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Registered Member
I hope the Qataris learn their lesson and park their assets in Hong Kong next time.

Quoting a piece published yesterday by politico.eu:

“Of the myriad geostrategic illusions that have been destroyed in recent days, the most sobering realization for anyone residing on the Continent should be this: No one cares what Europe thinks.”

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I'm surprised the whole article didn't even mention China once, which doesn't matter anyways since China doesn't care what Europe thinks also.


Registered Member
You can easily get around this by incorporating a shell agency that handles only Xinjiang bound requests, any Xinjiang related requests through the existing channels just gets forwarded
This would be one way, although in reality, no larger disruptions have manifested within tourism agencies.

Prior to the incursion of ISIS and attacks on civilians, the interest of tourism or cultural exchange with Xinjiang was very low. They were seen as a backwater with nothing signficant going for them. However, after the incidents, paradoxically, Xinjiang was brought to the forefront of the news, and the defeat of terrorists through the armed police paved the way for increased tourism and integration with the rest of the country.

What also helped were the multitude of uyghur celebrities and streamers doing promotion of the normal aspects of Xinjiang culture, generating public curiosity and interest.


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The West gets to violate everything they bomb other countries for all because they're the good guys. Who gets to determine who are the good guys? They do themselves of course. How convenient. Now you have to completely fall in line with their position or you're siding with evil. Republicans only care for Israel because it's their Christian God not a bunch of Muslims that get to destroy the Jews, because when that happens, Jesus Christ returns as prophesized. The "Jews will not replace us!" Republicans are just using this opportunity to force the world to surrender to the US because they think the Americans voter, who decides whether or not they get to keep their jobs, is more than ever likely to back military action to force the world to surrender to them. Back during 9/11 there were Americans that wanted the US to bomb every country that didn't follow the US, even ones they even said had nothing to do with 9/11.

Why would Jews align with someone that are ultimately looking to see their destruction? Why would they help Republicans in their anti-China agenda where if Christians took over China, which Republicans see as paramount, they would teach the Chinese to be antisemitic? Some would argue that they're not doing that. But they're standing by doing nothing... you know the nothing that doesn't satisfy them regarding the conflict happening right now. To them you're in fact complicit if you do nothing.

It goes back to an earlier post of mine where I wrote that they're going to have a hard time telling the story of the plight of the Jews to China when Chinese have faced similar treatment. And why would they need to in the first place? Because China is rising beyond they ever imagined challenging all the Christian Western narrative of the the world. It's going to be hard to sell to the Chinese a story where China is not guilty at all in participating in those crimes when the Western world wants what happened to the Chinese to be ignored. And just like what's happening right now, they only want what's happening to them to be told and not what's happening to anyone else or even sharing similar experiences because it dilutes the seriousness of their story.

That's why it's easier to side with hate-filled Republicans because if they get their way, the West can force only their story to be told. A lot easier and faster road than what it would take winning people over which is no guarantee unlike good ole oppression.

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I was reading a comment to an article about China a few months ago where the anti-China commentator threatened he'll personally go to the Arab world and tell them Chinese eat pork. Is that suppose to be scary? He thinks Arabs will go on a holy war against Chinese around the world for eating pork. Like Chinese were keeping that so secret because they were afraid Muslims will start killing Chinese out of nowhere and this guy was going to expose it because he thinks Muslims don't know that? Like the Muslim killing human rights violating Chinese as accused by the West will stand by and not do anything?

This is the typical Westerner transferring the fears of his own onto the Chinese. You know why Westerners make the perfect terrorist target? It's because they so conceited and narcissistic. Why they fear TikTok is because they think they're personally that important enough to be targeted and spied upon by the Chinese government. That's in-line with Americans who think other countries want to invade the US because they want to have sex and rape white women. They do that to themselves feeding what terrorist like. Western culture has to fool their own into thinking each one of them is that important. That's how the powers that be get Americans to do what they want by appealing to their vanity. And of course how Americans convince themselves they're not that self-absorbed, they think everyone else is worse hence why they think the same fears they have is worse with everyone else hence why to them Chinese fear being a victim of terrorism more than Americans. And that's why this one dumb American thought he could personally threaten to tell the Muslim world that Chinese eat pork and Chinese were going to be massacred. That's how much power individual Americans think they have.

If you can get Americans to stop thinking about how important they personally are, they can get rid of most of the reasons why terrorists have a grand ole time targeting them. Is that going to happen anytime soon? No.

The West always tries to terrorize China by using the ghosts of the Japanese Empire threatening to today militarize Japan. All China has to do is nuke them. Problem solved. There was nothing special about the Japanese Empire. Their advantage was China was occupied by the Europeans. Their advantage was there weren't any nukes back then. There are nukes today and before they can say they can nuked China... then why haven't they already? If the Islamic world is going to start killing Chinese people for eating pork... same solution on how to deal with a modern Japanese Empire.
"I'm going to tell Muslims that Chinese people eat pork" is so fucking stupid.

They eat FAR more pork than Chinese. It isn't even close.

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literally 0 self awareness.


Junior Member
Registered Member
"I'm going to tell Muslims that Chinese people eat pork" is so fucking stupid.

They eat FAR more pork than Chinese. It isn't even close.

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literally 0 self awareness.
Apparently eating pork is worse than murdering women and children on a daily basis. There must be something about the western lifestyle that is permanently damaging the brains of westerners. I wonder what the modern equivalent of leaded gasoline is...


Lieutenant General
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$20 billion? Doesn't China snort that much at dinner parties? No wonder the US wants to repair relations with China. Ironically the US claims the world has confidence in the US economy without China. Well China sells off their US treasuries more than $20 billion at a time which doesn't spell out confidence.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Apparently eating pork is worse than murdering women and children on a daily basis. There must be something about the western lifestyle that is permanently damaging the brains of westerners. I wonder what the modern equivalent of leaded gasoline is...

I vaguely remember of a news article many years ago where the US have a problem with their water supply where traces of various discarded pharmaceuticals were detected. Many Americans don't properly discard unused medicine and just flush it down the toilet or toss it the garbage bin (i.e. landfill).


Senior Member
Registered Member
Quoting a piece published yesterday by politico.eu:

“Of the myriad geostrategic illusions that have been destroyed in recent days, the most sobering realization for anyone residing on the Continent should be this: No one cares what Europe thinks.”

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The sharpest rebuke we've heard yet from EU internal sources:
"Von der Leyen has committed an error of such a strategic nature this will cost her very badly... driven primarily by her media obsession... this is a fiasco on a scale we have never witnessed".