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Just can't resist of going back to their root of piracy. It has become a habit.
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“The UK has an outsize role with the Qataris. Much of the Qatari wealth is sitting in London. It should be frozen … No asset should be allowed to be accessed, no funds repatriated to the Qataris. Any asset in London should be frozen until the Qataris turn over the worst of the worst terror leaders, which they host.
if Qatar really is sanctioned than Europe will have to give asylum to Erdogan and every one that he is holding like migrants.
when this kind of public data about money is gathered. than normally it is indication that they have found some hidden dealings. this UAE newspaper.
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Too late, nobody trusts Swiss anymore.
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Neutrality is like virginity; if you F it, you lose it forever.

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david P Goldman who wants the US to reform so it can better challenge China is now trying to get Chinese support for Israel. Pretty effing devious these people, like Ben Shapiro and Richard hanania is trying to guilt trip western nations to accept Palestinians so Israel can steal their land for free.


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I vaguely remember of a news article many years ago where the US have a problem with their water supply where traces of various discarded pharmaceuticals were detected. Many Americans don't properly discard unused medicine and just flush it down the toilet or toss it the garbage bin (i.e. landfill).
Between this and East Palestine, I don't doubt it :
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Taiwan News1697357127603.png
The Tainan City Government said it has taken down posters featuring the logo of China’s Ministry of Public Security after the imagery was spotted by the public.

The logo of the ministry, which oversees most of China’s police, was featured on the hat of a police officer appearing on a poster to promote a local shopping festival,
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. On Saturday (Oct. 14), the city’s economic bureau said they had removed the poster from circulation after public feedback.

Tainan City Councilor Lee Chong-lim (李宗霖) of the Taiwan Statebuilding Party (TSP) criticized local authorities for the lack of oversight. The omission could “seriously affect public security,” he said.
Li said that similar incidents have happened before, as government departments often outsource design work. However, he said it is still the local government that has final responsibility for checking the work.

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The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Friday
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a resolution calling on its members to no longer recognize President Vladimir Putin as Russia's legitimate leader after his fourth term in office ends next year.


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Let's see how superior western empathetic values react to a 91(!!) year old getting mugged (Perp used fists btw, not a knife!).
Not a single one helped lmao. As I said, Imagine the comments if this was in China.
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News article on the incident:
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Freedom from consequences = freedom of speech, or something


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I was reading a comment to an article about China a few months ago where the anti-China commentator threatened he'll personally go to the Arab world and tell them Chinese eat pork. Is that suppose to be scary? He thinks Arabs will go on a holy war against Chinese around the world for eating pork. Like Chinese were keeping that so secret because they were afraid Muslims will start killing Chinese out of nowhere and this guy was going to expose it because he thinks Muslims don't know that? Like the Muslim killing human rights violating Chinese as accused by the West will stand by and not do anything?
Western people always mistake not eating pork = pigs are sacred, rather than pork is dirty. If that guy did this in India, saying Chinese love eating beef, he would see more success.

other countries want to invade the US because they want to have sex and rape white women
Unironically, Indians

The West always tries to terrorize China by using the ghosts of the Japanese Empire threatening to today militarize Japan
Russia is the real life version of this for the Europeans


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Unironically, Indians
Nah, indians will get raped in bottom , they are too small in every dimension,they even got an award for it few years ago. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I think they are mostly worried about mexicans & africans at this point given some of biggest states are becoming latin.
Besides if whites didn't want to face this, they could have stayed at European floating fish colonies. Native America isn't their place.