a source like that, would they have done nothing? No tip off to Mossad or anything? US is also (publicly at least) just as unknowing about the size and types of the CN nuclear arsenal as they've always been.

America is just consistently too poor at predicting and ineffective at dealing with Chinese moves to make one believe they have any intel more than the most basic.

Maybe there is a tiny kernel of truth in that Qin Gang had an investment or some sort of business connection, that made him more soft when dealing with the US. That would by itself be enough for investigation and removal.
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Registered Member
95% that is just western media with no sources making things up
Putin received the Chinese Defense Minister personally when this wasn't even required by protocol. The Defense Minister had a history of buying Russian weapons. And we are supposed to believe Newsweek that Russia denounced him. Just plain bollocks.

Before people here start cheering on Maduro to embroil the USA in another quagmire, please bear this piece of information in mind:
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Well, I am certainly not cheering Maduro going in, I think it's going to end really poorly for him if he does it.
I doubt he will get the support he would need to prevent a direct US intervention in case he moves in militarily.

But Venezuela does have a valid historic claim on this land. The fact is the UK screwed them when delimiting the border in order to get the gold mines on Essequibo. And now that US companies are exploring oil offshore in Guyana they have even less of a chance of getting the region.

What I think is way more likely to happen than a direct invasion, is Venezuela trying to destabilize Guyana. Despite its newfound oil riches the population living in Guyana is dirt poor. Venezuela could just prop up and fund a "liberation" movement.

Do I like the idea? Not really. I am just speculating on what might happen.
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Registered Member
Putin received the Chinese Defense Minister personally when this wasn't even required by protocol. The Defense Minister had a history of buying Russian weapons. And we are supposed to believe Newsweek that Russia denounced him. Just plain bollocks.
you are implying Putin meets people based on weopons buying? here Putin meeting son of a Sultan. Oman hardly bought anything.
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Putin forged close relationships with former Israeli PMs like Ariel Sharon and Netanyahu without much trade with Israel.
but this give him good insight about alot of things like Ukraine. I would think he will want to learn by meeting more Chinese officials.


Registered Member
China posted the steepest deflation in 3 years. When Consumer Prices Fall, the capitalists hate it. It goes against their teachings, so it had to be a negative thing for China.
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China’s consumer prices fell 0.5 per cent year on year in November, the sharpest decline in three years as the world’s second-largest economy grapples with worsening deflation. Consumer prices dropped by more than the 0.2 per cent decline forecast by a Bloomberg survey of economists and exceeded October’s fall of 0.2 per cent.
"Worsening deflation?" Hmm, I don't care what those economists think. I much prefer falling prices than rising prices. It means I can maintain a higher living standard with less money.

Consumer prices entered deflationary territory in July and briefly rose in August before falling again in October. The deflationary trend adds to an array of economic pressures facing the country’s policymakers, including a liquidity crunch in the property sector, weak trade data and a slowing recovery from three years of zero-Covid lockdowns and border closures.
Bla bla bla. Yeah I know China's economy is not in its best shape ever. But have you looked at how things are going in the Western cities? Rising food prices, homes getting more expensive, rising medical costs, rising fuel prices, rising electricity bills, etc. Ask the average Londoner if he would like some of that dreadful deflation.

Beijing has faced calls to step up stimulus this year in light of a prolonged property slowdown after several developers defaulted. The government has cut key lending rates and issued new bonds to support growth but has stopped short of any major bailouts of developers.
Economic momentum in China has been hit in recent months by the default of Country Garden, the country’s biggest private developer by sales, as well as turmoil at investment company Zhongzhi in a sign of spillover effects from a troubled real estate market.
Who called for Beijing to step up stimulus? Is it those idiot economists who write magazines bashing China's economy? Beijing not giving any major bailouts to developers should have won them an award in how to manage an economy responsibly. The Chinese government have already said that "houses are for living, not for speculation. Anyone who engages in the speculation business and got burned, that's your problem.

I don't know how its like in China. But in Malaysia, anyone who have been in the construction business will know that many property developers are some of the worse scums in the business. They use the cheapest construction materials engineeringly possible. Many luxury condos look good on the outside, but are shoddy inside. Maintaining them is a nightmare. They (along with their major contractor buddies) bully the lower-tiered subcontractors to squeeze them as much as possible, pay them as little as possible, or sometimes not even paying them at all. They have their army of lawyers to play around and tire out those small contractors who wanna sue them for payment. Then they use the power speculation to sell their properties at sky-high prices. They recruit lawyers and bankers to make it easier for people to buy, but harder to sue them for any liabilities. Since many property developers in Malaysia are ethnic Chinese, I suspect that some of their culture is shared with their Chinese counterparts. So I don't have much sympathy for large property developers who irresponsibly play with property speculation. May they be punished for their greed and irresponsibility. The Chinese government did the right thing. They let the greedy capitalists suffer for their folly, and work to ensure that the property market serves the common people first.

Property prices going down is a positive thing for humanity. Housing is a basic human right. It cannot be denied to more and more people, because developers and speculators wanna inflate their prices to the moon. If the economy suffers because the big developers and speculators need to be humbled, then so be it. Its an overall positive thing in the long term.

Policymakers in August stopped publishing youth unemployment data after the metric hit a record since they began reporting it in 2019.
I don't really agree with the Chinese government for stopping the publishing of youth unemployment data when the numbers got ugly. It makes it look like they were trying to hide uncomfortable data. Its easy ammunition for China bashers. Nevertheless I think the Chinese government have their own good reasons for doing so, but they have not given a clear explanation why.

My guess is that the economy of China is in a period of rapid adjustments due to the trade wars, Covid, and the tech war. So, many youths who graduate are finding a mismatch between their qualifications and the evolving demands of the Chinese job market. Maybe they want more programmers or physicists now, than accountants or business admins. The Chinese job market is also incredibly competitive, so that compounds the problem. Its a complicated issue, but I'm confident that the Chinese government is definitely on top of it right now.

The Western governments', are so much worse. They casually ignore their own economic issues, while constantly diverting attention to troubles in China. The economic problems in the West are magnitudes worse than whatever is happening in China. Just look at the idiocy of the fiscal policies in the US and Europe.

Consumer prices have been affected this year by declining pork prices, an important constituent in the basket of goods in China’s consumer index. Food prices fell by 4.2 per cent in November.

The prolonged weakness in consumer prices contrasts with inflation in other major economics after they lifted Covid-19 measures and points to anaemic demand from households in the face of continued caution in their spending.
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showed imports dropped 0.6 per cent last month.
More Chinese can afford bigger meals and dining out. Less people died from Covid = Bad
More people in the West are finding it harder to afford their groceries. More people died from Covid = Good

Good FT. Continue to live in your capitalist fantasy.


Registered Member
BS! Show me the satellite images, not the aerial drone images. Finish the project first, then talk!
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Adani Group is setting up the world's largest green energy park in the Rann of Kutch desert area in Gujarat, covering a vast 726 sq km land mass.

In a post on X, group Chairman Gautam Adani said it will generate 30 GW to power over 20 million homes.

"Proud to play a crucial role in India's impressive strides in renewable energy as we build the world's largest green energy park. This monumental project, covering 726 sq km in the challenging Rann desert, is visible even from space. We will generate 30 GW to power over 20 million homes," said the Gautam Adani post.

All this coming from a known billionaire fraudster.
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China posted the steepest deflation in 3 years. When Consumer Prices Fall, the capitalists hate it. It goes against their teachings, so it had to be a negative thing for China.
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"Worsening deflation?" Hmm, I don't care what those economists think. I much prefer falling prices than rising prices. It means I can maintain a higher living standard with less money.

Bla bla bla. Yeah I know China's economy is not in its best shape ever. But have you looked at how things are going in the Western cities? Rising food prices, homes getting more expensive, rising medical costs, rising fuel prices, rising electricity bills, etc. Ask the average Londoner if he would like some of that dreadful deflation.

Who called for Beijing to step up stimulus? Is it those idiot economists who write magazines bashing China's economy? Beijing not giving any major bailouts to developers should have won them an award in how to manage an economy responsibly. The Chinese government have already said that "houses are for living, not for speculation. Anyone who engages in the speculation business and got burned, that's your problem.

I don't know how its like in China. But in Malaysia, anyone who have been in the construction business will know that many property developers are some of the worse scums in the business. They use the cheapest construction materials engineeringly possible. Many luxury condos look good on the outside, but are shoddy inside. Maintaining them is a nightmare. They (along with their major contractor buddies) bully the lower-tiered subcontractors to squeeze them as much as possible, pay them as little as possible, or sometimes not even paying them at all. They have their army of lawyers to play around and tire out those small contractors who wanna sue them for payment. Then they use the power speculation to sell their properties at sky-high prices. They recruit lawyers and bankers to make it easier for people to buy, but harder to sue them for any liabilities. Since many property developers in Malaysia are ethnic Chinese, I suspect that some of their culture is shared with their Chinese counterparts. So I don't have much sympathy for large property developers who irresponsibly play with property speculation. May they be punished for their greed and irresponsibility. The Chinese government did the right thing. They let the greedy capitalists suffer for their folly, and work to ensure that the property market serves the common people first.

Property prices going down is a positive thing for humanity. Housing is a basic human right. It cannot be denied to more and more people, because developers and speculators wanna inflate their prices to the moon. If the economy suffers because the big developers and speculators need to be humbled, then so be it. Its an overall positive thing in the long term.

I don't really agree with the Chinese government for stopping the publishing of youth unemployment data when the numbers got ugly. It makes it look like they were trying to hide uncomfortable data. Its easy ammunition for China bashers. Nevertheless I think the Chinese government have their own good reasons for doing so, but they have not given a clear explanation why.

My guess is that the economy of China is in a period of rapid adjustments due to the trade wars, Covid, and the tech war. So, many youths who graduate are finding a mismatch between their qualifications and the evolving demands of the Chinese job market. Maybe they want more programmers or physicists now, than accountants or business admins. The Chinese job market is also incredibly competitive, so that compounds the problem. Its a complicated issue, but I'm confident that the Chinese government is definitely on top of it right now.

The Western governments', are so much worse. They casually ignore their own economic issues, while constantly diverting attention to troubles in China. The economic problems in the West are magnitudes worse than whatever is happening in China. Just look at the idiocy of the fiscal policies in the US and Europe.

More Chinese can afford bigger meals and dining out. Less people died from Covid = Bad
More people in the West are finding it harder to afford their groceries. More people died from Covid = Good

Good FT. Continue to live in your capitalist fantasy.

I get that you are a supporter of China but being ignorant is not a good way of doing it. Deflation is very bad for the economy. Thats economics 101.

Deflation is a sign that people are not spending money, cause either they don't have jobs, or are trying to pay off debt, or too afraid of losing jobs in the future and thus saving money. So, when there is not enough customers, sellers reduce price. That's a very bad sign. Deflation only happens when there is a recession. Is China in recession? It kind of is when several sectors are declining like the huge property sector and export sector.

But China also has a lot of other sectors that are growing to sort of cover up the declining side of the economy. But that cannot cover all the bad things happening.

What China needs to do is monetary expansion by raising the money supply by the central bank. Which they are doing a little bit but need to do a lot more.

What they can also do is Government spends more since the consumers are not spending. That means more fiscal spending. But again is being too cautious and Government is not taking on too much debt to do fiscal spending.

Overall, China being too cautious and that's why you have deflation. Not a good thing for the economy.


Registered Member
I get that you are a supporter of China but being ignorant is not a good way of doing it. Deflation is very bad for the economy. Thats economics 101.

Deflation is a sign that people are not spending money, cause either they don't have jobs, or are trying to pay off debt, or too afraid of losing jobs in the future and thus saving money. So, when there is not enough customers, sellers reduce price. That's a very bad sign. Deflation only happens when there is a recession. Is China in recession? It kind of is when several sectors are declining like the huge property sector and export sector.

But China also has a lot of other sectors that are growing to sort of cover up the declining side of the economy. But that cannot cover all the bad things happening.

What China needs to do is monetary expansion by raising the money supply by the central bank. Which they are doing a little bit but need to do a lot more.

What they can also do is Government spends more since the consumers are not spending. That means more fiscal spending. But again is being too cautious and Government is not taking on too much debt to do fiscal spending.

Overall, China being too cautious and that's why you have deflation. Not a good thing for the economy.
You assume that processes will forever remain exactly as efficient as some baseline year with no possible changes in price other than via demand from existing customers.

You assume no business will ever lower prices to try to capture more market share because their new efficiencies permit lower prices at equal or greater margins than their old processes.

China has relatively low household debt:

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Deflation also has little to do with the physical consumption of products. China's retail market is bigger than ever and still growing fast:

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Inflation raises inequality by targeting the poor more than the rich since consumption is a greater %income for poor than rich.

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Deflation benefits the poor more than the rich.


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You assume that processes will forever remain exactly as efficient as some baseline year with no possible changes in price other than via demand from existing customers.

You assume no business will ever lower prices to try to capture more market share because their new efficiencies permit lower prices at equal or greater margins than their old processes.

China has relatively low household debt:

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Deflation also has little to do with the physical consumption of products. China's retail market is bigger than ever and still growing fast:

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Inflation raises inequality by targeting the poor more than the rich since consumption is a greater %income for poor than rich.

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Deflation benefits the poor more than the rich.
Not to mention that the 0.5% deflation is most likely because of the 4.2% deflation in food prices (with that number mostly being due to falling pork prices, and what's more, the prok prices rose quite a lot during last 2 years, so it's like, falling back to normal).