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A potato

Junior Member
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What point does the post have? Blaming China's defeat at Japan's hand on Jewish people? That sounds like Hitler blaming Jews for their lose of WWI, sounds farmiliar?

The poster used racial slur. Also remind you the poster's name is "Blueshirts" which was a facist orgnization created by Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kei-shek) inpired by Mussolini's blackshirts. The blueshirts not only persecuted and murdered Communists but also left wing KMT members (杨杏佛). The poster is a fan of Jiang Jieshi (Chian Kai-shek) and KMT and Hitler from all the above. The poster's usage of classic Chinese remindes me of the incident of Taiwan students wearing SS uniform.

This post is not only trash but also bordering to breaking forum rule.
The Point is how the jews aren't friendly with China if anything they threw the Chinese nation under the bus such as funding the opium wars and domianting the opium trade. (I don't condone anti semitsim nor the use of the slur)
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Who knew that the 5% Tencent ownership could cause them to go full 1984 so quickly.
Key media battle will not be fought in the western websites like Reddit. Western public opinion is pretty much set in stone. But how much enraged the Arab population will be.

If they are enraged enough and that anger can be directed at the rulers of US allies like Jordan or Egypt, then it could spark a new revolution and topple governments. An anti-Israel government in Egypt with a huge Army will be bigger threat to Israel than Hezbollah.

If Arabs and Iranians are angry enough they can make sure that their armies will fight to prevent ground invasion of Gaza. Thus, making a regional war a certainity. If so, then US will be in big pressure to stop Israel to prevent getting bogged down in the middle east.

If Gaza can survive this crisis without getting ethnically cleansed then it will be a win for Palestinians. If Hamas survives then it will be a huge win for them.


Registered Member
Of late this is happening more and more often.

First with Saudi-Iran peace treaty.

Then with Mate 60.

Now with belt and road forum.
Add another one:
The new IC sanctions on China. Searched Reddit: A single hidden post of 200 something upvotes and comments.

Compare that with their posts when the first big sanctions on Huawei and the "October surprise", and you can really feel that an order from the top has passed so that they don't hype this at all lol


Registered Member
Seems whenever Israelis and their supporters say “Never Forget”, they’re not referring to never forgetting the Holocaust so that we can prevent another one (as is happening as we speak in Gaza), they’re really saying “Never Forget” the Holocaust so that modern Israelis and their supporters can keep milking that tragedy for all its worth, for profit and political gain.

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