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Unfortunately, this showcases new malicious slander from Western media.
When our aquaculture industry had just achieved technological breakthroughs, these media outlets had already begun mobilizing public opinion for the new sanctions bill.
The comment section mentions an unpleasant thing: China's travel agencies are under threat and must choose between Xinjiang tourism routes and international tourism routes.

Even China, with such strong power, cannot prevent Xinjiang from becoming another Gaza. Although there is no need to worry about "humanitarian bombing," the West can build invisible walls to block this area, and in the name of human rights.

Add: This is not a neurotic alarmist statement, as many companies that rely on foreign trade have truly succumbed to the threat of Western market blockades. The government seems to be showing a helpless attitude in this matter, which makes me feel extremely bitter and frustrated.
Lol get a grip, Xinjiang isn't becoming 'another Gaza'.

While western sanctions, pressure etc. will make some companies bend, it ultimately won't be all, not to mention that they have to keep up those sanctions and pressure at a cost to themselves, and so it's already 100% given that it will ultimately end/stop (might be years or even more than a decade, sure, but will stop).


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LOL! Its a failure. But Bharat Supapowa can never admit that.
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The licensing system for imports, which was introduced on August 3 with the intention of guaranteeing the entry of "trusted hardware and systems" into India, was postponed for three months following opposition from the industry and criticism from Washington.
LOL! India wanted to restrict import of laptops from China, but are rebuffed from the industry and Washington. Wonder why huh? Is it because all the big laptop brands are manufactured in China?

In August 2023, the Indian authorities declared that starting from November 1, 2023, import licenses would be mandatory for electronic goods such as laptops and tablets. However, the enforcement of these limitations had been put on hold by the government and has now been scrapped for a new order.

The reasons behind the government’s decision to impose import restrictions were:
  • Addressing security issues
  • Encouraging local manufacturing
  • Reducing the influx of laptops from China
LOL! Laptops from China are not secure for India? Then buy those that were Made in India then! What? Indian industry cannot make laptops? What about assembling components not from China? Not allowed too? Then no more laptops for India then! LOL!

According to the government’s prior announcement, only those with a valid license would be permitted to import the restricted items. However, certain exceptions were made including for the tasks like R&D, testing, benchmarking, evaluation, repair, re-export, and product development.
Oh, so only those with the special license could import laptops and parts from China? You mean guys like Ambani, or Adani, right? But you have so many exceptions there. Why shouldn't someone use that as loophole? What kinda import restriction is this? It wants to be restrictive, yet its porous with so many loopholes?

Moral of the story is, banning Chinese-made laptops before you can produce your own laptops is never a good idea. Can India develop its own laptop industry? Yes, but not like this. Not with trade protectionism, racism, and stupidity. India needs fair market competition. Which the elites will never allow. India needs a new generation of electronic engineers, but the next generation are being taught more Hindutva than science. So India can continue blaming China, and 10-20 years later, India will still not have its own laptop industry.


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Unfortunately, this showcases new malicious slander from Western media.
When our aquaculture industry had just achieved technological breakthroughs, these media outlets had already begun mobilizing public opinion for the new sanctions bill.
The comment section mentions an unpleasant thing: China's travel agencies are under threat and must choose between Xinjiang tourism routes and international tourism routes.

Even China, with such strong power, cannot prevent Xinjiang from becoming another Gaza. Although there is no need to worry about "humanitarian bombing," the West can build invisible walls to block this area, and in the name of human rights.

Add: This is not a neurotic alarmist statement, as many companies that rely on foreign trade have truly succumbed to the threat of Western market blockades. The government seems to be showing a helpless attitude in this matter, which makes me feel extremely bitter and frustrated.
Xinjiang still performed better economically (growth % wise) than USA lolol

This statement reeks of US shill pretending to be Chinese and trying to create "defeatism". Your sanctions are useless, because they have no basis in international law and hence you've dared to prosecute no one, not even those that present themselves inside the USA. Even many of your domestic US companies do not want to lose Chinese/global access, hence they ignore the government's directives.

Surely these developments do indeed make you feel extremely bitter and frustrated.

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. Trade up whopping 65% due to covid recovery.

We will turn undesirable territories inside China into Mariupol and Gaza only at our own discretion and needs. By now, the need to purge Xinjiang has long passed, but there are other areas which may yet need correction, so hang on tight.


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I don’t know why some people to seem ignore the crux of the underlying issue that is religion over Gaza and Israel. Neither do I understand why there are comparisons between Gaza with Taiwan when there is Russia and Ukraine sitting right across the table.
Tbh if we have to split hairs, Russia has a certain justification for going into Ukraine that US doesn't have for going into China.

The post soviet countries do not have internationally defined sovereign borders. At the end of ww2, all major countries signed treaties recognising the victory of the Allied powers, these are also the basis of China's modern borders. In contrast, Ukraine's ownership of say the Donbass or Crimea is just based on the internal government divisions in the USSR, which aren't internationally defined. As far as purely legal hair splitting goes, any piece of post soviet land can belong to any post soviet regime. Whereas all 23 provinces of China are indisputably China's only, or the 50 states in US are legally speaking all indisputably American owned.


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How do you say 网络不是无法之地 in English?

Even stranger. Their own people are starving because their government is exporting the food for forex?
I thought this was common knowledge. India produces enough food to feed everyone. They choose not to in order to make forex to buy Rafales and small arm ammo.

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India is the 3rd biggest beef exporter in the world and was historically the top beef exporter despite a beef taboo.

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India is forecast to be the third largest beef exporting country in 2022 with exports increasing year over year from 2021 levels. India was the largest global beef exporter from 2014-2016 but slowed and declined to a recent low in 2020 before recovering. Production of bovine meat in India includes beef and meat from water buffalo (carabeef).

When China had a beef taboo, China's beef production was 0. There were no edible cows in the entire country. Beef consumption was forced on China by foreign imperialists.

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After being forcibly opened to international trade in 1843, Shanghai quickly replaced the southern city of Guangzhou as the country’s hub for Chinese-Western commerce. It also became a center for “Western” culinary culture China. In Shanghai’s concession areas, the influx of foreigners led to a
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for beef, milk, cheese, and other foods not traditionally consumed in the region. At the time, there were no farmers in or around Shanghai raising cows specifically for food, only water buffalo for farming. While these animals might be killed when they got too old or sick to work, the resulting beef was deemed inadequate in both quantity and quality by the city’s growing foreign population.


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Tbh if we have to split hairs, Russia has a certain justification for going into Ukraine that US doesn't have for going into China.

The post soviet countries do not have internationally defined sovereign borders. At the end of ww2, all major countries signed treaties recognising the victory of the Allied powers, these are also the basis of China's modern borders. In contrast, Ukraine's ownership of say the Donbass or Crimea is just based on the internal government divisions in the USSR, which aren't internationally defined. As far as purely legal hair splitting goes, any piece of post soviet land can belong to any post soviet regime. Whereas all 23 provinces of China are indisputably China's only, or the 50 states in US are legally speaking all indisputably American owned.
Let's not forget the Native Americans. The treaty that defines the borders is the Treaty of Paris.

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The terms were that the United States would gain all of the area east of the
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, north of present-day
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, and south of present-day
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. The northern boundary would be almost the same as they are today.
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The legal territory is the region bounded by the Great Lakes to the north, the Mississippi River to the west, the Atlantic to the east and Florida as an independent nation to the south.

"50 states" is a modern invention, since Alaska and Hawaii were only granted statehood in the 1950's, within living memory of millions.


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"We are concerned by our trade imbalances, which are rapidly growing. Our massive trade deficit with China cannot be the mere product of a competitive disadvantage between the EU and China. It has to do with persistent market access problems encountered by European firms in China," said Borrell.
this is easy to figure out. Asian brands occupy over 90% of the auto market in Saudi. I would think other large markets in Asia and Mideast in similar situation except for China and Turkey. I dont think much of any other industrials that can balance out.
Europe still have strong competencies in Aviation, Health services, tourism and education/R&D labs. over 29,000 Chinese students in France. it is not like Europe Universities not benefiting.

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