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A lot of seafood is caught elsewhere and sent to China for processing. I say this as I recently opened a package of “North Atlantic Salmon” marked “Product of China”. If this actually came from China, I would question the whether NATO has a purpose anymore after allowing China’s annexation of Canada.

That being said, I bet many of the forum members here would welcome the PLA with open arms to liberate us from the limp grip of Justin Trudeau.

There was a member of parliament here that asked the government to look into “Chinese control of seafood export companies”, fishermen said “please don’t”, lol.
Tbh doesn't Chinese fishing ships operate more or less world wide?


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I think in the past, China would have held off on bhutan but since it’s evident that India fights for the Five Eyes, China sees no reason to play nice anymore. This, along with not inviting India to the BRI forum should be a wake up call for India. Should.

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jake Sullivan’ e-book version scrubbed the above pages but the hard copies still show what that limp skeleton wrote


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Central Asian countries and EU agree to oppose Russia's attempts to circumvent sanctions

Ukrainska Pravda
Tue, October 24, 2023, 11:06 AM EDT

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The outlet is of, obviously, questionable objectivity. But, are Russia’s neighbors, really, that willing to work against it? And, what leverage would the EU, actually, have in this region?​
Doesn't sound like Central Asian countries agreed to anything. Ukrainska Pravda is reaching ...

The European Union and countries of Central Asia are determined to continue their strategic partnership by strengthening engagement and deepening the cooperation and connection between both regions. This was confirmed in the 19th EU-Central Asia Ministerial meeting chaired by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell on Monday in Luxembourg. The Foreign Ministers of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan participated in the meeting, together - for the first time - with the 27 EU Member States’ Foreign Ministers. The Commission was represented by the Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen.

For the EU, the Ministerial meeting was an opportunity to highlight its strong commitment to the region and stress the importance of deeper cooperation in the context of the challenges emerging from regional dynamics, with a focus on the fall-out of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the situation in Afghanistan.

During the Ministerial meeting, participants discussed how to advance inter-regional cooperation on common security challenges, connectivity, economic and trade, environment, water and climate, education, science and innovation issues, and people-to-people contacts, promoting deeper ties between the EU and Central Asia.

HRVP Borrell said: “Relations between the EU and our partners in Central Asia continue to intensify year-on-year. Today’s meeting, endorsing the Joint Roadmap, marks a new level of cooperation between our regions based on shared values and mutual interest. We stand ready to offer continued support to our Central Asian partners’ reforms. For our part, we will continue to work closely with our Central Asian partners to address the impact of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, as well as other regional and global challenges. When we act together, we can achieve more and make a meaningful contribution to stability, security and prosperity in Europe, Central Asia and beyond.”

European Commissioner for International Partnerships Urpilainen said: “A regional vision of sustainable connectivity is of crucial importance for the EU and Central Asia. The EU’s Global Gateway strategy offers the framework for exchanges and concrete action in this area. Together with the Global Gateway Forum held on 25-26 October, this Ministerial paves way for further deepening our ongoing work on the green transition, digital and transport connectivity. The next step will be the EU-Central Asia Investment Forum at the end of January which will bring together EU and Central Asian states, our key partners, International Financing Institutions and the private sector to mobilise the necessary finance to develop the Trans-Caspian transport corridor.”

Participants reaffirmed the EU’s and Central Asian countries’ determination to uphold the United Nations Charter and the fundamental principles of international law, particularly respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all States. The EU stressed the need to cooperate effectively on preventing circumvention of EU sanctions against Russia through Central Asian territories.

The Ministers endorsed the jointly prepared EU-Central Asia Roadmap for Deepening Ties between the EU and Central Asia, as proposed by the President of the European Council and the Presidents of the Central Asian States at their meeting in Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan on 2 June this year.

The EU and Central Asia look forward to holding the EU-Central Asia Investment Forum on sustainable transport corridors connecting Europe and Central Asia on 29-30 January 2024 in Brussels. The Forum will bring together high-level representatives from the EU and Central Asian states, International Financing Institutions and the private sector. It will aim to enhance and reinforce transport connectivity between the two regions, building on the findings of the 2023 EU-EBRD Study on Sustainable Transport Connections between Europe and Central Asia.

Finally, Ministers looked forward to the first ever EU-Central Asia Summit, during the first half of 2024 in Uzbekistan.


In 2019, the EU adopted a new Strategy on Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan), which highlights the growing strategic relevance of the region for EU interests. The EU has significant stakes in Central Asia, given the strategic geographical location and pivotal role of the region in Europe-Asia connectivity, its vast energy resources (Kazakhstan is the EU’s fourth supplier of crude oil), significant market potential (76 million inhabitants, 35% of whom are under the age of 15), and our interest in regional security and migration, in particular in the light of the fall-out of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the situation in Afghanistan.

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This deal is never going to happen. India considers Bhutan its own protectorate similar to Pacific Island countries that US controls. They will easily topple governments with a coup before they let any kind of deal happen between China and Bhutan. If things get too bad, they can always invade and do a fake referendum to incorporate Bhutan into India as a new state just like they did to Sikkim.
LOL. I would like to see India try that. Topple the Bhutanese government, and then hold a fake referendum to annex it. It's gonna open another whole new can of worms. Unlike Sikkim, annexing Bhutan cannot be done quietly in this day and age. Everyone will hear about it, and with all the historical information online, all of India's past annexations will come to the surface again. Bhutan avoided British colonialism, only to be annexed by India today? It's not gonna sit well with the most of the Global South.

It would definitely create a wave of outrage and horror throughout Asia. The West is gonna have a hard time defending India's actions. Imagine how the Khalistanis in Canada and the UK are gonna react. Everyone else is gonna question why India can do it with Bhutan, but Russia can't do it with Crimea and Donbass. India will confirm itself as an aggressive, expansionist Hindu Rashtra Empire, and all it's neighbours are gonna be extra wary, even defensive against it.


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Sahra Wagenknecht, a firebrand MP from far-left Die Linke party and a stalwart of opposition politics since the fall of the Berlin Wall, said she was starting a new political association named after herself.

The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), which includes nine other deputies, would be leaving the Linke to focus on forming its own party by early next year and participating in European elections in June.

"The way things are going can't continue," Wagenknecht, 54, told a packed news conference.

"Otherwise we probably wouldn't recognise our country in 10 years," she said, denouncing "unchecked migration" which she blamed for exacerbating "the problems in our schools, above all in poor neighbourhoods".

Wagenknecht said her new political outfit would also mark a sharp departure "from the blind, haphazard eco-activism that makes people's lives even more expensive without doing anything to help the climate".

The Linke, which has its roots in both East German communism and the West German labour movement, has long been riven by strife and is teetering on the five-percent voter support hurdle to representation in parliament.

The defection of Wagenknecht's team could eventually sound its death knell.

But analysts focused primarily on BSW's potential threat to the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), which has surged in strength on migration fears and economic woes.
'Anger, desperation'

"The Wagenknecht party will skim off AfD votes -- what we're seeing is an alternative to the Alternative for Germany," political scientist Andrea Roemmele of Berlin's Hertie School of Governance told public broadcaster ZDF.

The AfD is polling at around 22 percent, far ahead of all three parties in Chancellor Olaf Scholz's unpopular centre-left-led ruling coalition.

A survey by the independent INSA opinion research institute showed that 27 percent of German voters would consider backing the new far-left party.

"There could be a gap in the market for her mix of anti-Americanism, Putin apologism, socialism, migration scepticism as well as openness to conspiracy theories," Der Spiegel journalist Mathieu von Rohr said.

Wagenknecht, as a fixture on political chat shows, has frequently blamed the West and NATO for Russia's invasion of Ukraine while stirring doubts about government measures to control the spread of the coronavirus during the pandemic.

With three east German state elections due next year where the AfD is expected to perform well, analysts said Wagenknecht's new party could fracture the vote, making it more difficult for mainstream democratic parties to form a government.

Wagenknecht, who grew up in communist East Germany as the child of an Iranian father and a German mother, said she had no intention of cooperating with the far right.

"We are preparing to launch a party so that all the people who have considered voting for the AfD or have already done so out of anger, out of desperation think twice and have a serious place to turn to," she said.

She said Germany was plagued by "pressure to conform" and cited unspecified polls indicating nearly half the population did not feel comfortable voicing their opinions for fear of criticism.

MP Christian Leye, who quit Die Linke to join BSW, told reporters the new party would seek votes among "people with low and mid-range incomes, pensioners, unionists and works council members" -- groups he said were underrepresented in German politics.

Asked about the BSW, Scholz's spokeswoman Christiane Hoffmann said the government saw no grounds for panic: "The chancellor is happy we live in a free country where parties can be founded."

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That politicians sly grin when he said diversification is a healthy thing… yeah it’s healthy when it’s forced on you, like China is now diversifying away from the US.
Unless California wants to secede with Chinese bases and Chinese trainers, further investment into California should be delayed for fear of a future U.S. leader stealing Chinese investments.

I did a double take after reading the article. I thought he was divorced but he is still married lol. His wife is okay with an open relationship? Dang. Surely she knows when the newspapers are already talking about it.
I’m surprised.
Most western elites are either homosexuals like Tim Cook or Macron, or pederasts like the British ruling class,

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you know what a Superpowah would do? Ensure their soldiers are freed quietly and without fanfare, but unfortunately hindutva fascists in India are slow learners.