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This is about some other posts people made about the Pneumonia going around in Beijing.

Sharing this because I know that the west will blame whatever this new thing is on china when the time comes.

But it's already here in the land of fREedUmb, and not a coastal city too. The literal center of it. Chicago. Lol!

Friendly reminder that in the fall of 2019 the media openly peddled this stupid thing about how vaping and e cigarettes were causing this new permanent lung damage disease that looked exactly like a cold.

This was long before anything happened at Wuhan.

So murica knew about COVID long before it came to china. The goddamn evil and villainous murican government simply waited until COVID made its way to China and then tried to pin the blame on china.

Another friendly reminder that Spanish flu did not come from Spain. It came from Fort Riley, Kansas and the murican government again waited until it showed up in a country that wasn't quite friendly with murica then said it was their fault.

And yet another reminder that diseases that are flu like such as covid are created in conditions where lots of animal species are packed very tightly together and in very unsanitary conditions. Like that of a slaughterhouse or meat farms.

And who eats the most meat by far in the world with the most sadistic and inhumane commercial slaughterhouses?

The McDonaldians of fREedUmb loving murica. That's who!

I'm sharing this now because I definitely have a sore throat but for now reason since I have not exposed myself to anything at all that could've gotten me a cold, and I have not gotten sick in a very long time.

No I'm not worried, I'm going to the gym actually right after this. It's not a concern, but I wanna make sure that this time around we don't forget who truly started it.

Ever wonder why murica doesnt want people investigating fort detrick?
Trading the lives of their own constituents for face is a traditional American game


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The CEO of Douyu TV, one of China's largest live streaming platforms, has been missing for several days and is now confirmed to have been arrested on charges of opening a casino. Some people speculate that he cooperated with a group of anchors a few years ago to conduct extremely frequent paid lottery activities on the live broadcast platform, helping fraudulent companies in northern Myanmar launder money and profit from it.


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Will china use A.I in military?? If so, how far is their current application

For drones, it has to incorporate AI. For example, CH-7 drone was seen flown in a video.. similar spec to X-47B.
In the next stage, tt is better to develop an A.I HIMARS automatic vehicle. Using AI or some remote control rather than a human driver and loader.


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@BoraTas and @BlackWindMnt , since the mod had become strict in posting political stuff in the semiconductor thread, plus both of you are from Netherlands so I post it here, does Wilders victory allowed ASML to continue selling their advance DUVi or even an EUVL disregarding the American imposed sanction?
His voting base is mostly white supremacist types, his party program is also really pro western, so they will most likely follow the US in foreign policy except on useless NATO missions. He is allegedly pro Russia like some republicans are pro Russia because they want Russia to help the west beat China and maintain western hegemony. So given this i think EUVL is out of the question, that is a policy they wont change anytime soon unless they hear China creating and scaling up EUV. I think for DUVi they will just continue Ruttes policies for now until a coalition is formed.

But Wilders first needs to form a coalition with other parties and the dutch political landscape is quiet fractured, so it will be hard to find others willing to rule with him. Then they need to find common points so they can create a governmental program based on their election promises. This process can take months so don't expect wilders to take over anytime soon at least not this year.

Another option is that Wilders will not even become Prime minister and his party will not rule at all, given the fractured nature of the political landscape a center right and left majority coalition without wilders is also possible. It would probably result in national protests give Wilders huge election victory.

But i didn't really followed dutch national politics that much this election it usually ends up the same shit as before, like they say the more things change the more they stay the same. And there is just to much geopolitical stuff going on that i find more interesting.


Registered Member
The British offered to return Hong Kong early, back in the early '70s, but Mao actually refused it in order to have them further develop the city first!
Is there any source from either sides to back this story? If the British did make that "offer" in the 1970s, what were they fighting for initially (refusing to return) in the 1980s?

The story I have heard was that some PRC leaders wanted to recover Hong Kong before 1997 using force if necessary. The idea was on the table in 1949 already which was put aside by Mao due to the value of Hong Kong being the only channel for PRC to gain access to the west (finance and tech). My guess is that the idea maybe brought up in late 1960s and early 1970s after the British killed many pro-PRC protesters in 1967's Hong Kong turmoil but then was put aside again for the same reason as in 1949. The proposed forceful means included but not limited to cut off power and water supply to Hong Kong. I heard this measure from my history teach in school.

The British has never ever "offered" anything.


Lieutenant General
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@BoraTas and @BlackWindMnt , since the mod had become strict in posting political stuff in the semiconductor thread, plus both of you are from Netherlands so I post it here, does Wilders victory allowed ASML to continue selling their advance DUVi or even an EUVL disregarding the American imposed sanction?
Regardless of what the Dutch or ASML wants to do, they are using light sources made by Cymer in the US. If the US sanctions the sale of the light sources, then they have no machines to sell.