Miscellaneous News


Stopping business with a country in response to their foreign policy is fine, that's not bullying or coercion, even if the Americans want you to think so. It's a problem when you impose secondary sanctions US style, if China tried to coerce third countries to also boycott south Korea.

It was also a win win situation. It gave South Korea a warning which worked for years and gave China a good reason to stop Korean competitors from dominating the Chinese market in a lot of areas like batteries or entertainment. Of course that comes at the price of making China less popular in South Korea.
South Korea's economy is not that great to begin with.

Some US hawks will lash out for any sign of improvement in the China-US relationship. Yet like many brainwashed Americans, they have no idea what they are talking about except repeating what they saw in some of the mainstream media.

Indeed, new research shows China could reach 80% carbon-free electricity as early as 2035 without increasing costs, adding new coal, or sacrificing reliability.
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China Invests $546 Billion in Clean Energy, Far Surpassing the U.S.​

China accounted for nearly half of the world's low-carbon spending in 2022, which could challenge U.S. efforts to bolster domestic clean energy manufacturing
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China Leaves Everyone Behind in Race for Renewables Income​

The biggest American companies are losing out to their Chinese counterparts when it comes to generating cash from solar, wind and nuclear power.
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This is how some Western MSM report events in Gaza.

As though we need more clarification what kind person Trudeau is.



Registered Member
It's so maddening hearing and watching the same theme from the Filipino folks that participated on this street interview, which is their universal disdain for THEIR POLITICAL GOVERNANCE CORRUPTION AND MASSIVE INCOMPETENCE. Yet, these people will keep voting and electing leaders that are pretty much carefully chosen for them by the very oligarchic elites (with the lone exception of Duterte) to ensure that their permanence entrenchment within the society will not be uprooted at all. The masses will simply regurgitate the same litany of complaints with no end in sight and no solutions in the horizon. At the same time, these same people will become unhinged if anyone mentions or even show the success of China in front of their faces; they would not be able to objectively and properly assess the situation due to the severe anti-China and anti-communist indoctrination that's been beaten to their heads since from inception to adulthood. Hence, these sort of people will just go in circle like a dog chasing it's tail in perpetuity. It's all designed by the powers that be of "Democracy and Freedom" a.k.a. ELITES OLIGARCHS.

I do hope for the best and wish the Filipinos well. The country is beautiful and the people friendly and kind hearted, not to mention very welcoming.


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how bad must it be that the US sec state needs to wear body Armor to visit a nominal vassal?
Hmmm guess he is starting to accept that sooner or later, he might just eat a bullet. But given his stuff ups, just who is going to mourn if something does occur. Maybe he should take a hint and stop visiting the Middle East from now onwards since his diplomatic performance is inversely proportional to that of Wang Yi. Did the whole position of strength thing mess his ego up so badly or was he always this much of a moron